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Sunday, November 30, 2003 ; 12:36 PMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

been a loooong day... worked AGAIN at Esprit from 9:30am till 4:15pm... got freaked out cos there were four pplz starting at 9:30am and no one showed up till like 9:45am... I didn't know what to do! hehe.... well, work was okies... lotsa cute babies came in today... and on my break I bumped into Mrs Ford, my high school business teacher! She's so nice... we talked a bit then I went to get some food... haha.... then in the arvo Betty and her sis came in the store... and then Michelle came in too...! so exciting.... it was so boring today it was gd to see some familiar faces =)
newayz.... went home and just bummed... was so excited that I was finally off and have tomorrow and Tuesday off... WOOHOO!!!! got ready for vball and went to Ellerman for our 6:30pm game... the game itself was okies.... we lost but that was cos we had a crappy substitutes.. not our original team.. *sigh* so sad....
Talked to my boy a bit today... miss him so much... haven't seen him since last Wednesday.... *sob* miss u babieeeeee....~
Lawrence is going to HK today... hope u have a safe trip lil bro.... bring me bk lotsa pressies yeh? hehe....

Friday, November 28, 2003 ; 11:15 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

soooooooooo dead... 0.0" worked all day yesterday... was at CCC from 11:45am till 5pm... then was at Esprit from 6:15pm till 9:15pm.... got home at 10pm and just fell dead on the sofa... was even too tired to have dinner... and this morning I had to get up at 6:15am cos I had an 8:30am start at Esprit... ARGH!!! so tired... and had the worsest dream... ><
Newayz... got to penno and bumped into Susan and Jacky Y. who's going into uni for their last exam... then I got to epping and hopped off and caught the bus to Macquarie Centre and I bumped into Yunnie!!! nearly didn't recognise her.... hehe.. haven't seen her for like three years... =) she called me when I got off the bus... I was so surprised... talked for like 2mins... found out she works at Angus & Coote... such a small world... first Lawrence.. now Yunnie... some people your just stuck with no matter where u go... haha!!!!
so I went into work... pretty busy for a weekday... made budget easily... nice and smooth day... lots to do but that's gd as it makes time go faster... finished at 5:45pm... legs aching and hopped on the bus and eventually got home... somehow... -.-"
miss my boy... won't see him till Tuesday... didn't even see him yesterday... *sob* so sad....~~~ he's got his last exam on Monday so he's gotta cram... meanwhile I haven't stopped working since I've finished exams... *sigh* life...~~~ hopefully we'll meet up Tuesday.... and on Friday we're going to Wonderland with uni friends!!! Hope it doesn't rain.... fingers crossed! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Wednesday, November 26, 2003 ; 11:33 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

FINISHED EXAMS!!!!!!! yay~~~ such a gd feeling... muhahahaha~!!! not rubbing it in but good luck to all those that's still got exams... =) add oil! ganbatte! >.^
did my exam at the racecourse... my boy came with me and waited for me aftewards... so sweeeeeeeeeet. drove home.. bummed at his place for a while and then went home... and I just watched TV and had dinner... so carefree now... no studying... but gotta work like the next four days... :><: oh wellz... at least I finished exams... woohoo~~~!!!!!!!!! =)

Sunday, November 23, 2003 ; 11:02 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

so tired.... didn't sleep till late last night... or should I say this morning... just couldn't get over the excitement of the rugby... it was the BEST game ever man..~!!! even though we lost... DAMN!!!!
newayz... went in to work at 9:30am... finished at 4:15pm... BUSY day.. I'm now fully trained to be a supervisor and Lyndall, our 2IC (2nd in charge), let me close off today... it was so exciting... and I've finally got a password... just gotta call IT to get it... hehe.... feel special now... =) I'm starting to like Esprit more and more.... had a really frustrating day at Captain Cook last Saturday, dun wanna go bk now... >< *sigh*
newayz... my boy came over to my place at 5:30pm... then we went to vball at Ellerman to play a game at 6:30pm.... bloody lost... my whole body's aching... pissed as... MikeMike called.... talked for 15mins... so nice talking to him... just catching up... the afterwards my hun and I went to KFC for dinner... so exciting... love KFC cos of their coleslaw... hehe... but my boy was kinda out of it... mood swing again... god knows what he's thinking... gave him a coupon... even gave him money to buy the food... then we sat down and ate... he didn't say a word... I asked him what's wrong, he said nothing... then we started debating about pressure at work and at uni... then he ate ALL the coleslaw.... usually he'd ask me if I wanted any... or even feed me some... no offer.. he just gobbled it all down... man I was sad.... then I jokingly.. well, kinda... accused him.... and he just went "oh, so u wanna eat everything now? should I leave everything for u to eat?"... i was like WOAH attitude man.... what's up his tonight? far out.... the whole dinner conversation was just rebutting each other and HIM trying to friggin start a fight... and all I wanted to do was have a nice dinner cos we haven't had dinner with each other for yonks... even though it was at KFC... for god's sake... sometimes I dunno why I even bother...
got home... got straight outta his car and went in the house... pissed as with his attitude tonight... found out I left my MP3 player in his car... called him but it kep on going to his call minder... so I just msged him... talked after I took a shower... he said sorry... sorry for eating my coleslaw... I was like, what the hell?! if he said sorry for him being so mean tonight... yeh, okies... but for eating my coleslaw?! like hello?!?!?!?!?! yes, I love my food... but not that much to start a fight over... I was pissed abt his attitude tonight and he didn't even pick that up... swear man.. sometimes he can be so thick and not understand me at all... or just mebbe gurls in general....
just trying to find someone to talk to now.... Emmy's online so chatting to her... telling her how pissed I am... then she goes "but u will forgive him anyway"... and I'm like..."yeh..." and she goes "u always do... you're always soft hearted".... man, u gotta love that gurl.... she understands me soooooooooooo well... such an angel.. =) *sigh* feel so much better now... after typing it all out and talking to pplz... whew...~~~
need a gd nights sleep tonight... cos it's full on studying tmr... (well, that's the plan!)...

Thursday, November 20, 2003 ; 10:45 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

Trying to watch the Rugby and write my blog at once here... not very successful.. think NZ gonna win... yay! Felt sowwie for them afetr losing to the Wallabies... keke... dunno why... suddenly turning into a Rugby gurl since the World Cup... even though I dunno what they're doing half the time.. =)
Newayz... found out my lil bro Lawrence has signed my GB.. thanx sooo much!!! seems like no one reads my blog except my boy.. now I know I'm loved.. *sob*... and BTW!!!! I do update my blog... see?! I write one at least every two days... =) and I put pics up as well!!! have u seen them? there's a link on the rights hand side bar... so i DO update... -.-" ggggggggrrrrrr~~~ Also, got emails from Wendy and Lim... some messages on ringo and friendster.... so exciting...!!! love it when I get email notifications from ringo, friendster or my GB...~^^
Just talking to Ian... and he said Lawrence might be coming to our game this Sunday... hm..... pretty critical time man... you better play GOOD!!!! we're coming first at the moment... don't ruin that for us... =) I'll kill ya man~!!!! hehe.... nah... u know I love ya... *cough*
so... what happened today.... went to work at CCC.... boiling hot... so humid.. luckily the boat's nicely air conditioned... finished at 5pm.. got off and was hoping my boy's there to pick me up as he said he would... waited for 15mins and he calls and tells me to go meet him at Wynyard... I was like what the hell?! he says he's gonna pick me up.. but it end up being I have to wait for him to pick me up.. and then I gotta go somewhere else to wait for him to pick me up... pretty bizzarre... so wasn't happy at all....
Got home... had dinner while watching Oliver's twist.. man... that guy's crazy... so messy... newayz.. then started watching the Rugby... nothing interesting... can't wait till Saturday's game!!! WOOOOHHHOOOOOOOO~~~~ go the Wallabies.. =)

Wednesday, November 19, 2003 ; 12:15 PMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

BIG day today... had to go ALL the way to friggin Penrith to do this little visit at Baranrdos for my placement next year... and man it was WHOOP WHOOP~~~ I took two express trains... a bus.. walked 10 mins... and in total it took me two hours...~!!!!! even worse than going to uni man... :><: I dunno how I'm gonna survive next year... *sob* Luckily, I didn't get lost today... thanks to my boy.. who came with me today!!! isn't he sweet...?! luckily the visit only took half an hour... cos he was just roaming around the "shops" (which is even smaller than Cherrybrook Village)... and looked like he was gonna rob them or sth... keke... funny as... but I'm SOOOOOOOOOOO thankful that he came with me today otherwise I would've bn soooooooooo lost..~ no sense of direction at all... thanks so much baby... greatly appreciated!!!! u have no idea how much I love u for that... *mua*
So newayz.. after the visit we went to Parra for lunch... had yummy viet noodles... haven't had that in yonks!!! then we shopped around in Westfield... and then went to Maccas for ice cream.. and then we caught the bus back to Eastwood at 4pm where I caught the train bk to Penno and he caught the bus bk home.... it was a lovely day... blue skies... boiling hot... spent the whole day with my boy... haven't had that for ages...!
Got to Penno then went shopping at Towers with mum.... got bk home just in time to watch Australian Idol... THANK GOD guy won.... I would've killed myself if Shannon won.. -.-" luckily my votes didn't get wasted... hehe...
Went to bed... had a lil phone conversation with my boy... that didn't turn out too gd... so we went to zzzz on bad terms.. but as usual... we'll just sleep on it and it'll hopefully be all sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeet in the morning... =)

Sunday, November 16, 2003 ; 12:00 PMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

Worked at Esprit today... had a great shift.... Simon was supervising so it was bludgy... he taught me all these things around the store.. training me to be a supervisor.. how exciting!!! It was just me and him in the morning... then Shaminie came in... Rob was suppose to work but he didn't show up.. gave him a call and didn't pick up.. (how typical..)... it was busy at times.. but quiet at times... so weird... we all just talked... haven't seen Shaminie for yonks so was just catching up with her... then she started telling me how Sally (our store manager) is making me supervisor and how she's always talking about me... blah blah blah...~~~ I was like... REALLY?!?!?! I always thought Sally didn't like me that much... keke... Newayz... bludged my way through the day... went home.... had dinner while watching Australian Idol... then went upstairs to watch the Rugby... started switching channels between the Rugby and "The Wedding Planner"... bored as.... -.-" Finally, England won... 24 to 7 against France.... wohoo~!!! how exciting.... can't wait till the finals!!!!! Finished watching the movie after that... and went to sleep....

Thursday, November 13, 2003 ; 11:38 PMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

Went to uni with my boy.. he had an exam at 8:45am... bumped into Johnson on the train this morning... looked so dead... hehe... Got to uni.... Bill went to do his exam.. I just bummed around uni... wanted my assignments back but not one was marked yet... ggggrrr...~~~ went to the computer labs... Wendy sent me an email about end of year celebrations... how exciting... hope I can make it =) And got a forward from Hau (the cow!) about Kylie's bday party... how kewl is that?! woohoo~~~ read my lil bro Lawrence's blog... found out he went for a job at Subway at Macquarie.. how cool, if he gets it I'll be seeing him all holz... (*cough*) for those that dunno, I work at Esprit....
Talking about Esprit... it's so weird.. I've been thinking about Esprit heaps these days.... cos last Sunday, I was taught how to open and close the store and their comps and stuff... they want me to supervise on some days during the holz.. and I was like.. WOAH! I was stoked.... but it's such a BIG responsibility... they taught me a whole heap of stuff last time and I had no idea... hehe... I'm scared of my capability... (if u know what I mean)... mebbe I'm just a born follower, not a leader.... but the thought of being a supervisor is just so powerful... haha!!! And I think if I put my mind on it I can do it.. =) It's about time I got some recognition for my work... at Captain Cook it took me ages to go from Buffet lunch to A La Carte... whew~
Met up with my boy at 12pm, went to the city for lunch... then he took me to MANLY!!!! how sweeeeeeeeeeeeeet~~~ I love going to Manly... and today's such a nice day to go as well... hehe... we caught the ferry from CQ... took some funny pics again... hehe... got to the beach and watched people play beach vball... (man they were crap -.-")... my boy's SO funny... we were on the ferry and he points outside and goes "New Zealand's there...".. and at Manly when we were walking towards the water he goes "Chile's out there!"... hm..... weirdo...~~ haha!!! mebbe he's right... but..... who the hell starts talking geography when we're on a romantic trip? oh wellz.... it's always his stupid comments that makes me laugh... =)
Today's been a GREAT day.. haven't done sth special for ages.... and I got my boy to thank for that... LOVE YOU BABY~ xoxo

Wednesday, November 12, 2003 ; 12:00 PMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

It's so weird... woke up and had this huge ass pimple on my chin... WTF?! hehe... Felt horrible this morning... didn't zzz too well... skin feels bad, bones aching, eyes are puffy... *sigh*
Caught the train to Central then bused to uni... did a lot of thinking in that time... I use to not understand how long term relationships could ever end... now I do... when you spend a loooong time with one person, you get to know them well... and you just keep discovering different qualities in them every single day... sometimes they're bad... sometimes they're good... and I guess you just reach a point where you just know the person too well, you finally discover that they're not the one... and through that, you start building up an image of what you REALLY want... I think I'm going through that process now... and reaching that point... it just gets SO frustrating sometimes... because I know what I want.. and he's not ALL that I want.. so what do I do..? keep trying..? hm...................................
Had an assignment due at 4pm today... Went to uni by myself to start it (yes... START...)... sat in front of the comp from 9am till 2pm... what a record~~~ Jeffrey joined me at 1pm... seems like we're the only ones that's gonna hand it in today... =) hehe... talked to my boy on ICQ... he was at home "studying"... but he said he's gonna come out to Martin Pl to buy a formula book for his exam... so I quickly finished my 2000 work essay... and I stalked him at Wynyard station at 3pm... keke... it was so funny.. I hid between these poles and he didn't see me.. and he was walking really fast.. I was running so fast to catch up with him... I didn't wanna call him, I wanted to sneak up behind him.. >.^" so much for sneaking behind him, I had to run and grab his hand at the escalators... and he shook my hand off... so funny.. he thought I was some psycho tryin to get on to him... cos he didn't know I was gonna meet up with him!!!!! so funny.... ^o^" So we got the book... then we bought Maccas... (I haven't even had lunch yet at that point..)... made the train... kept munching on the train... talking..... more munching... hehe... (he kept eating my fries... so mean.. I was hungry as!!!)... I think this is the first time in a year that we didn't sleep on the train but talked... haha~~~~
Got home.... lazed around... watched TV... Watched Jamie Oliver.. and his daughter Poppy was on it (what kidna name is that?!)!!! She's sooo cute...~~~
Newayz... me and my boy talked all night on the phone for AGES tonight.... so happy.... talked heaps abt nothing and everything... =) Now I feel totally different from what I was feeling this morning.... I love my boy more than ever now!!! Well, what can I say... Geminis~!!!!! =)

Tuesday, November 11, 2003 ; 12:45 PMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

Went to uni today with my boy.... I did my assignments and he studied for his exam on Friday... Went to Penno this morning and bumped into Michael... talked for a while then I had to run up to the first carriage... luckily, my boy did make it on time at Epping today... we did some work, then we had lunch with Karen and Tina.... then we went back to the labs and did more work... didn't feel too good.. had a lil tummy ache... so I slept a bit on the table... left uni at 3:30pm... went to City to buy milk tea.. (YUMMY!!!) then we caught the train home... it was funny on the train... I kept tickling him and he couldn't stop laughing... haha!!!! And then we started taking silly pictures with my phone... (they'll be up soon on the net)... couldn't stop laughing... so funny~~~~
Bumped into Tzi when I got to penno and my boy left... haven't seen him for so long... =)
Got home, was in a really good mood... watched some TV.... didn't do much work... Talked to my boy on the phone for a while... Had a yummy dinner... watched Simpsons.... did some reading... re wrote my notes from my Esprit training... (I'm going to be promoted to a Free-standing Store supervisor!!! no more GBs... yay!)
Got to bed at abt 10:30pm... called my boy... told me to give him 15mins... so I waited... had a really bad back ache... but I was excited cos my boy said he'll talk to me on the phone tonight for at least an hour... (WHOOPY!!).. so I was eager to stay awake... finally, we got settled and started talking... then I chucked a spaz at him for not listening to me... then he said he's gonna go to bed... then I chucked another spaz at him for not keeping his word... then we fell silent... then I sent a msg to him... and hanged up....~~~~ END OF STORY!!!!

Saturday, November 08, 2003 ; 10:12 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

been depressed all day... what shoud I do...? wanted to talk to my boy on the phone last night cos I didn't have to get up early this morning... but, of course, he was tired... so we hanged up at 11:30pm... :><: so sad...~~~ but who can I talk to...? *sigh* who will ever understand us gurls? =( feel like he doesn't care nemore... everytime I bring up the topic he has no reaction at all.... and he doesn't even care abt our BB now.. (neopet... our baby online)... ~~
newayz... had a couple of nightmares last night... got woken up by my boy at 9am... went bk to zzz then got up at 9:30am... went to work at CCC today.... talked to Naome for a while abt my worries... feel so much mroe better now... worked at top deck lunch today... got heaps of tips..!!! =) so happy... had heaps nice customers today...
talked to my boy for a while... told me he's not gonna meet up with me Monday nemore.... (last wk he said he'll find me cos it was a "special day")... instead he'll come out Tuesday or some shyte.. man... whatever... always changes his decision and expect me to fit my life around him... ggggggggrrrrrrrrrrr~~~ I miss those days when we first started dating... we'd go out a whole day... doing anything... go watch the city nights at night... *sigh*... haven't done sth romantic for ages...
got home... slept for a while cos I felt a bit sick... woke up fpr dinner.... watched a bit of TV... hopefully will be zzz soon cos that seems like the only thing I could do these days... ?_?"

Friday, November 07, 2003 ; 10:40 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

Pretty interesting morning today... got to uni at 9am... and just went online and did nothing... found out Wendy wrote me a story on Ringo... and Karen wrote me a testimonial on Friendster... thanx guys!!! Thanx for telling the truth~~ (HAHAHAHA!!!) bumped into Tina, Hau, Karen and Jeff... all working on their Research presentation and Ab self reflection... Hau lent me her Stitch PS game and the movie.. yay!!! thanx dude... I love Stitch from the movie Lilo & Stitch.. keke... so they went to class, I was with Karen, both on comps... then Patrick Tsang (NO, not related to me at all!!!) popped outta no where and said hi and came over to talk to me... (hm, dun really know him.. but newayz..~~~)... went to my Research tut at 10am... did my presentation with Wendy, Selina, Raph and Steven... all went well... got our participation mark for the session.. and I got 17.5 outta 20!!! pretty gd yeh...? hehe... YAY!!! After class we all handed in our assignment at the ARRC... then went to B place to eat... Raph picked up $10 off the floor and started buying everyone drinks.. so funny...~~~~
Met up with my boy... surfed the net then went to Maccas for lunch... *yum*.. i think the highlight of uni all year has been going to maccas with my boy... =) newayz... then we caught the bus to central and went to Capitol to take some fotos... then we went to Market City to buy milk tea... and then we caught the express train to Hornsby... slept on my boy's shoulders the whole way... so comfy... *oink oink*...~ ^oo^ Went shopping at Westfield... bumped into Irene, Aerial and Simon... sat down for half an hour.. just talking about our future and what's gonna happen next year... pretty scary thinking abt it... caught the train bk to Penno at 4:45pm... got all emotional as I thought abt my boy graduating next year... I'll be a nigel at uni... I spend most of my time at uni with Bill.. when he's gone I wouldn't know what to do... No one to keep me company on the train to uni and back home... no one for me to lean on for a nap... no one to go to Maccas with me.. no one to buy me lollies and chocolates... no one to drag me to my classes and force me to do my work... no one to have lunch with me.. no one for me to cuddle when I need one... no one to gimme support when I have to do a presentation... no one for me to let out all my anger when I've just had a bad class... no one for me to talk to... no one to play vball with me and wait for me to take me home late at night... I seriously dunno what's gonna happen during these holz and what's gonna happen next year... but I just dun want nething to change EVER.. I wanna have my boy by my side physically at least 5 days/wk... but I know that's impossible for next year... I won't be spending anywhere NEAR as much time as I have spent with him in the past year and a half... and it's so depressing thinking abt it... (man... i'm crying right now.... so sad.. *sob*).. :><: I dunno what to do... and I dunno what I can do... I hate this SO much.... From now on, I dunno when I'm going to see my baby... I wish I could spend every second of my life with him, but I know that's impossible... I miss him so much already... I just know, next year, when I'm at uni or on the train by myself, I'd always be thinking abt all the gd times we've had during our uni days... it's so sad to see all those things not happening again....
Newayz.... just to cheer me up.... watched heaps of TV... didn't eat much at dinner... sulked for a while in my room with my dolls... and now I'm online... telling the whole world how depressed I am... *sigh* sad...~~~

Thursday, November 06, 2003 ; 12:00 PMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

Came to uni at 9am today although I'm not going to any of my classes, just gotta do my 1500word essay for tmr!!!... bumped into Fiona again... she was sitting and smoking at CLB... so I sat and talked to her for bit... then went to the comp labs... Found out Teddy wrote me a story on ringo..!!! how sweeet... even though he wrote a dodgy one... keke... it's sweet though... thanx mate!!!! =) I miss u... hope everyhing's cool for ya...~ Read Lawrence's blog.. and he gave me a mention... keke... feel special now... wahahaha~~~ my lil bro love me yeh? keke... it's amazing... when I first knew Lawrence he annoyed the hell outta me and I'd just stay away from him... everytime he opened his mouth I just wanted to go "shut up Lawrence"... but now, after so many years of not seeing him or hearing abt him.. and meeting up again.... I find myself quite enjoying his company... it's so weird... I guess it's his personality, so aussie... always makes me laugh... so outgoing... love pplz like that... =)
My baby came to uni today at abt 10:30am.... he studied I kept on doing my essay... he's such a sweeeeety, he brought me a jacket for me to wear today cos he knew I wouldn't of worn sth warm... cos I saw the weather report yesterday and it said 30 degrees!!! hehe... isn't he nice..?! hehe... *MMMWWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH*
Newayz... went to ct and sang K for an hour... caught the train home and slept all the way home on my boy's lap... so comfy~~ =) Got home... ate... did my assignment, printed it.... slept... ate again... hehe... nothing much happened... zzzz~~~

Wednesday, November 05, 2003 ; 11:45 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

didn't wanna get up this morning... so tired man..~~ but had to get to uni so I moved my ass and got ready... met my baby on the train... went to the community lecture... everyone was talking abt next yr's placement. I got my letter on tuesday, I'm going to Penrith!!! ARGH!!!! At Barnardos... just my like... but it's a gd organisation I guess.... I hope I'll be working with nice pplz... it's gonna be a 5 month non paid slave labour placement man... aiyaya...~~~ so yeh, that's all everyone taled abt today at socail work classes....
Had a tute today and the topic was violence.. and we were talking about sexual abuse abnd domestic violence stuff... so scary~~~ just the things you hear... and as a social worker we'll be wokring with those kinda pplz... puts me off a bit but I guess someone has to do it... I bumped into Ross at work last time and she was asking me how's uni and the placement and stuff.. and she goes "oh, Baranardos? that's such an awful place to work... but someone has to do it and I'm glad it's you... thank you sandy..".... man, that realy hit me hard... I didn't know what an impact social work can be on someone's life... but i think now i know... =) it's just nice to see your work appreciated...
Saw Fiona at uni today... she's always bumming at UNSW although she doesn't even study there... (her sisa does)... i reckon she just goes to perve on the azn guys... haha!!!!!! but yeh... sat down and talked to her for abt half an hr.... it's nice seeing her again.. haven't seen her for nearly two years man...!!! She use to be my vball buddy... =) the good old high school days...
newayz.. after uni me and my boy went to find his stats textbk.. then we went to Greenbox and sang K for abt an hour... Mikemike called me... so nice to hear his voice.... he's always busy... i miss him so much... haven't seen him since we went to the snow in july man!!!! :><: feel like I'm losing this best friend sometimes... oh wellz, he has work, I got uni.. we both have other halves...
Didn't do much at home... just ate... watched TV... ate more... hehe... talked to my boy on the phone for a while... sulked a bit... hehe... newayz... all is sweeeeeeeeet.... xoxo

Monday, November 03, 2003 ; 11:00 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

looooooooooong day today.... so shitty as well... everything today seems to gimme the poops today.. >< is it PMS?!?!?! *sigh* the day started out with me bumping into my bro Johnson, Amy, Susan and some friend's from Cherry HS... (that w asn't the bad part, that's the gd part!).. was talking to Johnson and told him how I had to walk up to the first carriage cos my boy's coming on at Epping... (supposedly)... and he said he'll stay in the middle... I said (jokingly) "mebbe I should as well since he's always late on Mondays and I always end up getting off at Epping to wait for him newayz".. of course I didn't... and I RAN to the front as the train was pulling up.. luckily I made it, and then conveniently my phone rings and guess what?! my boy said he won't make it and said we'll catch the next one... surprise surprise...~~~ -.-" got pretty pissed... having to ditch my friends and run to the front... aiyaya... so me and my boy eventually met up at epping.. and we caught the train... wasn't happy.... then he went to class at 10am... at 12pm we were suppose to meet up at the "tree"... think he got let out early cos he called me at 11:30am... but I didn't know.. didn't see the miss call till 11:55am... I was waiting at the tree... wiating waiting... windy.. freezing cold... tick tick tick...~* he finally showed up at 12:10pm... like hello?!?!?! I asked him where he went and he said to the comp labs... and he bumped into some gurl... like, if he was let out late, okies, fine... but for god's sake he was at the comp labs surfing the net!!!!! Couldn't he like come down early... or even ON TIME to meet up with me?! I was there by 11:50am cos I thought mebbe he'd be let out late and I didn't want him standing in the cold... and what happens?! I end up in the cold... man... Late two times in one day... what's wrong with him?! He has no time commitment at ALL I tell ya... ggggggrrrrrrrrrrrr~ I just dun get it... and I've always wanted a bf who's on time.... is it THAT hard?! god knows how many times he's been late in the time we've bn together.... I've bn late myself, but not as regular as him and I have gd reasons... whereas he's always late cos he always doesn't leave till the last minute...! He doesn't care abt me at all and always thinks it's better for me to wait for him than for him to wait for me... >< FARK THAT!!!! man... dunno how long I can take this shyte for.... help someone?!
Newayz... nothing much happend... went out with my family and relos (who's leaving tmrz).. shopped a bit... had dinner... got home... pissy as ever.... talked on the phone with my boy for a while... got even pissier cos he sounded like nothing was wrong.. and he was right all a long... man.... boys....~~~~ :><:
Sometimes I feel things are just not meant to be... how much is enough...? what's worthy and what's not... i dunno.... Muki ended her nearly two yrs relationship with Mark abt a week ago... cos she lost the feeling... -.-" can that really happen?! or is it just an excuse to move on to better things? I always thought when u find the one you could spend forever with them... but things never turn out the way u want them to... I dunno why.... mebbe I just dunno how to keep a guy... or have I just not met the one yet?!

Saturday, November 01, 2003 ; 12:15 PMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

didn't work today cos I had to help mum with the family BBQ stuff today... at least I got to sleep in!!! Haven't done that for a while... always getting up for work and uni, not today!!! haha~~ woke up at 10am... watched Rage, man, I love that "Someday - Nickelback" MTV, it's sooo gd.. I nearly cried.. hehe... but I guess u have to get the story in order to feel the song... hehe...
Went out for lunch then came straight bk home... everyone started arriving at 3pm... my baby came at 3:45pm... carrying boxes of Passionflower ice cream for my family!!! hehe... such a gd boy... *yum* love lychee... wahaha~~~ he's so SWEET!!! and my family absolutely adores him... -.-" keke... newayz, just to cut it short, the BBQ was okies, nothing major happened... except for my Tiramisu cake that everyone loved and finished... so happy.. =) most pplz left at 11pm when the Rugby finished... OMG!!! Australia won.. such a close game.. *whew*


I miss u guys heaps <3


...Leaving Home...


...Port Stephens...

...Stephy's Bday...

...Rock Climbing...

...Bike Riding...

...Social Work & School Frenz...

...Helpline & Captain Cook...

...Australia Day 08...

...Bicentennial Park...

...Wendy's GraduatioN...

...JapaN & HK TriP...

...Sandy's GraduatioN...

...The EntrancE...

...Xmas Shift...



...BunnY Suicides...



...My BillY BabY...

...Lil Bro~LawrencE...

...SmellY LiLy...



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x November 2003
x December 2003
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A lot of treasured moments <3