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Friday, October 31, 2003 ; 11:19 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

today has been awesome!!! Went to uni at 9am.. bumped into my bro Johnson on the train so we chatted all the way to uni... then I went to class at 10am... Reasearch tut was pretty boring... nothing special.. apart from getting my assignment back and only getting high pass... that was pretty dissappointoing.. but newayz... social work classes has been pretty screwed this session so I dun really care... -.-"
Left uni at 11am and caught a bus to CQ... my relos are over from HK so I'm taking them on a Sydney Harbour Cruise for lunch... it's where I work so it's cheap! hehe... it was pretty fun... scabbing food everywhere from all decks... haha... and I just talked to all the staff... catching up cos I haven't been working much on there due to assessments... everyone's really nice and cool there.... love that place!!! (better than Esprit!)
Afterwards, mum and I went to Parra, she went shopping and I went to get a haircut... use to have heaps looooong hair, all the way to my waiste... now, it's SHORT!!! well, shoulder length... regretting it already... this hair style now is so hard to manage and I never blow dry so it looks very messy... *sigh* guess I'll just tye it back for a month or so till it grow bk out.. wahaha~~~ hope my boy still loves me.... i know he loved my looong hair... :><: same with mikemike.... will u still be my best friend dude? keke...
Tony msged me today!!! so surprised... he kinda dissappeared for a while... hehe... it's funny how we met... he's 25 man.. so old -.-" but he's SUCH a nice guy... and sweet as too!!! he wrote me a msg saying "Hey cutie! hw u doin? been wel? saw photos of u just on wednes! Stil like that smile! So how's ur guy? Still cruising the harbour? Married yet? hehe talk soon!"... hehe, how cute is that? he always makes me laugh... it's just his attitude to life... so carefree and bubbly... u see gurls like that but rarely boys... and I admire him for that.. =)
Had pizza for dinner and it was SO YUMMY!!!! haven't had pizza for soooo long... had meat lovers with extra topping of pineapple... *yum* so full now... =p
Having a BBQ tmr at my house for my cousins from HK.. Bill's coming too, it's gonna be so kewl!!! I made desert tonight for tmr... hope it turns out gd!!! It's me and my boy's desert... I dun make it for everyone, cos the desert represents how me and my boy got together... =) I'll always remember!!! hehe.. ^^
Online now... I just recently joined friendster and I realise that most of my friends use that instead of ringo so I've been trying to figure it out lately... -.-" Renee and Karen has written me a testimonial... and it's soooo sweeeeeeeeeeeet! Like I said last entry, it's amazing to know how pplz perceive u... like, I never knew Karen saw me as her lil sis... and her entry nearly made me cry! *sob* so happy to have such loving friends... thanQ so much gurlies... =) xoxo
Got a bit of a headache.. but it's fading away... hopefully I'll have a decent conversation with my boy tonight... I miss talking to him late at night...

Thursday, October 30, 2003 ; 11:30 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

been a long day today... have an assignment due tmr which I have not started so I stayed back at uni till 6pm to do it... so tired now~~ missed Neighbours today, dammit!!! Neone know if Steph died? -.-" I dun want her to die!!! Her and Max are sooo cute... *sob* Newayz, went out for lunch today with Hau, Karen, Jeff and Lim out on Anzac Pde at Dong Dong... so yummy... =p Then we all went to class at 2pm... I had community work tut with Hau and the two hour lesson actually went by pretty fast... I like that class, everyne's so nice..~^^ My boy stayed back with me today, how sweeeet of him... thanx babY!!! *mua*
Got home and had dinner and kept doing work... went on my blog and ringo page and saw some msgs from Lawrence... it's funny how some people see you in their life... like, I never knew that Lawrence saw me as big sista!!! who would've known... hehe... it's funny how you could have an impact on someone's life without knowing it... =) It's seet though... Lawrence is a nice guy, even though he could be annoying sometimes... he's SO aussie.. keke... kinda funny to watch... haha!!! ^0^"
Went to bed at 10:45pm... talked to my boy on the phone till abt 11:10pm... then he was tired (AGAIN!) so I let him go to zzzz... I was fully awake and couldn't g to zzz... mebbe it was the excitement of finishing off the assignment on time... haha... so I read a lil and talked on the phone wth a friend for a while... and the finally drifted of at abt 12am....~~~~

Wednesday, October 29, 2003 ; 12:00 PMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

my gosh... SO much work to do... have two assignment to hand in tmr.. and I've finally finished!!! So relieved... now I have to do Friday's one which is like a MAJOR work... I hate that subject... so full of *&@#!?@~~~ hehe...
newayz.... got to uni at 8:30am with my boy... didn't have class till 9am so we went to the Mathews student lounge to zzz~~~ hehe... it was sooo gd.. i slept on his lap and he was hugging me so it was really warm and comfy... didn't wanna go to class!!! Went to my community work lecture and we had this guy for a guest speaker.. man he was HOT!! But unfortunately he was married... hehe... met up with Hau a couple of times to do our hand in for our presentation... surprisingly we got most of it done... yay!!! My boy stayed back with me at uni till 4pm and then we caught the train home together... I got home and had dinner and got to work straight away.. how gd am I?!?!?! haha... I didn't even watch Simpsons!!! so tragic... -.-"
Went to bed at abt 11pm... so that's preeeeeetty gd gd.. talked to my boy for abt half an hour on the phone and we went to zzz~~~ sooo tired... getting bags under my eyes... look like a PANDA!!! =) luckily, I decided tonight to sleep in tmr and not go to my 9am lecture... haha!!!

Monday, October 27, 2003 ; 11:00 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

been a preeeeetty big day today.... got to uni at 9am even though I dun have any classes today... just thought I'd go bk to do some work and just so I could see my boy as well... hehe... see what a gd gf I am?!?!?! hoho~~~ newayz... nothing much happened at uni.... afterwards we went to Market City to buy Milk Tea... they're really nice! The ones from Blue Ice!!! MANGO'S THE BEST!!!! hehe... on the way there was this BIG sale at the main area.... and guess what?! My boy bought me a really BIG piggy (McDull) for me... it was $29...! so gd gd.... and it's sooooooooo cute!!! I hugged it all the way bk home... =)

Got home at abt 4pm... everyone was there... my grandma, cousin, aunty & uncle.... all just watching TV... and later on that night we went to Carlo for dinner... yummy!!! Mum told me we're gonna have a BBQ on Saturday night and she told me to invite Bill... how sweeeeeeeet is that? My boy is part of the "family" now heh?! hehe.... pretty nice of my parents I thought...~~~

Got home at 8:30pm and was home just in time to see Paulini get vited off Australian Idol.... how screwed is THAT?!?!?! I love her... how did that happen?! ggggggggrrrr..... the show is sooooo screwed if Cosima or Shannon wins... I'll be SO pissed!!! I mean... come on.... Shannon's voice is so whiney... and all the fame and publicity has just gone to Cosima's head... so, pleeeeeeeeeease pplz, vote for GUY!!!! Even though he's not cute... he's the better one outta the three man... -.-" although I'd hate to admit it... he DOES have talent... =)

Newayz... just bummed the whole night... should do some work but just plain tooooo lazy... had a really BIG piece of cheesecake tonight.... so YUMMY!!! but feel so bloated now... *burp*... hehe... excuse me!!! ^o^

Went to bed at 11:30pm.... my boy and I talked on the phone till 12am i think.... I was so tired.... fell asleep straight away!!!!!!! zzzzzzzzzzzzzz~~~

Sunday, October 26, 2003 ; 10:47 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

i'm sooooooo bored... where are my chat buddies?! hehe... here i sit, broken hearted... tried to think, but only farted.. *oops* hehe... nah, just kiddin... =^.^=

hm... what did I do today... -.-" well, worked at Esprit... my supervisor was late today... so scared that she didn't know it was daylight saving... then I'd have to wait an hour!!! hehe... luckily she showed up... *whew* it was very busy at work... had SO much to do...!!! All the merchandising, visual, cleaning... too much! But it was kinda gd cos the day went by faster.... retail's so boring... just stand there all day and say "hello! do u need some help?".. and u have to smile and act happy everytime.. *yuck*... hehe... Rob was working today... so that added a lil sunshine into my day.. he's so funny... always making fun of nething he can... such a LOSER!!!

so excited.. my grandma and my cousin is coming over from HK... wooohoooo!!! pressies for SANDY!!! keke... but they just had to choose now... have so much uni work to do... erk..~

Went to Parra for dinner tonight... saw the cute guy that works there... again!! I'm always hoping to bumo into him... gosh, he's SO kkkkyyooooooooooooooote!!! and i think he has sth for me too... keke... always catch him perving at me... hoho~~~ =p

So now I'm home... while my parents have gone to the airport... bored as... nothing happening... talking to my boy... who's just as bored.. and trying to do his assignment... asked him what time he was gonna zzz... looks like he's gonna have a late one AGAIN! who cares.... i'm gonna zzzz when I wanna sleep.... so much for wanting to talk to him... *burp*

Talking to my gurl Marcia now... reporting back on what happened Friday night... it was Bill's friend's 21st.. he went out with them along with Marcia... I chose not to go cos I had work to do and didn't really know his friends so I didn't bother.... Marcia said she'll keep an eye on him for me... keke... thanx gurlie!!! =) so now I'm just listening to all the goss... and atm it doesn't sound toooooooo good!!! looks like a fight's gonna start..... lalalalalalalalala~~~ *POW!*


Saturday, October 25, 2003 ; 1:35 PMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

Hi guys!!! My new diary... how kewl is this?! My old one keeps stuffing up.. :><: So sad... I really liked that diary cos it has all my feelings and thoughts of the day there... I hope it gets up and running agian soon... but atm, I'll be learning how to use this! =)

so..... today's been pretty draggy... went to work at Captain Cook Cruises... it was busy as... soooo tired... caught my normal train home, only to find that it was delayed 25mins!!! bugger~ finally got home and it starts pouring with stooopid rain.. :><: ggggrrr...

Mike called me today just before dinner... so HAPPY!!!! we haven't talked for sooo long.. for those that dunno, he's like one of my bestest riends... and an ex... keke... but that's all in the past... you know how some pplz u just know you're better off friends with? yeh... he's one of them... we had a nice talk... I feel so special now ^.^ hee... hee...

Went online and got on msn... talked to Mo and Ben and a couple of pplz... thanQ so much for keeping me company tonight... I was so bored!!! hehe....

Went to bed at abt 10:45pm... talked to my boy on the phone for a bit... he was tired so he zzzz~~~ *sigh* haven't had a nice late night conversation with him for sooo long... how sad... :><:... he's always either doing his assignments or zzz~~ i just dun undertsand... how can he stay up all night watching sport or doing his assignment... but when it comes to talking to me on the phone he wants to bloody zzz?!?!?! fark.... so pissed... ggggggggggggggggrrrrrrrrrrrr.......... =p

I miss u guys heaps <3


...Leaving Home...


...Port Stephens...

...Stephy's Bday...

...Rock Climbing...

...Bike Riding...

...Social Work & School Frenz...

...Helpline & Captain Cook...

...Australia Day 08...

...Bicentennial Park...

...Wendy's GraduatioN...

...JapaN & HK TriP...

...Sandy's GraduatioN...

...The EntrancE...

...Xmas Shift...



...BunnY Suicides...



...My BillY BabY...

...Lil Bro~LawrencE...

...SmellY LiLy...



x October 2003
x November 2003
x December 2003
x January 2004
x February 2004
x March 2004
x April 2004
x May 2004
x June 2004
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x August 2004
x September 2004
x October 2004
x November 2004
x December 2004
x January 2005
x February 2005
x March 2005
x April 2005
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x July 2005
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x October 2005
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x April 2008
x May 2008
x June 2008
x July 2008
x September 2008

A lot of treasured moments <3