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Friday, April 30, 2004 ; 12:18 PMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

got an email from Jean.. and some msgs from Karen... thanx gurlies... I'll have a deep think abt it.. but u know me... procrastination... *sigh* what should I do Monday night? mmm... dunno yet....~ just dreading it atm I guess...

it's so funny... I watch stupid tv soapies and always get really involved in it... I'll hate all the bad characters, especially the ones that cheat on other people.. so I'll stop watching a couple of episodes, hoping when I watch it again everything would be all gd again... I guess my life is like that... only thing is, sometimes I'm the bad character... and I always wish that I could just fast forward and not think abt things... weird huh?! I must hate myself..!!! haha... I remember talking to Ken Wong last wk... and I was giving him advice abt not doing bad things otherwise karma would hit you twice as bad in return... I think it's so true... one always will suffer the consequences of their actions...

newayz... placement was great today... was out all day... I did an intro session between the parent, child and the foster carer... very inetersting... the lil 2yr old girl started calling me mum.. she got so attached to me.. when she cried or chucked a tantrum she'll always go to me and she'll do whatever I tell her to... whether it'll be putting bk her toys or telling her to stop crying.. she's so cute... I folded her a paper crane last time and her mum told me she always takes it to bed with her... how sweet~~~prob squashed by now.. -.-" keke...

My boy got a job today too... he got an analysis job at a major publishing and distribution firm... so happy for him... but it brings abt so many problems... I dun think he knows though... he's been raging on abt how happy he is that he's gotten a job... I wonder if he ever thinks abt how I feel in situations like this... actually... i dun think boys think at all... so... oh wellz... I guess just take each day as it comes... *sigh*

everytime sth happens and I have to think abt things... they just never seem to go Bill's way... it's as if God is hinting to me that he's gotta go.. that he's not the one... I dunno... sometimes I just need some reassurance from him that everything will be ok... but this reassurance never comes from him... but from my friends.... which I'm so grateful for... I could never live without my dear friends...

I remember Karen telling me the theory of how we have so much expectations of our partners, whereas friends we don't... we pick on our partners on everything.. whereas friends we let so many things slide... pretty ineteresting...~^^" I guess it's just that we dun wanna lose our friends... whereas with our partners we always unconsciously wanna test their limits... hai~~~

Sandy is... a Straight Arrow~
You're all about sweetness, sunshine, and smiles. We've never met anyone nicer than you. In fact, we wouldn't be surprised to come across you sitting in a peaceful green meadow, surrounded by adorable baby animals eating out of your hand while your halo shines in the sun. Nah, we're just kidding. But you are an awfully good person. Sure, you may have dipped your toe in the naughty pool once or twice, but you generally stick to the shallow end, leaving the deep waters to the leather-and-nudie-magazine crowd. It's all well and good to follow the straight and narrow, but it's okay to walk on the wild side once in a while, too. Have a drink. Make a prank call. Go to strip club. Trust us — as long as no one gets hurt, it's fun to be bad!

Thursday, April 29, 2004 ; 2:23 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

changed layout..!!! do u guys like it? took me a while cutting and pasting.. hehe.. pretty proud of myself though! the last one was cute.. this one's a bit weird with the box for shoutouts... but... I dunno how to fix it... so live with it! hehe... leave any comments in my GB okies? =)

had a real bad night last night... talked to a certain someone... i dunno... it was a nice talk.. but brought bk a lot of emotions and unresolved issues... why do pplz play with your mind like that? if it's past it's past... why mention things again and tug on the heart strings and then feel bad afterwards..? *sigh* not gd... but it wasn't an all bad conver... at least I got to hear what he was really thinking and how he felt abt things.. I dunno... confusing heh? yeh... I am too.. -.-"

Been replaying that conversation all day today... coldn't stop thinking abt it... haven't had sth like this happen for a while... feel like I'm bk in high school...! wellz... felt that I needed someone to talk to so I sent pplz some emails... hope they reply soon... I like going into my emails and see that there's sth in my inbox.. hehe...

*~Sandy lives in a Fairy Tale~*

Glass slippers, traveling minstrels, knights in shining armor. These are some of the classic components of fairy tales. And when it comes to your real-life love life, you'll take 'em in the form of candy and flowers, poems describing your beauty, tiny velvet boxes, and the like. Whether you are single or settled, you're a firm believer that the fairy tale shouldn't end when someone is carried over the threshold (though that's a pretty fun part, too).

You sometimes have to work to get your head out of the clouds, but your optimistic spirit and love-conquers-all attitude helps you deal with the good and bad that life might throw your way. As long as you can spot a poison apple when it knocks on your door, you'll always be able to find your happy ending.

Wednesday, April 28, 2004 ; 7:21 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

nothing happening... so bored... half an hr till I finish here at Barnardos Penrith.. how exciting... hehe... the weather's so miserable.. I wouldn't mind staying here overnight... too lazy to go home.. keke...

did lots of paperwork and mail outs and data entry stuff.. pretty gd day actually cos I was kept busy... if only everyday the tasks were so easy... hehe... I did all my work for the next week so now I have to keep finding stuff to do... Friday should be fun though... going to home visits and stuf.. =)

my boy came on icq to talk to me this morning... how sweet~* I talked to Karen and wrote her an email too... see how unproductive I am @ work? keke... not gd not gd...

My boy sent me an email on abortion.. man it was gross.. made me feel so sick afterwards... both physically and emotionally... the pics were yuck and the story was heart touching... girls... dun have an abortion!!! as Tina says.. safe sex!!! "no balloon, no party!"... keke... man, that cracked me up when I first heard it... never expected it from Tina!!! hehe...~^^

Sandy is a Cocker Spaniel!

You're a perky, loving Cocker Spaniel. Playful and energetic, you're a real people person. People can't help but fall hook, line, and sinker for your friendly, well-rounded personality and natural charm. It's a subtle thing, though — being outgoing and flirtatious, not showy, is the name of your game. Friends, co-workers, and potential dates can't help liking you. How could they not? Your winning-yet-humble ways make you popular, admired, and a joy to be around. Woof!

Tuesday, April 27, 2004 ; 12:35 PMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

went to uni today to hand in some stuff then was going to go to St. Leonards and meet up with Bill... he went to Crows Nest for an interview today... so I thought I'd give him a surprise.. but by the time I went to the UNSW bus stop he called me and told me he was on his way out to the city... so I met up with him at Central... he looked so cute in his formal wear... haha!!!

we went to have lunch at the "car noodles" place... so yummy... and then we shopped around and went to sing an hr K... had so much fun... hehe... then we walked bk down to Chinatown and went to Cafe 21 for some ice cream waffles... my favourite!!! man... ate so much today... keke... we took a photo card as well... (http://sandy100802.fotopic.net/p4118430.html)... I've scanned it and it's in my photo link... I've put up two new photo albums... one is of some photo cards that we've taken in the past 20mths... and the other one are photos from today from my digital camera.. have a look la!!!

Sandy's colour is... Red~

Red symbolizes passion, romance, and love. So, since you're ruled by red, you probably trust your feelings more than your brain and tend to act spontaneously. If you see something you want, you go for it without thinking twice. You don't wait around for people to make decisions, either; you dive right in. Quite the romantic, you pay close attention to your emotions. In fact, if your heart isn't in what you're doing, you won't be satisfied. Of course, even when you do pour all your energy into the projects you tackle, your impetuous nature means your passions can shift as frequently as the wind. That's why some reds have trouble with commitment. Our advice? Next time you're feeling fickle, think before you act, if possible. You might be surprised at the results. Overall, though, it's great to be red. No one lives life more completely than you do.

Monday, April 26, 2004 ; 12:53 PMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

went to work at Captain Cook today... quite an easy shift as there weren't a lot of customers... but there were heaps of gd staff on so that was gd.. we all just talked throughout the whole day... keke... I took some photos with my digital camera... u guys can have a look!!! not much but there'll be more later on when I do a couple mroe shifts in the holz... keke...

got home and we have pplz over for dinner... it's my dad's high school friend and his family... how kewl is that?! imagine still being in touch with ur high school friend after like 20yrs...! I wish I would be able to with all my friends... primary, high school... and uni! but i think it's pretty amazing... and such a small world...~^^

Sandy is an...Observer~

That means you're one of the more kind-hearted people around. You are unusually intuitive, and you probably understand yourself, as well as others. That also means you're a good mediator — though you may prefer to spend more quiet time on your own than most.

Because of the self-knowledge you already possess, you are better equipped than many to steer your life in the right direction. Understanding more about the components of your personality will reveal unique information that even people like you might not realize. And the better you know yourself, the more confident you'll be making decisions that affect your life.

Saturday, April 24, 2004 ; 12:46 PMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

went to Parra this morning and shopped around and had a nice lunch with my boy... it was so funny... we went to all the toy shops and started playing with all these funky things... hehe...

afterwards I went into the ct to meet up with Winnie and Hau to do our assignment.... it was pretty gd.. did quite a lot of work.. (i thought so!) and we had a nice chat abt other stuff.. like Lake Macquarie!!! hehe... and we went to Blue Ice.. my favourite drinks place.... *yum*... use to always go there with Bill.. but not anymore lu... cos he never come out to the ct.. *sob*... oh wellz....

all in all it was a great day... got two photos of Hau and Winnie... go have a look!!!

Sandy is a.... Responsible Friend~^^

Your giving and honest nature makes you the kind of person almost anyone would be proud to call a friend. As one who places a high value on your personal integrity, you seem to try to live by the ol' Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Because of this inclination, you're the type to insist on taking responsibility for your actions, even in difficult circumstances. You also appear to take conscious steps to honor your commitments to others.

Friday, April 23, 2004 ; 4:45 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

wasn't gonna go to placement today cos i'm lazy and my boy's home alone so I was gonna go visit him and make him lunch... I've got one day time in lieu so I'm allowed to take a day off.... but nope.. I went in to Barnardos today and did some work... my boy said he was busy last night so I didn't go over cos I didn't wanna bother him.... pppfff... oh wellz~~ so much for a surprise...

bludged all day at work... thinking abt a lot of things... wrote karen bk an email... hm.. have bn emailing quite a bit these days as it's the only thing I could do at placement.. haha... been talking to heaps of pplz... interesting..~

Sandy is....Compassionate!

People high in compassion have a great deal of empathy toward others. They are also very kind and thoughtful. People who score highly on this quality often are more affectionate than others are. They also generally feel that they have high values. This quality of compassion tends to come out most strongly in relationships and can be felt as warmth toward a significant other or concern about that person's feelings and general welfare.

haha... now u know why I'm a social worker... hehe

Thursday, April 22, 2004 ; 6:40 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

not much happening today... apart from the fact that I'm so tired and can sleep standing up if I had to... hehe... talked to Bill for a while on icq while working.. that was fun.. *cough*... sent a long email to Karen... =) read everyone's blog...

talked to Jean and she's going out with James now..!!! happy for her... jealous as well.. cos I know James will treat her like a princess as he's so genuine and sweet... and Leesha is going out with Andy... hehe... so happy for her as she's bn waiting for quite a while for the right one... I hope he doesn't break her heart...~

I bumped into Ken Wong Tuesday morning and he told me his secret.. dunno whether to believe him or not... I guess it probably was true... but u never know with him.. he use to be such a bull shitter... but i think he's grown out of it... but yeh... shocking news that he told me... hm...~~~

Sandy is a Social Realist.

You're comfortable in social situations that fluster other people. It is in part this ease is that makes you a catch for potential partners. You like to take time to really get to know the people in your life, especially your romantic partner. Your challenge is to make sure that you get what you want out of the time and energy you've invested.

(how ironic is this result? especially the last sentence... -.-")

Wednesday, April 21, 2004 ; 9:48 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

ooowww... finger still hurts from last night's cut... *sob* so deep.. and it stings like crazy...

went to the Maritime Museum with the children today... it was heaps gd... everyone has heaps of fun... including me.. it was my first time there and I think the children made it enjoyable for me.. I love being surrounded by kids as theyr'e always laughing and so care free... doing whatever they want...~ we spent the day going to a story telling session, touring the museum, doing craft work... like building light houses and stuff, having lunch, touring the ships and the submarine... it was totally awesome... the kids were filled with endless energy while I was all worn out by the time the day was over... keke... it was gd for the children to get out as most of them has never bn to the city before... they were all so curious of their surrounding environment and asking endless questions...

I got home and ate my last Easter egg for the year... and then ate a pack of Buenos that Wendy bought for me.. *yum*... very satisfying...

bn looking at the phone all day.. why bother heh? :><:

BTW.. i do have a photo link on the right for those that dunno... I update it every now and then... and the photos from today's trip is up so take a look!!!

*NEWS* Big Brother will be on air on Channel 10 on the 2nd MAY!!!!!!!

Tuesday, April 20, 2004 ; 12:52 PMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

today has been... GREAT!!! I mean... this is the FIRST Tuesday since session started that I didn't see my boy.. and I have no idea why today was such an exception... -.-" I thought he was gonna call me at 1pm when I finish class and give me a surprise or sth... but no such luck... hai~~~ only see him on Saturdays now... and Sundays.. but that's only cos we have vball.. if we dun... we're barely see... he sent me a forward email yesterday... huh... he didn't even take the time to actually write me an email while he's online... how sad... :><:

anywayz.. forget abt the depressing stuff... as a professional social workers we have to explore all avenues of alternatives and look on the positive side of things.. =)

so I went to tut this morning... and it was pretty gd... then I was already thinking to myself what should I do after class if Bill doesn't show up... but my prayers were answered when I saw Jeff and Raph waiting for me at the door when I finished class... (why wasn't it you man?!) They waited for two hrs for me and Karen so we could go yum cha at the city... keke... how nice... it was $15.50/pp all you can eat... I swear man... haven't had such a BIG lunch before... we must've ate at least one plate of everything possible... haha.... had so much fun.... was so full afterwards... especially when I got up afterwards I SO felt my belly flopping in front of me... hehe.... but yeh.... had heaps of fun and boy was it an experience eating with Raph and Jeff... hehe... =)

Then I spent the whole night at home playing with my new digital camera... which is a crap one but I'm easily satisfied... I mean... this cam doesn't even have flash or a screen for me to view pics... I have to plug it to the comp to view pics... haha... how crap heh?! but still... I spent all day playing with it...

And I also spent the night setting up my HP scanner/copier/printer.... it's so cool!!! 3 in 1... my parents bought it for me as an early bday present... cos it's on special now... hahaha!!! dodgy heh? but yeh... spent all night setting it up and shyte... and man I feel so proud of myself now as it's all under contral and working in fine condition... except for the fact that I got a really deep cut from the stupid cardboard... still bleeding a bit while I'm typing away... hehe...

so that's bn my day... and it's been heaps gd... apart from the lil voice at the bk of my head that's reminding me of Bill... but why should I care? he doesn't care... haven't heard from him all day... why have a bf when you have one but u dun? hehe... confusing heh? oh wellz....~~~ laughter is always the best medicine... and I sure had plenty of those today...~^^

Monday, April 19, 2004 ; 8:31 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

went to uni today.. it was so gd to see everyone else... although Karen didn't come... miss u gurlie..~~ well, everyone went to lecture in the morning then at 10am we all went to Quad as per normal... we chatted and then most of us went to class... Wendy did her presentation and she was so gd!!! hehe... =) afterwards we went to Mathews Arcade and ate and talked and we had Hau trying to convince Jeff and I to go to Fish Markets with her and Tina later this afternoon. hehe... she's so cute~^^ but of course Jeff and I have to work on our assignment so we refused to give in... =)

I felt so loved today at uni... Wendy saw Kinder Buenos (my fav choc!) selling at the supermarket and she bought me 6 poackets!!! it was only sold overseas before but now they have them here!!! and sweet Wendy pooz bought me some... how cool heh?! feel so special...~^^ Also, it was freezing cold today.. especially in the morning... and Raph offered me his thick ass jacket... the kind with feathers inside it... it was so warm... thanx RAPH!!!

and it's Dereks' bday today... HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!

Karen gave me a call this arvo... she slept in and didn't come to uni... *sob* she called to see what we were up to... I think she just missed me too much... haha!!!

I went home at 2pm... after bumming for a while with Jeff and Raph... but I didn't get home till 4:30pm... WHY?! bcos my bus didn't show up at Penno and my parents were out so I couldn't get home... so I was at Penno sitting in the freezing cold for an hour and a bit... hai~~~~ so charm ne...

Sunday, April 18, 2004 ; 1:11 PMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

went to work today.. had heaps of fun... the day at Esprit went by heaps fast... lots of cute babies came in so I got to play with them... keke...

went home after work and started working on my Gened assignment bus was quite unsuccesful due to the lack of motivation... swear... procrastination's your worst enemy... -.-" so I bludged all arvo and had some dinner while watching 2hrs of TV and then went to volleyball at 8pm... the games was HEAPS good... it was such a funny game... hehe... everyone making jokes and stuff... hehe... and we won!!! yay~~~ so that was very exciting... =)

got home and ate an ice block... showered... and hopped into bed!!!!

talked to my boy for 15mins.. although 14 of those were just silences... I talked to him during the day... he was telling me how he's got so much to do on Monday... and that his friend's graduating on tuesday and he wants to go... then later on he tells me he's not goig... and he doesn't know what he's gonna do on Tuesday... blah blah blah... like yeh yeh yeh....~ :><:and where am I in all this? hm........ yes... he can go bk to uni for friend's grad, or for vball or to have lunch with his "girl" friends.... but he can't come to uni for his girlfriend... (hm.. should I quote that as well as I'm not even sure if that's what I am to him)... and he tells me he can't go out and shyte.. well, he tells me on Monday he's going to Parramatta and Macquarie... like, make up your mind!!!!

why bother have a boyfriend when they're so much trouble? what's the point? especially when you live separate lives... once I was talking to the boys at uni and they were askin me abt love life and stuff... and I told them I rarely see my boy and they were so shocked, they thought I saw him everyday...! so.... if a couple only sees each other twice a wk... talks on the phone but only silences... he stays at home and does his own stuff while the other goes to uni and works and has her own life... are they still a couple? When the girl bloody writes a 10300 word (not exaggerating) life story for him and he still hasn't finished his and he never emails her while she emails him every week.... are they still a couple? *sigh* why bother.... seriosuly...~~~

Saturday, April 17, 2004 ; 1:07 PMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

slept in today... so nice to be able to do that...~

went to to Castle Towers with my boy and did some shopping... then we went to watch "Taking Lives"... it was heaps good..!!! I really liked it... but i think my boy got scared... he friggin hid behind me half the time and at one stage he screamed when sth unexpected pop up... so embrassing.. -.-" I told him I'll take him to Scooby Doo or Shrek next time... keke...

got home and felt a bit sick... think it was too cold in the cinemas and I caught a "cold head"... so my head was punding... took some panadol and had dinner... dinner was *yum*.... then I watched a bit of TV and went to zzz...

never talk to my boy long on the phone anymore... he always tells me to zzz... he's always busy with sth... what's the pt of me even calling then...? *sigh* he always says we'll talk tmr.. but we never do... -.-"

Thursday, April 15, 2004 ; 1:10 PMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

nothing much happened yesterday... apart for the fact since it's school holz Barnardos has vacation care for disabled kids... and they're right next to our office, we have to walk past them to get into our area.. and yesterday arvo one of them was bloody sitting naked masturbating himself... eeeeeewww...~~~ the workers told me he just recently discovered his penis and was "experimenting"... I told the workers and they stopped him.. man it was embarassing.. -.-"

today was a real gd day... woke up and had a nice shower then started working on my Gened assignment... drove to UNSW to play vball in arvo with my boy and some uni friends.... so funny... this guy that we didn't know just walked on the court and started playing with us... and he didn't even know how to play!!! I whinged to my boy and he told the guy to go away... hehe.... we all left at 6pm and my boy and I went to HK cafe for dinner.. and Ivan was there!!!! so happy...~~~ we got given a table were I couldn't perve on him so I complained to my boy and told him to ask if we could move tables... he said no, if I wanted to I can ask... but in the end he asked for me... hehe.. so sweet!!!! see girls, whinge enough and they give in! =) newayz... had a heaps gd dinner with my boy being stupid and making silly comments... and of course I perved at Ivan the whole night while my boy perved at the boards... haha... he was so funny.. pretending to talk to the board... keke...~^^ after dinner I ran to car and left my boy behind... I hopped into my car and pretended to drive off... keke... Bill jumped in front of my car with arms wide open and then hopped on the front... hehe... it was hilarious... in the end I unlocked my doors and drove him home... hehe... it was so funny....

got home and showered then jumped straight into bed... still have placement tmr.... I took today off just to play volleyball... hehe... such a professional social worker heh?! =)

Tuesday, April 13, 2004 ; 12:52 PMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

Spent the day at Barnardos doing case notes and stuff... got a bit side tracked at one point though and did my lil life history project for my boy... up to 9000 words now, about 22 pages. cool huh? dun even write that much for my essays! But it's such a good way to reflect back on my life....

I was writing about my past relationships and man I started to feel so depressed... had such tragic relationships with boys... :><: I went home tonight and read the letters and emails that my first ever "boyfriend" gave me... it was so sweet... but so upset looking at it again... cos I never knew the answer to a particular question... for those that know me, you guys will know what I'm going on about... and I'm sorry to bring it up again as I promised some of you that I'll not mention the ****** again... =( so I'll shut up...~^^"

feel so sick... got a massive head ache... think I didn't wear enough today for the freezing weather... bbbrrr....~

Monday, April 12, 2004 ; 12:43 PMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

even though it's a public holiday today I worked at Captain Cook... but not complaining as it was a pretty easy shift and it's double pay!!! hehe.... nothing much happened at work... except for a lil girl that rolled down the stairs and I had to give her lots of cuddles and chocolate before she smiled again... poor baby~

finished work and JUST missed my train!!!! so I had to wait another half hour seeing it's public holz and there's only two trains every hour... >< so I was pissed off big time... but what could I do... hai~~~~

got home and had dinner and watched some TV... then got into bed at 9:30pm but didn't doze off till abt 10:30pm as I was on the phone with my boy talking abt stupid things.. (as always)... Emmy called me during that time but I missed her call... hehe... feel so bad now... gotta call her bk soon... -.-"

Sunday, April 11, 2004 ; 12:53 PMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

nothing much happened today... had a nice relaxing day... slept till 10am (which is REALLY late for me...)... had lunch at HK cafe... saw the leng jai.... hehe... I caught him looking at me too~!!! (mebbe I was imagining it... hm.. who knows?! -.-")... then afterwards I went over to Bill's house and we watched TV all arvo... saw a really sad movie... cried so much... *sob*.... then we went to HK cafe (again!) for dinner... mmm... i love that place... food is yummy... hehe... but the leng jai wasn't there... >< so sad... we stayed there for a while... eating... drinking... then my boy and I did a love test... keke... it said we were highly compatible...~^^ I wanted to do another one but my boy didn't want to.... no fair... -.-"~

got home... watched Joey's Show Up VCD... and now online... and thinking about how I have to work at Captain Cook tmrz.... gggrrr....~~~~

Saturday, April 10, 2004 ; 1:47 PMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

It's me and Bills 20mths today~! =) never thought we'll make it this far.... wonder how long we'll go for... forever? hehe... mebbe~^^"

in the arvo my parents, me and Bill went to Chatswood for yum cha... then we walked around a bit looking at scanners... then me and Bill took off to watch "Win a Date with Tad Hamilton"... it was REALLY gd!!!! highly recommend it.... dun have such gd chick flicks anymore... hehe.... predictable yet moving~^.^ Aftewards we went bk to his place and had dinner with his mum.... then Bill drove me home.... nice normal day...

at night I spent two hours typing 3000 words.... a lil "project" that me and my boy's doing... we're each making our personal life story to give to each other.... we talk about life until now, and what we think it'll be like in the future.... talking about our significant relationships and all the major events that's happened in our lives.... it's taken me AGES since I wanna write everything... I still haven't finished... hehe... but I think when we finish, it'll be the present ever... sentimental ar ma!!! xoxo

Thursday, April 08, 2004 ; 12:01 PMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

had a great but VERY tiring day today.... didn't even go to the center today.. caught a train to Springwood rom Central at 7am in the morning... did a 4hr carer assessment... then had lunch... then went to Katoomba to do a placement visit... then we drove bk to Penrith where I caught the train home... didn't get home till late since we finished heaps late and we had to drive from Katoomba (Blue Mountains)... so today has been filled with travelling experiences...!!!! but I had a great day.... carer assessment was kinda boring but home visit was excellent.. I got to play with three BOYS!!! hm.... remind me never to have three kids... especially if they're all boys...! so tiring trying to satisfy them all.... but they're gorgeous!!! especially the little one... he's only 2yrs and he's soooooooooo kyoooooooooooote!!! he keeps on hugging me and getting me to carry him... and this is the first time I met them and he got really attached to me... he cried when I left the poor baby... >< But all of them were great and we played hide and seek (haven't played that for a while!), and they showed me their room, and told me about going to the Easter Show tmr with their aunt.... so full of energy... then before I went I had to give each of them a piggy back... hehe.... and the small one took me aside and told me he wanted to go home with me and be my friend... how cute is that?^^" but of course I couldn't and I had to explain a lot of things to them... like why they can't live with mum atm... and why they're here... *sigh* poor children....

newayz.... catching the train home was dreadful cos I was so tired... didn't even eat much dinner cos I just couldn't be bothered... too much work to lift my hand and grab some food then plave it in my mouth... then I have to chew and swallow?! nah... too much work... ><"

some of my friends are going to Luna Park tonight... so jealous... I couldn't go cos I knew I was gonna be late from work... and my boy was gonna come over and use the net so I told them I couldn't make it... *sob* well, Bill didn't end up coming cos he got his comp fixed... and I wish right now I was on some ride at Luna Park... hehe... I hope they're having a gd time though... =)

Tuesday, April 06, 2004 ; 1:27 PMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

went to uni today... only had two hrs but I love that tute... Karen didn't come cos she was sick... ><" bumped into Jeff and Raph when I got there... talked a bit... Saw Winnie as well and she told me I looked really pretty today... hehe... so happy now =)

after the tute I went to Macquarie Centre and visited pplz @ Esprit... met up with my boy at 3pm... shopped around... trying on headbands at Good Vibrations... so funny..~^^ then we sat down at Starbucks and relaxed... then at 5:45pm I went to the team meeting at Esprit... Bill went home... meeting was pretty gd.. very funny... did lots of cool activities... finished at 7:45pm... parents picked me up and we went to dinner at HK Cafe... Ivan wasn't there... what a dissappointment...! >< keke... but my boy is trying to organise vball and getting him to come... woohoo~~~!!! hehe...

hm... if a guy brushes a girl's hair and looks at her with cute puppy eyes... does it mean nething? especially if they're JUST friends... not even flirty friends... but one day he just brushes her hair back.... hm.....^^" I personally like pplz playing with my hair... especially if it's a guy... I think it's so cute..!! hehe...

newayz... I hope Karen is feeling better...~ I think I'm getting sick too though... I always just sit still and will just start getting head spins.. and NO I don't smoke or take drugs... keke... just in case u were wondering... I think I have low blood pressure... should get it checked up heh? ><

Monday, April 05, 2004 ; 12:27 PMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

just took a shower... feel so nice and warm now... hehe...

went to uni today... had an awesome day.. after the 9am lecture all us social workers went to Maccas for some breaky... and I had my second bacon and egg Mcmuffin ever in my life... very satisfying indeed!!!! we all pigged out and talked abt where we should go in the end of session holz... we all wanna go away for a few days but not sure where yet... how exciting!!!!... after that we all went to our stupid tute... then we bummed around then later in the arvo Karen, Derek, Raph, Jeff and I went down to Anzac Pde for some REAL lunch... hehe... Raph was so cute.. he was aking em things like when I'm getting married... when I'm gonna have kids... why aren't I living with Bill yet... how often I see him... blah blah blah... hehe... so funny~~~ After that Raph drove me and Jeff bk to uni and we waited for the others to finish class... then Tina, Hau and I went to watch 50 First Dates... which was pretty gd.. for a chick flick that is... hehe...

got home and had a nice dinner... and for once my boy called me to check that I was okies in getting home... like, he'll always get me to prank him when I get home so he knows that I'm safe... but sometimes I forget to and he never calls me to see if I DID get home... so silly... so I could've been raped and chopped into pieces and he wouldn't of known... and for the first time tonight he called and asked why I haven't called him.... and this time I didn't forget... just that it took me ages to get home cos of the stupid rain... hehe.... so he's been a pretty gd boyfriend lately I guess... =) xoxo

Sunday, April 04, 2004 ; 1:25 PMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

had heaps of fun @ work today... Esprit's doing a promo atthe moment and we have to give out Scratchie cards to customers that walk in... they're so cool... u get discounts..!!!! like 15% off, 25% off, 50% off, 75% off.... even 100% off..!!!! 3 pplz in NSW has won 100% off already... dunno how many there are though... but u get $500 worth of Esprit absolutely FREE!!!! how kewl is that... I want that...>< hehe... newayz, went down to Myer for a while and caught up with Kathy... then we got bored so she gave me a 45mins facial!!!! so cool... never done facials before.... she was so good at it too... explaining to me what she's doing and what she's using... she works at Jurlique and is so pro!!! keke... so we had heaps of fun... hehe... I met a Biotherm gurl today too.. she said she'll do one for me next time...!! woohoo...~~~ see... public relations.... I gave them scratchies and they gave me facials... haha....

After a hectic day at work I went home and watched lots of TV... didn't even have dinner.. and went to play vball a 7pm... and we won!!! yay~~~ pretty good game... so funny... everyone was cracking up cos pplz were doing stupid things... hehe... after vball my boy and I went to Maccas to eat... well, I ate and he watched... haha... and I got a free fries/coke from the pictionary peel offs!!! yay...~~ love those instant wins... wahahaha~

so tired now... feeling kinda sick... think I'm getting a cold.. and my blood pressure's been really low so I'm so out of it... everytime I stand up I get dizzy... not gd... wonder if I'll ever pass out... think that might be an experience though... wonder what it's like... hehe... NO, I'm not a freak...~^^ xoxo

Saturday, April 03, 2004 ; 2:12 PMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

went to the Easter show today!!! luckily the weather was perfect...not too hot and not too cold =) Bill and I caught a but from Carlo Court and got there around 3pm... walked around.... got lost... walked around more... bumped into Claude!!! haven't seen him for yonks... he was like my first friend at Captain Cook...=) but now he's working at Ikea.. we saw a magic show on the way... it was so cool!!!! then my boy and I went to watch some Xtreme Sports show at the Superdome... pretty cool... then we went to watch the Pig Racing!!!!!! It was the highlight of the day man... they were so cute... and they run so fast... haha... and they dive and swim too!!! so cute... =) and they all have cute names like Miss Piggy, Porky Pig, Pork Chop... haha.... after the shows we went walkies again.... looking at Showbags and playing games trying to win a BIG stuff toy... which we were unsuccessful... got a small one though! =) bumped into my god brother Gene and his gf... who was Jenny Chan!!! such a small world... I met Jenny at uni cos we did a subject together... and coincidently she use to go tutoring with Bill in high school.. and now coincidently again she's my bro's gf!!! hehe.... connections connections...~^^ newayz, after that we went to the Main Arena and watched some Holden Utes do cool things... then some Motor X free styles.... then the fireworks!!! which was okies.... last yr was better... this year was pretty dodge... I think Nova was too busy marketing themselves... haha....

All in all it was a GREAT day... and everyone should go and waste all their money!!! keke... you only get to go once a year...~^^

Thursday, April 01, 2004 ; 12:32 PMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

went to a COPMI (Children of Parents with a Mental Illness) seminar at Penrith Panthers today.... was pretty interesting.. had a lot of guest speakers... I thought Karen would be here since there were pplz from Blacktown Mental Health... but she wasn't... *sob*... the dya was okies... dragged near the end but at least it's over now... afterwards I went to Krispy Kremes and bought a dozen doughnuts... *yum*

Johnson ge msged me today to see how I was... how sweet!!! and I also got a msg from Matty telling me he got his apprenticeship in screen printing... so proud of him... I work use to work with him at CCC... but he was such a lil gangster... was always late for work or never showed up cos he got too pissed the night before... or he'll come to work drugged and stoned... and weekends he'll go out and graffiti walls and trains... that lil bugger.... but after working with him and getting to know him I knew he was really, a nice guy!!! So I tried to convert him to a goody goody... as a social worker I didn't want him to be one of my clients in the future.... and slowly he progressed and became a very capable young man... he quit drugs... distanced himself from his "bad" friends... got rid of his girlfriend who was controlling him in a way.... and now everything's going well for him... he's got his apprentice and he's left CCC, which he always wanted... hehe... I'm so proud of him~^^

Got home and had a nice dinner and went online to talk to Karen and read emails... my boy was considering coming over tonight to use the net since his comp is down but never did cos it was too late by the time he finished dinner... he told me he'll be going to uni tmr to use the net... ppppfff... ironically this arvo he said he won't go that far just to use comp... :><: and tonight he just contradicted himself.... but I knew he had other reasons.... some of his friends are graduating tmr so mebbe he wants to go say hi... -.-" the day he graduated these girls were congratulating him and was pressuring him to go to their grad... like hello?!??! I'm here right next to him.... what made it worse was my boy didn't even intro me to his friends... he always does that... every time we bump into his friends I just stand next to him and look pretty....><" isn't it just manners to intro pplz? especially when it's a GIRL?!?!?!?!?! yes, I get jealous.... and it makes me even more pissy when he starts talking to a girl and ignores my presence... not that hard to say "oh, this is my gf Sandy.."... hm...... suspicious suspicious....~~~~* so yeh.... got pretty pissy when he told me he's going to uni tmrz... AND! he's got an interview at Beecroft in the arvo so I hope he doesn't forget or be late (as he always is).... hai~~~ boys....

I miss u guys heaps <3


...Leaving Home...


...Port Stephens...

...Stephy's Bday...

...Rock Climbing...

...Bike Riding...

...Social Work & School Frenz...

...Helpline & Captain Cook...

...Australia Day 08...

...Bicentennial Park...

...Wendy's GraduatioN...

...JapaN & HK TriP...

...Sandy's GraduatioN...

...The EntrancE...

...Xmas Shift...



...BunnY Suicides...



...My BillY BabY...

...Lil Bro~LawrencE...

...SmellY LiLy...



x October 2003
x November 2003
x December 2003
x January 2004
x February 2004
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x November 2004
x December 2004
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A lot of treasured moments <3