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Monday, January 12, 2004 ; 10:34 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

life has been great.... it was me and Bill's 17months last Saturday and we went to Palm beach!!! it was bloody hot that day.. and we took a bus from the city... the bus ride took an hour and a half but it was SO worth it... my boy and I just had lunch... walked around.... and just lay in the sun and played silly games and just talked..... it was sooooo nice.... got so sunburnt though... :><:.... then we went bk to the city and had some dinner and went to sing K for an hour... then got home and just dropped dead in bed after taking a nice cold shower.... it was such a perfect day... =) thanx baby for taking me out...~^^

stayed at home all day today and just cleaned the house with my parents.... so much work... so tired now....

just talked to Kyle on msn... haven't talked to him for yonks.... he was like one of the first friends I made when I started uni... he's always kept me company during lectures and tuts.... hehe.... and I'm talking to Jen Chantrey now... it's amazing how pplz have changed since high school finished.... just heard that one of the girls in our year had a baby and is married now.... whew~!!! and she's only 19... aiyaya.... but as long as she's happy i guess~^^

so excited... going to Wonderland tmr...!!! woohoo~~~~~~~ i'm gonna be rolling around bed and not able to fall asleep cos I'm that excited... hehe... and then tmr night me and my boy's onna go watch the tennis at Homebush... that should be interesting...!!! can't wait... tmr's gonna be SO gd~~~~~ (hope it doesn't rain...)

Thursday, January 08, 2004 ; 2:14 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

at home.... working tonight at Esprit.... hope it'll be busy so I wouldn't be bored outta my mind... trying to dl mp3s as this is the best time to do it when no one else is online... but I have been disconnected two times already and it's driving me nuts because I can't continue/retrieve my download which got disconnected half way through... so pissed man...!!! ARGH! and I SO need to fix my computer.... I'm losing all my mp3s.... I use to have over 100... now I've only got like 10... for some reason everytime I switch on my comp sth's always missing... usually my chinese mp3s... both old and new... they just keep dissappearing or renaming themselves into random chinese characters that I have never seen.... friggin insane I tell ya.... I downloaded five new ones two wks ago, and now they're gone... can't find them no more... they just somehow deleted themselves... wtf?! so pissed.... got no idea how to fix it or format my comp... gggggrrrr.... so frustrating man....

newayz... went to dinner with Bill, his mum, his bro, and his bro's gf... that was pretty gd... *yum*... had ice cream at the end of the night too... hoho~~~

got home... mum's still in a shyte mood... god knows what's up her ass.... I was in bed reading Cosmo with my bedside lamp on... and she just opens the door... stands there... looks around my room.. I ask her what's wrong.. doesn't answer... keeps looking around my room... then five mins later she goes "fold your clothes! dun leave it till tmr!", then walks out... I was like wtf?! you just came in to pick a fight? and since u couldn't think of nething better u decided to go off at me for not folding my clothes which u put in my room just that morning?! man... swear.... sth wrong with that woman!....

well.... still downloading songs... hopefully they'll work and stay put on my comp otherwise I'm so gonna go insane....! and SOMEONE has said they'll format my comp for me after exams have finished.. and how long has it bn now? hm.......

Tuesday, January 06, 2004 ; 9:50 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

been feelin so shitty the past few days... all started from a lil thing.... then every lil thing that happened annoyed the hell outta me... man.... been in a bad mood since Thursday... finally starting to get over it... think it's due to my periods and unpredictable menstrual cycle... -.-"

for the past few days everything just went from bad to worse to shit... work.. family... bf... evrything went wrong!!! Work stress and work underground politics is starting to get to me... bf doesn't care and never calls to wake me up or pick me up from work no more... rather spend time with his mum shopping and playing basketball... fine...!.... dad went off at me for no reason one night.... was gonna have a nice family day yesterday since both me and dad had the day off... but NO, parents decided to ditch me... so ended up at Bill's and spent the whole arvo/night there, had dinner with his family too... today mum's in the shittiest mood (mebbe she's got periods too) and have been biting my head off for everything.... man, these days I just spend all my time in my room sulking cos life sux so much... such BS....~~~

newayz... finished Harry Potter - The Order of the Phoenix, which I got for xmas from my boy.... so sad.... cried so much near the end... can't believe ****** died.... *sob* WHY?!?!?! ARGH!!! no fair..... man, can't wait till the next one comes.... woohoo~~~~~~~

What I have remembered and kept me going on these few days... "When the world has turned its back against u... look again, mebbe u have turned your back against the world".... just realised, I've been bubbly all day today... until I saw mum.... man, no wonder I work so much... just so I dun have to face her all day!!!! bleh~~~~

Saturday, January 03, 2004 ; 10:08 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

had a GREAT NYE... hope everyone had a gd one too.. =) I drove to Waverton and parked my car there and walked to McMahons pt. and watched the 9pm and 12am fireworks from there... it was soooooooooo gd!!! Nice view and everything u could hope for.... got the harbour bridge, opera hse, city lights... it was so cool..~^^ I got a lil sick during the night cos the heat got to me but luckily I had my boy there to take care of me.... he drove when we left and made sure I was alright and safely home.. thanx baby~~~

Newayz, spose to go to Darrel and Damien's 21st but due to early start @ Esprit tmr I passed.... but I hope everyone's having fun right now.. HAPPY BDAY guys!!! =)

Had a real shyte day today... yesterday as well... things happen... ppl change... priorities change.... once important things become less important... and I guess that's just part of life and for us to learn how to be adaptive...~ -.-" Gotta stick to my new year resolutions though..!!! Let's soo how long I last this time...~^^ wahaha....~~~ not going too gd atm... hm... ><"

I miss u guys heaps <3


...Leaving Home...


...Port Stephens...

...Stephy's Bday...

...Rock Climbing...

...Bike Riding...

...Social Work & School Frenz...

...Helpline & Captain Cook...

...Australia Day 08...

...Bicentennial Park...

...Wendy's GraduatioN...

...JapaN & HK TriP...

...Sandy's GraduatioN...

...The EntrancE...

...Xmas Shift...



...BunnY Suicides...



...My BillY BabY...

...Lil Bro~LawrencE...

...SmellY LiLy...



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A lot of treasured moments <3