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Tuesday, December 30, 2003 ; 10:31 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

uploaded more pics.....

went shopping at Bondi and the city yesterday with my boy... he's such a gd bf.. always takes me shopping... =) bought heaps and spent lotsa $$$ by the end of the day... then we even went for ice cream waffles at Cafe21 before we left.. so YUMMY!!!

Worked @ Esprit this morning... boring as... I swear, no one goes shopping at Macquarie... they just food shop... gggrrr... so stoooopid... dead as today... luckily I finished at 2:45pm.. went shopping after that... had to go to Sportsgirl and buy those pants I saw yesterday.. they just didn't have my size at the ct... hehe... they're so kewl... then my boy and I went to Carlo to find some stuff... but was unsuccessful...

can't wait till tmrz... gonna be so fun... even though I still dunno what's happening... -.-" but I hope everyone has a great night... and I wish everyone a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

Sunday, December 28, 2003 ; 11:11 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

been so busy... got my first day off in two weeks tomorrow... YAY!!! can't wait... going to Bondi and city tmrz.. shopping with my boy... keke... I love mu boy for that.. he doesn't mind shopping with moi.. hoho~~~

newayz.. hope everyone had a great XMAS... and that Santa brought u guys lotsa pressies... I spent the day working at CCC and then had dinner and bummed with Bill's family... then worked again boxing day and witnessed the start of the Sydney to Hobart yacht race... not that exciting... then yesterday I went to yum cha and shopping with Bill's family.. and then went babysitting at night from 6:30pm till 1:30am... man I was buggered...~ And today I had an 8:30am start at Esprit... crazy man... but I made it.. and still awake now.. =)

Glad things have made a good turn now... life's back on track and full of surprises as always...

Shoutouts to Lawrence my lil bro who's in HK/Malaysia... dun party too hard... come bk soon... healthy and safe..~^^
To Karolyn who's off travelling.... I'll upload photos from Esprit soon... just haven't had time yet... but keep in touch!
Thanx to Mark, Leesha, Muki and Derek who all msged/called me on xmas to wish me a merry xmas... thanx for remembering me... =)

Sunday, December 21, 2003 ; 9:53 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...


been too busy these days to blog.. but now I finally get to go online and go on abt my life...

life has bn hectic.. working everyday at Esprit... doing long late hours and not getting enuff sleep each night cos of a certain someone.. (long story)... found out I'll be working x'mas and boxing day as well at CCC... therefore I'm working 11 days ina row.. whoopy...~~~ after that I'm just gonna drop dead and sleep for two days straight.. wahahaha~~~

these few days have bn busy but great... lotsa customers coming in to buy stuff... so the time has gone by pretty quickly... except today... the day lasted forever... but Friday I got to meet some new guys from Epping boys... they were pretty nice... and yesterday was awesome as all us gurls danced and sang all day... poor customers felt sorry for us cos they thought it was due to the long hours we worked... but we were all just being silly... =) This morning a bunch of us started 8:30am... too early for a Sunday man... just cleaned the store while me and the 2IC did some merchandising around the store.. now it looks great! Thanx to ME!!!

Jason called last night... had a nice chat to him... MikeMike called twice today... so nice of him to remember me... got a letter from Esprit congratulating on my one year anniversary with them... woohoo~ and got some x'mas cards from pplz in the mail these few days too... THANQ!!!!

Been pretty abnormal these days.. doing crazy things and talking no sense... last night at Esprit we were playing hopscotch and hula hoops.. we didn't close till 7:15pm so we were all a bit tired and needed sth to perk us up.. newayz... tired as... dunno what I've done to myself and the pplz around me... but I know u guys will understand and give me some time to THINK... sowwie if I've been a bit snappy at ya... -.-" But I just need time to think and actually listen to myself, and not the pplz around me...

Tuesday, December 16, 2003 ; 10:27 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

didn't zzz well... got up at 9am... washed my hair.. watched some TV... had some breaky (which is a first!)... and then went to work at CCC.... had a crap day... as expected... spent half the day whinging abt life to friends at work...
got home... took another shower... had dinner... did the dishes.. parents went out for a walk... then someone drives up the driveway in a van.. got shit scared.... stayed there for like 10mins.. then I hear a knock on the door... wanted to call Bill... just for some assurance... but decided against it... still not on speaking terms... so I turn on the porch lights.. and found out he was delivering pizza and got the wrong house.. *whew*.... hate answering doors...
and now I'm online and talking to some gurls... whinging again.. *sigh*
so not looking forward to the next few weeks.. working everyday.. gonna die.. and saddest of all my boy doesn't even understand my situation and keeps saying how lucky I am to have job and earning money... gggggggggrrrrrrrr..........~~~~~~~

Monday, December 15, 2003 ; 3:14 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

just got home....

dun have to work today... finally have a day off... but starting from tmrz I'm working everyday up until xmas... ARGH!!!! gonna die...

got up.. pretty gd weather... still a bit depressed abt losing vball finals last night... but life goes on...

newayz... had to wake up 9am... was hoping to zzz in but that did not happen... went out to the city with my boy... have wanted to watch Uptown Girl for a long time... but it wasn't showing at the city... this is the second time this has happened... feel so shitty... farkin hell... you'd think when I have a day off I'd be actually doing sth... but no.. here I am... all alone... at home... talking to no one... online reading abt other pplz' perfect lives from their blogs... and this is after getting to the city at 11am.. leaving at 12pm... got to penno... waited for a bus for 20mins... then, I had to walk from my high school bk home.. which took 15mins... and it was stinkin hot.. and it wasn't a pleasant walk at all... was wearing flared jeans.. and boobtube.. and that symbolises slut walking down the streets waiting to be picked up... so all these cars drove past honking their freakin horns... some guy with green Ps shouts out "want a lift?!"... by that time I've had enough... and kept looking behind me hoping no one was following me... and put my pink Marcs jacket on... and kept walking for 10mins in the stinkin hot weather with a jacket on so it felt like 40 degrees... got home... crashed on the bed... and now I dunno what to do... still got the day ahead of me...

may have been a smarter idea if I was working...~ at least I'll be earning $$$ and doing sth productive by serving the raging consumers that's shopping for xmas...

Sunday, December 14, 2003 ; 11:11 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

worked from 8:30am till 5:15pm... big day... the shopping centres are all packed due to the leck of preparation for the festive season... Esprit was bust as... lotsa pplz around everywhere... but it was gd, the day went by very quickly...
finished work and drove Rob home then sped home... got changed... and my boy and I went to vball... it was finals tonight... winner comes first, loser comes 2nd... it was the best game I've played in years... lotsa pressure... fast... and close game... played five sets... but in the end.. the other team won... JUST...~~~ pretty depressed.... *sigh* but oh wellz...
went to maccas at 9pm for dinner... by that time my boy was in the car.. speechless.. (impatient I should say).. and ready to go eat... so we got to maccas... sulked for a bit.. but that didn't do much cos bill was "reactionless"... asked him if I played shit today... all I wanted was a "no.. u played your best.. that's all that counts.. dun worry... dun be sad.. 2nd's still gd..".. u know, those kinda assuring words... BUT, of course.. being HIM... he just says the stupidest things.. giving me a lecture abt how I should self reflect and think of ways how I can improve if I think I didn't play that well... after that I just kept my mouth shut... bleh... guys... as if they know anything....~~~~

Tuesday, December 09, 2003 ; 10:03 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

haven't written for a while.... just to sum things up...
Last Wednesday night had dinner with my social work uni friends and a bunch of uni friends... and my boy went too of course... had dinner at Hurricane which was at Bondi... it was the bestest dinner I ever had! EVERYONE was there.... and the food was great... I wish every year we could be like this.. and it was nice to see Von with Marcia, Joey with Tina and me with my boy.. cos last year we did dinner too and we were pairs as well... I hope every year all us lil lovers will always be together and that everyone would stay friends... =) Will uplaod fotos soon...
Worked at Esprit Saturday... Macquarie Centre had a black out for like 15mins... so funny... had to evacuate pplz... then the lights came bk on... man, I wanted to go home... bugger!
Sunday we had vball semis.... and we won!!!!!!!!!!!! close game but we pulled through in the end... haven't had that feeling of excitement for vball for a looooooooong time... it was the bestest game!!! shouts to Dong, Ian, Isla, Kenny, Michael and Kei... thanx for a great season.. had heaps of fun with u guys... =) especially with Dong's jokes and Ian's magic tricks... hehe...
Worked at CCC today.... busy as.... wanted to just walk into the office and QUIT! just one of those days... oh, been practically living at Esprit Macquarie these few days... gotta go in for a meeting tmr night... at least there'll be pizza! hehe... the last few days we got calls from Chatswood.. and by coincidence I picked them up and it was Minnie... what a small world.. hehe... =)

These few days me and my boy has been through a rough patch.... we thought sth was gonna happen.. and freaked out abt it... I thought my boy would leave me and just dissappear outta my life... and he did seem like that for a while... like not wanting to talk abt the problem and hanging up on me and stuff... but as it turns out... it's just made me realise how much he loves me and cares abt me cos he stuck by me and supported me all the way... thanx baby... I know I can depend on you now... love ya heaps boy!!!!!! xoxo

Friday, December 05, 2003 ; 10:53 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

so dissappointed when I woke up this morning... grey skies.. the sky was trickling down drops of unwanted water... couldn't sleep all night... was wide awake by 7am... just rolled around bed till 8am and called my gurls - Tina, Hau and Marcia... and we came to a conclusion... postpone Wonderland and go to the city and see a movie... :><: wanted to cry... *SOB* I've wanted to go to Wonderland for soooooooo long.. and it just had to rain TODAY!!! ARGH~~~ so I called my boy and told him... everyone went bk to sleep I guess.... cos we didn't meet up till 11am at Hoyts... Tina and her friend Carmen were there when I got there with my boy... decided to walk around and eat since everyone else was late (TYPICAL!).. went to Superbowl, next to Y2K... it was YUMMY!!! had congee... haven't had that for yonks and I nearly had a food orgasm... wahahahaha~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Watched School of Rock.. it was funny as... fully recommend it... good for a laugh... it cheered me up...~^^ After that my boy and I went to have ice cream @ Cafe 21... mmm... food..... and then my boy escorted me home... what a sweeeeety... =)
Got home and watched Big Bro from last night... I was at work so my boy taped it for me.. thanx baby! then mum and I decided to watch The Ring... I've seen it once already... and after seeing it a second time I still didn't really get the story... just couldn't piece the story together... someone tell me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, December 01, 2003 ; 2:15 PMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

been a nice day... first day off since exams... and it just feels sooo gd to just sleep in and bum around... woke up at 10am and went to Chatswood with my parents for lunch.. and then went to Parra to see the dentist... then just went shopping..~!
My boy had his last exam this arvo... hope he went okies... at least now he doesn't have to stress anymore...!
Went out to dinner at HK @ Carlo... saw that cute cute guy that makes all the drinks and organises the bills... keke... he's like the boss' son... and Bill knows him too cos they went to the same high school... we had sth going on... everytime I went to eat he'd be like staring at me.. looking at me from afar (as Jean would out it... keke).. and I felt some attraction... but just never had the chance to talk... but then I started going out with Bill... and everything just ended there I guess.... I still catch him looking at me (like tonight!)... but it's just unethical to get on to your friend's girlfriend... -.-" it's just such a weird vibe when I walk in there and he's working... *sigh*... same with this cute guy that works at this Malaysian restaurant at Parra... he knows me by face and talks to me and stuff... it's so funny... he doesn't know I'VE got a BF!!! haha... newayz... just harmless perving I guess... got my hubby... =)
newayz.. went online tonight and this guy starts talkin to me... and it was nice having a conver with him... kept cracking up in front of the comp.. mum thought I went skitz~!!! he gave me his number cos I refused to give him mine... in the end I didn't end up calling him or msging him.. even though I wanted to... but I just had to refrain myself... not healthy....
Talked to my boy on the phone for 15mins.. then he wanted to zzz... as usual....~ you'd think now that exams are over he could at least spend some time communicating with me... dammit... felt so lonely.. couldn't sleep... so just went thru my phonebook to see who I could call... ended up sending mikemike a msg... and then Jean and I talked for 20mins... SO wanted to msg that ICQ guy... but I didn't... I knew my boy would kill me... well, he wouldn't like it... it's so bad... cos everytime when Bill giives me the shits I always feel so depressed and just wanna call some guy and just talk... I guess that's how Mike and I got too close... i dunno... -.-" just tend to do stupid things when I'm vulnerable.... but it so pisses me off... like, i wanna talk... and he wants to sleep... and last time I had a tummy ache and couldn't sleep and just wanted to keep him on the phone but he kept telling me to zzz... and we just hung up on bad terms... and last time I couldn't sleep cos I was nervous abt my first uni exam.. and he didn't even spend some time with me to ask me what's wrong.. just went to sleep... *sigh*... he doesn't even gimme the chance to TALK... I always assumed that he'd know I'm upset and want to talk... given up on that cos he never knows how I feel.... as Jean said ... all guys are COWS!!!! *mooooooooooooooooooo*

I miss u guys heaps <3


...Leaving Home...


...Port Stephens...

...Stephy's Bday...

...Rock Climbing...

...Bike Riding...

...Social Work & School Frenz...

...Helpline & Captain Cook...

...Australia Day 08...

...Bicentennial Park...

...Wendy's GraduatioN...

...JapaN & HK TriP...

...Sandy's GraduatioN...

...The EntrancE...

...Xmas Shift...



...BunnY Suicides...



...My BillY BabY...

...Lil Bro~LawrencE...

...SmellY LiLy...



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x November 2003
x December 2003
x January 2004
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A lot of treasured moments <3