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Tuesday, March 30, 2004 ; 12:29 PMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

special day today.... my baby's graduating from UNSW with a B Commerce (Actuarial and Finance) degree! hehe.... CONGRATULATIONS!!! so proud of him... =) he's so smart...~^^

I drove over to his house in the morning and me, Bill, his mum and his brother drove to uni... got there around 9:30am... we got Bill ready with his robe and hat and then we all went into Clancy for the ceremony... it started at 10:30am and it was pretty cool... afterwards we just walked around and took photos... my baby looked so cute with a shirt and tie....! so leng jai ar...~~~ keke...

I love graduation... I mean, even if you've bn getting crap marks throughout ur uni life at least u still reached the end... I get so emotional during grads... hehe... watching my boy grad made me want to quickly finish my degree so I can grad too... then I can be special for a day... wahahaha!!! then pplz can make a fuss over ME for once... =) I think it'll be so cool if all us social workers can graduate together.... but watching Bill's I dun think we can... cos commerce got split up and is graduating different days... so Bill didn't get to see his friends.. >< so sad... But I think I'll be with Hau and Wendy... since we're both Ts in our surname... but I know Wendy is behind... I hope Hau and I will pull through though... I dun wanna be by myself when I graduate!!! what's the pt of that? I mean.... uni is so gd cos of the pplz that spends it with you... all those late nights trying to finish our essays... photocopying notes at the library... signing on each other names during lectures... hehe.... memories.... gotta stop dreaming man... still have two years to go... only half way there.... -.-"

I bought my boy a Snoopy that's wearing the graduate uniform... it's so cute! I think he likes it...~^^ he carried it around all day yesterday.

Afterwards we went to Tea Inn for lunch.... was so hungry... it was around 2pm by the time we got there... had a nice lunch then we drove bk to Bill's place... I slept all the way bk... so tired... dunno why... mebbe it's cos I walked around all day in heels... -.-" hehe... so I slept on my boy all the way home... so comfy~~~ then when we got to his house we watched a movie... and then we went to Eastwood for dinner at 6:30pm....

got home around 9:30pm... so tired... wanted to hop right into bed... but mum kept telling me to do stuff... so annoying... had to push the rubbish bin out for collection... fold my clothes that she washed that morning... get her food cos she was too lazy to move... hai~~~

Finally got to sleep at 10:30pm after talking on the phone with my boy...~ zzzz........................... *(oo)*

Things are better now between us... I think it's cos today I actually made an effort to make up... Like, I bought him a pressie... and I gave him a hug when I saw him in the morning... (cos he looked so cute in his formal clothes!!!)... I guess I just didn't wanna ruin his day...~^^

I hope things will go bk to normal... and stay that way... We haven't had any happy times since like a month ago I think... -.-" I'm surprised that we still hung in there actually... mebbe it was meant to be???

Sunday, March 28, 2004 ; 1:15 PMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

work was okies today... had a pretty hectic day... talked to my boy on the phone very unproductively... he toldme he was gonna come visit... I knew it was for a reason but he said he just wanted to see me... and then he toldme he was gonna play vball afterwards..!!!knew it... he's only visiting cos vball was right next to my friggin centre..!!!! AND... he didn't even invite me...I would've went even though mum wouldn't let... but i always find a way... so I was pretty upset that was playing vball with MY uni friends and didn't tell me... pppfff.... boys...~~~~ I got him a lil pressie when I was on my lunch break but I dun think he deserves it now!!!!

Had a really shit week and was quite upset... it was just all getting a bit too much... ironically Mike called when I was crying in my room... he knew sth was up and drove straight to my house... we went to the park where I told him my stories and started crying all over again... I'm so glad to have him there though... he's such a gd friend.. whenever I'm in trouble or upset he'll always be the first one to make sure I'm okies and show up at my door...~^^ Thanks baby~!!!! And I will always remember the things u said to me...

Went to vball later that night... pretty gd game.. we won!!! Afterwards we went to Maccas for dinner... how healthy~ keke...

Thursday, March 25, 2004 ; 1:39 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

To love is to share life together
to build special plans just for two
To work side by side
and then smile with pride
As one by one, dreams all come true.

To love is to help and encourage
with smiles and sincere words of praise
To take time to share
to listen and care
In tender, affectionate ways.

To love is to have someone special
one who you can always depend
To be there through the years
sharing laughter and tears
As a partner, a lover, a friend.

To love is to make special memories
of moments you love to recall
Of all the good things
that sharing life brings
Love is the greatest of all.

Wednesday, March 24, 2004 ; 4:10 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

bored at work... no one on ICQ to talk to... dun wanna call my boy... why should I?! if he wants to talk he'll call... but I guess I'm just annoyed cos he doesn't understand where the problem is... is there a problem? or am I just illusionising? hmmm...~~

Thanks Karen for signing my blog! Feel so special... I know you always come and read...~^^ I read yours too gurlie~!!! xoxo

Parents coming bk from Singapore Saturday morning... dun wnat them bk now... Feel so independant now... doing whatever I want and driving everywhere... When they come bk I won't be able to go to our Monday outings anymore.. *sob*... well, not till late anyways... no fair...~ why can't I live closer to everyone or have a car of myself? gggrrrr....

Dun even know how to get to the airport... mebbe I'll just pretend to get lost and not go... leave them at the airport... kaka~~~ ^o^

Tuesday, March 23, 2004 ; 10:51 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

had two hrs of uni which went gd... I love our groupwork tuts.. very interesting... and I have Karen to talk to... =) the poor girl lost her Triangel today.. ><" I wonder who'll pick it up.. hm...~~~

Afterwards I had lunch... and then caught the bus bk to Central... then the fast train to Epping and headed to Macquarie... got there quite early so I went into Esprit and talked to Lyndal, who's been on holidays and just got bk... so it was nice talking to her... and I got to meet Larissa, who's our new casual... she's so nice~^^ and then Jess came bk from her lunch break... I got to buy my new uniform and fix up my pay slip... I got jipped half an hour, on a Sunday too (time and a half on Sundays)! So it was all very eventful.... was meant to meet Bill at 3:30pm but he told me he'll prob be a lil late... was not happy cos he's always late... pppfff... use to it I guess... and I still had accumulated anger from yesterday... not healthy...~ -.-"

So we went to watch Butterfly Effect... I was hoping it'll compensate for the traumatic experience I went thru yesterday.. and it did...~^^ Ashton Kutcher didn't look as cute with his facial hair... >< But the story was great.... *sigh*... how when you love someone so dearly, you'll sacrifice anything to keep them safe, and keep them happy... even if it means making her believe that you hate her guts... the pplz that have watched that movie would understand what I mean... I just think it's so sweet....

But after the movie I found out my boy was asleep for the first couple of scenes... and when we were waiting to be picked up he asked me "so.. what was the movie about?"... and then he told me he found it scary... (?).. and told me how unrealistic the movie was... for goodness sake man... who ever said it was gonna be realistic? friggin fiction man...!!! gggrr... I swear man.... the things that goes thru that head of his... how stupid.... a boy asks the girl to the movie... is late.. and falls asleep during the movie... hm... wow, what a wonderful date...~ :><:

am I asking too much? mebbe...
but is this what I want? yes...
and do I deserve it? hopefully... (yes according to Wendy)
what do I do now? keep trying.... or... what?!

Life.... why can't there just be friends.... dun like any other relationships in this world... I love my friends... they always make me happy... and it's thru hard times that I've realised there's more to notes exchanging and assignment copying with my uni buddies... they actually do care... I mean... I've talked to Karen... and Wendy has sent me a msg as soon as she read my blogs... and she's been talking to me abt things... hai~~~ social workers are good... (cos I'm ONE!!!) keke...

Monday, March 22, 2004 ; 12:30 PMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

today was the shittiest day... but also the best day of my life... how ironic.. hm.... the day started with me not wanting to get outta bed but I had to force myself cos I knew that I really had to be at the lecture... so I dragged myself out... and I drove to uni!!! Left the house at 7am... got to UNSW at 8am... found parking and got outta my car at 8:35am.. (yes, stupid pplz that wanna seem gd and drive to uni on a monday! esp the first yrs... grrrrr...)... so I just walked slowly to my lecture... had a mental blockout actually... I was heading for Robert Webster... then I realised it was at EE so I had to walk backwards.... hehe... -.-"

Lecture was boring but educational I guess.... everyone came except for Karen... and I later found out why... but yeh.... great morning... considering all ym friends were present.. even Raph! hehe... so we all talked.. ate... went to our interesting tut... had lunch (again!)... then Jeff and I decided to not go to out 1pm to 3pm lecture... cos we wanted to keep Karen and Derek comapny... and since they both begged me to stay.... haha!!!!! So we all just hanged out.. chat... and decided what to do that night... =)

My boy called me at 12pm... asked me to go to Tea Inn to have lunch with him and these girls.... like yeh right..! never told me before and expect me to go there, eat, and come bk in an hour for my class (that I was going to go to but didn't in the end due to anumber of reasons)... so I refused and had lunch with Karen and Derek and Raph and Winnie and Lim and Jeffrey... which I think would've been more enjoyable than Bill and his friends... so he said he'd call or msg me when he leaves and see if he'll come visit or what... so la la la la...... time goes by... hm......

Everyone was finished and we were just waiting for Winnie as she finishes work at 4pm... so I gave Bill a call at 3:30pm... and I just went... "hm, are u still at Tea Inn having lunch? a three and a half hr lunch?" and he told me he finished ages ago and he's at Hornsby now... like GOD DAMN!!!!!! (sorry... had to use God's name in vain)~ he said he forgot to contact me... just shows how important I am heh? we were physically SO close together... but mentally, I'm so far away from his heart... I always use to think fate brought us together... and I believe that... but does fate ever run out? is it over now? I mean, we were so close but we never saw... like as if we passed each other's life once again.... call me philosophical or unrealistic... but that's how I see the world... fate, destiny, everything happens for a reason....~* So after that I was quite traumatised and just hung up...

Later on Wendy, Hau, Jeff and I drove to Eastgardens while Raph drove the rest... Derek stayed at uni for his classes... We met up with Kevin and Edmond and we watched "House of 1000 Corpses", which was the worsest movie I've ever seen... it was just greatly disturbing... ><" stupid Jeffrey chose the movie.... ggggrrrr... but even though the movie was horrible I still had fun... watching everyone jump and be scared (including me)... Karen and I had to go to the toilet halfway thru... hehe...

Afterwards we went to have dinner at Tea Inn... which was quite an experience.... it was so nice to have everyone together in the same place...~^^ and Jeff, Wendy and Raph was so funny... them and their chicken and pork chops... haha!!!! It was just a crazy dinner... =)

After all that excitement I drove home.... was SO tired.... just went striaght to zzzz.... didn't want to have time to feel sorry for myself after what happened with Bill.... (and I think even now he does not see what the problem is... not that he didn't call... but the reason behind it... hai~~~)...

Sunday, March 21, 2004 ; 11:47 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

work was great... talked to Kathy the whole day... she works at Jurlique and Esprit is right next t them at Myer... I wad down there the whole day cos I knew Kathy would be there... so I volunteered... hehe... ain't me gd?!

made myself a yummy dinner at home... noodles with ham, mushroom and two fried eggs..!! haha... it was SO gd~!!! then went to vball straight after....

Volleyball was gd... love it.... had a great night...~^^

Went home... started to feel weird.... Bill was with me... everything was SO different... different feelings from when we first met... different feeling from yesterday...!!! mebbe I'm thinking too much... and I can't do anything abt it... and Bill's bn going thru a tough time and have been running on a low self esteem... so I can't talk to him... and talking to anyone else would not understand... feel so stupid... feel so bad actually.... hm... I think I'm just starting to confuse myself... hehe

Saturday, March 20, 2004 ; 12:43 PMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

Slept till 11am today... it's so nice to be able to sleep in... and not thinking u have to be somewhere at acertain time... I just rolled around in bed.. hugging my stuff toys... radio in the background.. and just dozing... then finally decided to get off my ass at 11am cos Bill was gonna come and pick me up around 12pm. So I got myself ready and we went to Parramatta for lunch.... so yummy, we had viet... love that restaurant...! then we went and had Dippin Dots (ice cream).. so addicted to those... that was the only reason why we REALLY went to Parra... hehe...

At night we went to his friend Darren's 21st... it was pretty gd.... boring at first... (was thinking to myself, man, why didn't Jeff organise sth like he was suppose to!!! *cough*)... but it got better when I started getting to know some pplz... We were gonna leave the place at 9pm cos I had to work the next day... but we didn't leave till like 11:30pm!!!! got home so late.... went straight to zzzz....~~

Friday, March 19, 2004 ; 12:34 PMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

had a great day at work today... I was actually VERY busy in the arvo... and the day went by SO quickly.... I thought Friday would just drag on cos I always so look forward to the weekened... hehe... But this arvo I was all by myself in the office and made a zillion phone callls and did heaps of work.. =) Usually when everyone's gone I talk to my boy on the phone till I finish work... keke... but I was so into my work I didn't... keke...~^^

I left work and caught the bus to Penrith station and there was my boy waiting for me... the third time since I've started placement...! We went bk to Pennant Hills to get my car and then we drove to dinner.... so nice to just have an easy night after a hectic arvo... -.-"

Afterwards he came over and he used my comp and went online (cos he's one's not working)... I just watched TV... hehe... it was the final episode of two dramas man!!! Later that night we worked on his cover letter for applying to jobs.... took ages....~~~ but I helped him re-word stuff and put in little things... surprisingly we didn't fight over anything and he was very accepting of my suggestions... that's a first!!!!!! I was so shocked when he opened his cover letter and resumee file and asked me to come over and help him....~* Feel so special now.... I mean... it's a different kind of closeness... like, you can go out with your partners and have fun and see each other everyday and talk on the phone... but it's so different to actually helping them out with something so important... and meeting parents..... hm.....~~~ I dunno.. hehe....

I drove Bill home at 11pm and then got home and went zzzz cos I was so tired....

Wednesday, March 17, 2004 ; 11:14 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

talked to Karen tonight.... feel better now... well, kinda... feel better cos I know there's someone out there who understands my situation... and is not hating me for it... it's so nice to find someone that thinks similarly to me... I feel that I can connect to her.... thanks Karen... means a lot to me... and whatever's gonna happen will happen.. and it'll happen for a reason...~ xoxo

Tuesday, March 16, 2004 ; 10:52 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

had a tut this morning with Karen... pretty ineteresting class... then finished at 1pm and went over to Bill's house... bumped into Michael on the train and had a nice chat with him...

Got to Bill's house and started raiding their fridge cos I hadn't had lunch... I decided to eat a pie so I put it in the microwave... Bill started telling me to make sure it's cooked and blah blah blah.... was getting annoyed so I told him I have made a pie before... then he started saying sth abt his resumee and I told him how he should change some things on it... and he got offended and we started arguing abt that... at that point we weren't talking... so I sat on the sofa and started my readings for next wk... and gradually fell asleep... god knows what he was doing... but when I woke up I had a blanket over me..~^^ and he was zzz on the other sofa...

I just sat there thinking abt stuff... I've bn having mixed up feelings these days... I dun even know if it's genuine... even if it is, what am I suppose to do? and who knows if other people feel the same... hai~~~ so confused....

When we decided to get up we took a walk and went to the park and played with swings and started doing chin ups... keke... and we had a nice talk and played silly games....

Had dinner at Bill's... then he drove me home... he stayed for a bit at my house... and we just lied there talking... it was such a warm feeling... at times like this I feel that I really do love this boy very much and wouldn't know what to do without him... I can't imagine myself being so close to someone other than him... and he said some very sweet things too.... telling me he loves me, and how he cherishes me most in his life, and how I'm the only thing he has, and how the longer we're together, the more he loves me..... so sweeeeet... wanted to cry... :^^:.... he hasn't said anything like that to me for a loooong time.... I mean, I dun like assuming things... it's nice to be told how important you are to someone... =)

After Bill left I took a shower and went online for a bit... I talked to "him".... didn't expect it.... but I found myself not wanting to get offline cos I wanna talk to him.. which was silly cos I gotta wake up early tmrz... but I found myself telling myself it was worth it.... so bizzare...~~~ and our conversation wasn't even constructive... But I hope I'll get to know him better and be gd friends with him... cos I know he's got a place in my heart... although not as much as I probably have made out it to be... cos I love Bill dearly and I dun think anyone can take his place... even though sometimes he's not a gd bf... I know he tries and that deep down inside he really does care abt me... and I wouldn't want anyone else but him... but...~ hai......

Monday, March 15, 2004 ; 12:36 PMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

went to uni today... such a great day too... most pplz were at the lecture at 9am, including Raph! now that's effort... =) afterwards we went to the Quad (as we do every monday morning) and ate... Hau and I shared a bacon and egg roll, man it was yummy! then Wendy, Jeff, Hau, Winnie and I had a tut up at upper campus, and we were late... we walked really fast... then Wendy started running with Jeff and overtaking us... so we ran as well...! it was so funny... running and laughing at the same time is bad man... all your muscles in ur tummy tense up and it kills... but we ran all the way up (that's a first!) and got there in 3mins!!! when usually it takes like 10mins walk... haha... and we beat Wendy and Jeff... woohoo~~~!!!! that was enough exercise for the year.... -.-"

After class Bill joined us and we went to eat at Badabagan... Derek then joined us.. at 1pm Jeff and I had a lecture.. and we made Bill, Derek, Karen and Raph come with us... hehe... then after uni Raph, Karen, Derek, Bill and I went to Greenbox and sang K... then more pplz joined us later on... we had dinner at Chinatown and had hot pot... mmmm... *yum* I had a great time... pretty weird having hot pot during March but I never had it with friends and it was such a warm feeling to be with a group of friends and making stuff to eat... haha... afterwards Bill and I caught the train home....

the day was perfect... and I dun want my parents to come bk cos I know when they come bk I wouldn't be able to do all this... I love Mondays now...~^^

Sunday, March 14, 2004 ; 11:12 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

HAPPY 21st BIRTHDAY to my baby.... I hope u had a great bday.... =)

we went to yum cha for lunch with his mum and bro at Chatswood... then we went bk to his place and basically slept the whole arvo away as we were still tired from last night... we had dinner at 6pm and went to vball at 7pm up at Dural.... we won the game!!! yay~~~

As for last night... I had heaps of fun... I hope eveyone else did as well...~^^ Since my parents are away, I invited all my uni friends over and we just hung out... sang K, played cards, drank, ate... etc. Jean and James came over for a while, so did Emmy... haven't seen them for so long...><"

The night started when I went to the station to pick Jeff, Wendy, Karen and Bill up... we drove to KFC and ordered take away... went bk to my place and we pigged out... man, haven't had KFC for so long... and it was so damn gd!!!! =p then pplz started arriving... Hau (who called me and went "hey Sandy, where do u live?"), Tina (who walked right past my front door and nearly into the wall), Joey, Edmond, Kevin, Kylie, Ryan, Winnie, Vivian, Raph.... had such a great night.... haven't had so many friends around me at the one time for ages... =) I especially made Tiramisu for Karen (cos if she's like me, she'll love it cos the desert itself has a lot of meaning), Emmy and Jean (cos they were jealous when I made it for Bill years ago)... and they loved it...!!! yay.... it's like the ONE thing I CAN make... wahahahaha~~~

It was so cute to see everyone pairing up... like Jeff and Wendy, Tina and Joey, Karen and her boy (just in case she doesn't want me telling the whole world who he is)..... they're all so kyoooooooooote~^^

At 12am, I brought out a bday cake for my boy and we all sang happy bday to him.... hehe... man he was shocked... I think he nearly cried... keke.... so we all ate cake then most pplz left... But Karen, Jeff, Raph and Bill stayed and we kept singing K... then we started playing Taboo... never played it b4 and it was pretty cool... =) so funny.... hehe.... then everyone left around 3am... and Bill slept over... so nice hugging him to sleep.....~*

All in all..... I had heaps of fun... I hope one day we can all do it again... Too bad Derek, Marcia and Von couldn't make it.... =(

Thursday, March 11, 2004 ; 2:59 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

so tired... wanna zzzz....~~~ slept like a baby on the train this morning... *oink* got home at abt 9:45pm last night from Bill's... after work Bill and I went grocery shopping and then drove to his house and I made dinner for his family... how sweet am I?! keke... so tired though.... uuuuuhhhh~~ -.-"

At work now... bored as... talked to my boy, Jeffrey and Jean on icq.... now there's no one on... everyone's gone..!!! argh~!!! can't wait till home time... actually, can't wait till Friday night... =) hehe... and Saturday!!! and Sunday!!! keke.... got a great weekend ahead... woohoo~!!!

going shopping at Towers tonight with Jean... should be gd.. gonna eat too... how exciting... just gotta stop myself from spending too much $$$ though... wahaha~!!!

Wednesday, March 10, 2004 ; 4:50 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

dragged myself to work today... didn't really wanna go...

parents leaving to Brisbane today and getting on the SuperStar Leo vessel... I get the whole house to myself for two weeks!!! My boy's driving them out to the airport today... how cute? =)

talked to two pplz this morning... made my day VERY depressing actually... first talked to Lawrence over ICQ... he told me Eva broke up with him.... I didn't know what to say... I knew he must've bn really upset... but the words of comfort just dissappeared from my head... seems like everything that I said he didn't listen to... cos he's just in denial... as everyone would be.... but I hope it's for the best... she'll pursue her happiness while my lil bro pursues his... I mean... it's bad now.. but once the sad part's over and u find someone else... you'll see why things have ended... trust me.... everything happens for a reason.... even if u dun see it now, u will in the future... plz cheer up... I dun like u being sad... but I'll be here for u, just like how you've always been here for me...~

I also talked to Ken Wong today... he gave me a call during the day surprisingly... just to chat.... how sweet is that?! it's nice when people call with no reason at all... so we talked for a while and he told me him and his gf splitted too!!!! shocked.... cos they've bn together for nearly two yrs.. :><: he seems ok though... I think he never puts himself totally out there when it comes to love so he never gets hurt THAT much I guess... but I'm glad he turned to me for comfort... feel so special.... =)

I hope u guys feel better... and that you guys will realise there's more to life other than gurls... uni, work, family, friends... and in Ken's case, his car...~^^

*~Lover's come and go.... but family and friends are forever~*

I called Mrs Bell, my high school maths teacher today... cos it's her BDAY!!! I've bn sending her gifts and calling her every year since I've graduated on her bday... haven't forgotten once... how kool is that?! she taught me in yr.7, 8 and 12... best teacher in the world... use to gimme heaps of stamps and stickers... hehe...

other than that the day's been ordinary... gonna be so weird tonight when I get home and no one will be there... scary...~~~ usually when I get home parents will be watching TV or mum will be making dinner making heaps of noise... I think I'm starting to miss them already... :><: *sob*

will be having dinner at Bill's place with his bro and mum... that should be fun...~~ *cough* ^.^

Tuesday, March 09, 2004 ; 10:45 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

today's bn gd... had two hrs of uni then went over to my boy's hse and watched videos... so funny... kept on cracking up...~^0^

yesterday was even better... it's weird.. I actually look forward to uni on Mondays now.. it's a gd break from placement... and pplz actually turn up to lectures and class now cos it's only that one/two days a wk of uni... so Monday's just a day where everyone's @ uni and bumming... and everyone has the same break times which is even better!!! might sound funny... but even if it's just a bunch of us sitting and doing nothing, I'm still happy that I'm there with my friends... I guess I never really got to experience this as I started being with Bill and never spent much time with my Social Work frenz... but yesterday was kool... had a nice lunch at the Pavillion... then at 3pm everyone just bummed and talked while waiting for Jeff and Wendy to finish peer mentoring... =)

OH! heard some goss today too... never expected it... but it's SO sweet... some of u guys will know what I'm talking abt... but thanx for letting me know... hehe... cos I never seem to know what's happening within our uni group since I never go out with them and socialise... always the slow one... -.-" keke... but I'm happy for them... hope things work out =)

decided to have a lil get together @ my house this Saturday cos parents away (WOOHOOOOO!!!)... how exciting... hope everyone would come... should be fun... we'll just drink, K, mahjong, chat.... cool bananas~* Just that when my parents are around they dun like me going out late at night and stuff... I guess it's cos I'm a GIRL and their only child so they're a bit over protective...

saw Jamson today... so HAPPY!!! haven't seen him for ages... he's one of those friends that u dun see often, but when you see each other, nothing's changed and u still feel that closeness... it's sweet.... and he's still with Carrie, 17mths!!! pweeeeety gd Jamo! =)

*hugs & kisses* to Lawrence, Jamo, Karen, Wendy and MikeMike for always being here when I most need it...

Sunday, March 07, 2004 ; 9:35 PMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

got to uni 8am this morning cos while I was waiting for a bus to station my friend drove past and gave me a lift.. so I'm heaps early.. ><

was on the train... went past Eastwood station and felt so sad and empty... last year every morning, Bill would always get on the train at that station and keep me company all the way to uni... even if he starts late he'd try and catch an early train just to see me...~^^ even though half the time he's late... it still meant a lot to me... and this morning just felt weird when we departed Eastwood and he hasn't come on... *sigh*

; 11:26 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

got to work today @ Esprit... boring as... was down at Myer Esprit the whole day cos we had heaps of staff... god know why.. we're always so quiet... what a waste of labour... haha... and I dun like our Sunday team anymore.. it's all changed... use to have heaps of fun with Lyndall and Rob... now i's Suzie, Brian and Alex.. and Shaminie sometimes comes in.. I love Shaminie... but the rest is like uuuuhhh... >< but what can I do?! job's a job... u do what u have to do I guess...

Went to HK Cafe after work and bought take away for dinner... saw Ivan... gosh he's CUTE!!!! hehe... if only... -.-"

watched TV and ate dinner... then went to vball at 7pm.. pretty gd game but I was buggered cos I was tired and was playing shit as so I didn't really forgive myself for that.... we so should've won... :><: mebbe I'm not made out to play sport after all...~

in such a bad mood tonight.... but I'm loking forward to tmr.. always look forward to uni now... get to see pplz.. =)

Saturday, March 06, 2004 ; 10:55 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

had the best weekend.. god I love weekends now... =)

Friday I finished work early and got home, had dinner and went out to play vball @ Dural... there was me, Bill, John, Kevin, Renee, Kelly, Nicole, Sylvia and Danny. Had heaps of fun and lotsa funny moments.. keke... I love vball... it's like my life... I'm not like VERY gd at it... but I enjoy playing it with the pplz that matters in my life~^^

As for today my parents and I went to Chatswood for yum cha.. haven't spent time with them for so long.. dad and I are always at work so it's hard to have some family time... but we had lunch today... and then afterwards we walked around a bit... visited my friends @ Chats Esprit... then afterwards Bill and I went off to Parra and had ice cream @ Dippin Dots (they're YUMMY!!!) and went shopping.. =) Then we went to dinner at HK Cafe, which is @ Carlo... we always go there... they've got yummy food.. and the owner's son is so CUTE!!! he's always behind the bar and collecting $$$.. always perve @ him when I go there... before we had sth goin on... like, we would stare at each other and smile or make funny faces.. but after showing up with Bill a couple of times nothing ever happened... >< He's so cute though... got a baby face~=^.^= and he plays vball and use to go to Bill's high school.. keke... today before we left I actually got a chance to talk to him a bit... how exciting~!!! hehe.... I feel like I'm having one of those high school crushes... haha!

bk to work @ Esprit Macquarie tmrz... so tired now... how am I going to work and play vball tmrz?! ggggrrr... not happy...~!

Friday, March 05, 2004 ; 12:33 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

bored... just talked to my boy using the work phone... hehe... talked for like half an hr... now he's left me cos he has to go do stuff for his mum... *sob*

been busy this morning... making numerous phone calls and reading endless case notes... not gd when you're by urself doing cases...>< Have to put three kids in care this weekend... hope all goes well so I dun get busted.. hehe... atm, it's all gd... (dun wanna jinx myself)...

vball tonight... can't wait!!! UNSW pplz coming up to Dural to play... woohoo~~

Thursday, March 04, 2004 ; 5:36 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

went to work today... so tired... slept all the way in on the train... had a 3hr team meeting this morning... went thru heaps of stuff... as time goes by, I'm finding myself ending up with more and more responsibilities... kinda getting scary actually...>< cos my supervisor and program manager is going to Tasmania for work.. so they've transferred some of their cases to me... so now I officially have my own cases to manage and hopefully I won't screw things up!!! =) kinda exciting actually.... feel like I'm a REAL social worker now...

called my boy during my break... he's so funny.. sent me like ten million sms thru icq to my mbl in the morning... so cute..~^^ stupid Esprit called as well asking me to work tonight... of cos I said no cos by the time I get to Macq it'll be 7pm... John called me too... but I missed it so gotta call him bk tonight la...

so excited... got vball tmrz.. wohoo~!!!! even though it's only two hrs... still gd gd.. cos I miss playing vball with my unsw frenz... they all went to HK during the holz so I haven't seen them for a while... miss them so much ar....~ can't wait till tmr night....~~~ even though mum's been complaining that I haven't been at home enough these days.... well, it's hard man... I dun even have time for myself these days... always at work and uni now... *whew*

Karen made her blog!! how funky... if u guys wanna see I have a link to her... just on the right hand bar... =)

Wednesday, March 03, 2004 ; 4:46 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

thanks sooooo much sai lo... I know you'll be here for me.... I'm so glad we have worked out our differences and became better friends after so many years of separation... hehe... and thanks Karen for your comments... I'm glad someone understand my situation.. and I like the way how you described me as a growing child... like I'm very young but growing through experiences.. =) So thanks to all that's been signing my GB.... i hope you guys like the new layout... I love Tatty Teddy...~!!!

things are much better and brighter now! Bill and I are back together... well... yeh... not that we really officially separated... but newayz.... we talked last night... and he wanted a chance to prove things to me... what can I do?! can't say no... especially since we went to the movies yesterday and my heart just melted and wanted to hug him tight.. >< It's so different when you see someone... feelings just run wild... it's weird....~~~

but yeh... called my boy today at work and asked him to gues who I was.. and he said "BB"... hehe... and he said it in such a cuuuuuuuuute way too... hehe... things like that just make my heart do flip flops.. =)

newayz... did my presentation today... all went well... passed with flying colours... seems like I won't have to re-do placement... yay!!! keke... I was told that I'm a very gd social worker... keke.... *cough* so I'm glad that's over and done with.... now when other pplz got theirs I can sit bk and relax and just point and laugh... wahahahaha~~~~

in a gd mood today... dun wanna go home... cos mum went off last night at me for running the tap the whole time I do the dishes... it's just faster that way... gggrrrr... so I dunno if she gotten over that yet.. and I was low on tolerance last night cos I was stressing abt the presentation.... so I just ignored her and went up to my room to do work... HUH!!!...... mums can be so annoying at times.... ><

Monday, March 01, 2004 ; 11:34 PMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

hey guys... moved the site... well, blogger stuffed up and won't update my template... they decided to gimme another site... so now it's~~~ www.sandybaby.blogspot.com

there's just the www in the front... hope u like the new layout!!!!

; 9:32 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

dunno what to write... dunno what to say... hm....
last night was unforgetable... (can't think of another word)... Bill and I broke up... but there's still some things to work out I guess... like, if breaking up is what we want... just heaps of stuff to work out before it's a clean slate... lots of strings attached... and I guess I have to figure out what it is that I really want... my head's telling me to break up... but my heart just will not let go.... it's hard.... hai~~~

today was the first dat bk at uni... very eventful... got to see all my lovely frenz again... whom I've missed over the holz... and I had a few pleasant surprises... my tuts turned out to be pretty gd.. th new GENED I just enrolled to is heaps gd... great lecturer... saw Flora, a friend that I haven't seen for 4yrs that I use to go to Chinese school with... and I saw Bobby jai... who's doing first year social work!!! how surprising... he's such a cutie.. hehe... but yeh, so happy that another guy has taken up SW.... =) and happy that he's at UNSW now...~^^ Also saw Jackie Chi this morning, caught the train together... and saw Winson at uni.... went to ALL my classes today (how gd am I?!) and afterwards Jeff, Raph, Karen, Wendy and I went to Tea Inn just to hang out and chat... Got home at abt 6pm.... so tired now.....

Got mid prac visit this Wednesday... so scared... >< what if I fail and I have to re do my prac at Penrith?! that'll be horrible..... but it's stupid how they're doing visits now... I'm one of the firs ones.. everyone I've talked to dun have it till end of March.... no fair!!! I just dun have time to prepare for it man.... and they expect us to do a 20mins presentation... *sob* not gd.... so scared..... I'm just tired everyday... the travelling's really getting to me.... so I dunno how I'm going to survive Wednesday.... wish me luck!!! xoxo

I miss u guys heaps <3


...Leaving Home...


...Port Stephens...

...Stephy's Bday...

...Rock Climbing...

...Bike Riding...

...Social Work & School Frenz...

...Helpline & Captain Cook...

...Australia Day 08...

...Bicentennial Park...

...Wendy's GraduatioN...

...JapaN & HK TriP...

...Sandy's GraduatioN...

...The EntrancE...

...Xmas Shift...



...BunnY Suicides...



...My BillY BabY...

...Lil Bro~LawrencE...

...SmellY LiLy...



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x November 2003
x December 2003
x January 2004
x February 2004
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x November 2004
x December 2004
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A lot of treasured moments <3