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Monday, May 31, 2004 ; 1:08 PMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

surprisingly I made it to uni on time today for my 9am start... I was at friggin Penno station for half an hr in 8 degrees weather cos the trains went stupid again... ggggrrr... freakin public transport... anyone wanna buy me a car?! hehe... I'll be your best friend!!!! haha...~~~

uni was okies today... not much happened... went to all my classes... then at 3pm us girls and Jeffrey went to a warehouse store near Central... pretty cool there, everything is so cheap!!! I bought white cord pants for $10 and a nice black dress for $10.. yay!!! keke... Thanks Tina for taking us there!!!

got home and we had hot pot for dinner... it was SO nice... mmm...~~~

Bill's stooopid... he didn't call me this arvo... *sob* no fair~~~ only talked to him for like 5mins this morning... and then he never called me again for the rest of the day... mmm... but i talked to him tonight for like 10mins... Mike called last night but I forgot to return his call.. mebbe tmr.. too tired now... gotta zzzz...~~~

Sandy is a.... smiling face!!!

Somehow you just always seem to find a way to turn that frown upside down. Your upbeat attitude and friendly demeanor brighten up any room, including your favorite chat room.

Like your classic emoticon counterpart, you're a staple on anyone's list. Boring days and sleepless nights are far more bearable when you're online to chat. Whether you're shooting the breeze, catching up, or giving out advice, you can cheer up anyone on the other side of the conversation. So keep lightening the mood, making new friends, and bringing smiles to other folks' faces. After all, it's just so natural for you!

Sunday, May 30, 2004 ; 2:52 PMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

BIG day today... picked up Jean and Johnson this morning to go to Emmy's christianing... sowwie, but it was pretty boring... mebbe cos I'm not religious.. hehe... but yeh, poor Johnson and Jean, the whole thing was in Canto so they didn't really understand it... haha... so we left at abt 2pm... dropped Johnson off then Jean and I went to Castle Towers to eat and do some shopping.. =) hehe... how typical~! but it was nice spending time with Jeannie.. since she's always with her boy I dun get to see her much... *sob*

Afterwards I went out to dinner with parents then went to vball at 8pm... it was finals!!! so everyone was really psyched abt it... we didn't play till really late cos the game b4 us didn't finish on time... but we got thru pretty quickly and kicked our opponent's ass three sets nil... woohoo~~~!!!^^ So we came first and it was all so lovely.. =)

Saturday, May 29, 2004 ; 1:44 PMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

bestest day today although I'm so tired right now... zzz... been driving all day today... left home at abt 6am and picked my boy up, then we went to Darling Harbour... (dun ask what for.. keke).. then we went to Parra for breaky... had such a BIG breaky.. couldn't even finish it all.. haha... and then after that we went to Penrith for the Barnardos Open Day!!! got there around 12pm... took so long driving there... aiyaya~~~ newayz... had heaps of fun there, saw lots of familiar faces which was gd.. and Bill got to see what social work really is abt and what I do at placement... which is gd gd!!! and he had fun with the kids too... keke... Lil Ainsley who's 2yrs old got Bill to open a lollie for her... so cute!!! and when they left she ran up to me and gave me lil kiss on the cheek... she's so gorgeous...!!! gonna take her home with me one day.. hehe... =)

After that we went to Macquarie and did some shopping, had a drink.. and then we went to Mobbs Hill and enjoyed the view and basically just slept in the car cos we were both so tired from all the travelling... and then we left at 6pm for dinner @ HK...~^^

Bill was in a kinda pissy mood today... but I think he was just tired and didn't have enough zzz... well... i hope it is...~~~

Thursday, May 27, 2004 ; 12:26 PMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

busy day at work today since I haven't bn at Penrith for the past week as I have been taking my time in lieu days off... woohoo!!! hehe... but yeh, gd day... nice and busy... but I still managed to talk to Jean on ICQ... haha... that was gd... =) how exciting... it's her 21st soon... la la la... keke...

went to city after work for dinner with my parents... then went home and had cheesecake.. *yum* =p

nth much to say... except that it's Friday tmr... and then it'll be the weekend... yay!!! But i gotta go to Penrith on Saturday too... as it's Barnardos Open Day!!!! if u have nth better to do on a Saturday then come out to Penrith and visit me... keke... =) see u there!!!

Wednesday, May 26, 2004 ; 1:20 PMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

took a day off placement today to go out with mum as it's her bday tmr.. and I couldn't take tmr off as I have a couple of appointments bk at Barnardos...

so we went to Parra to eat... kinda like brunch as it was 11am by the time we got out there.. and then we went shopping at Towers... that was fun... spent so long there looking at every shop.. haha!! even saw my old Macq Esprit manager Sally.. she's looking gd.. but she told me her and her bf broke up last wk... how sad.. they've bn going out for like 3yrs or sth.. poor girl... she's gotta move out and find a place and a flat mate now.. aiyayaya~~~~ newayz... after shopping mum and I went to HK for arvo tea... *yum* so I ate heaps today... mmm... not gd gd at all... :><:

had a meeting at Esprit tonight to launch the Collection range... had SOOOO much fun!!! i haven't seen some pplz for a long time so it was gd to see everyone.. and we had to dress semi formal so everyone lookes really nice.. =) we had the meeting.. ate, drank.. and then our manager taught us latin dancing.. haha... such a crack up... but we all had fun.. will post up photos later~^^

Monday, May 24, 2004 ; 12:17 PMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

had an awesome day... class was okies at uni... but afterwards at 1pm me, Karen, Raph and Jeff went to the Fish Markets for lunch... it was sooooo nice... mmm... salmon.... *yum*... it was such a satisfying lunch.. =) and then afterwards we went to K at Neway, and we couldn't stop laughing there as Raph was singing funny and trying to be like all these singers.. and he did it so gd as well!!! haha... so we all had heaps of fun...

Afterwards I got home and was so tired... so i showered and had dinner then went to zzz... keke... *Oink Oink*

Sunday, May 23, 2004 ; 1:34 PMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

my comp has bn stupid... it won't log on to the net so I haven't bn blogging... but here I am at uni.. about to tell you abt my eventful weekend!

I didn't end up going to dinner on Friday night as I was too upset... and I wasn't abt to put on a brave face in front of his mum... so I stayed home all of Friday just bumming and watching TV... and I rolled down the stairs and hurt my ankle as well... oh yes, what a wonderful day!!!

Friday night my boy and I had a very upsetting conversation... we talked abt going to Towers on Saturday earlier in the week... but he backed out on me at 1am in the morning..!!! and I had to ask him "what time u coming tmr?" and he goes "nah, I'm not going"... like, hell, let me know earlier would ya? I was gonna go to the Sass & Bide sale with Wendy and pplz... but rejected them as I wanted to zzz in and then go out with Bill... gggrrr... so yes... was not happy.. and then he told me he needed a break...!!! like... EEEEKKK!!! wtf?! where did all this come from? he didn't take me out Friday night to dinner as promised... backs out on going out day (Saturday)... doesn't answer any of my calls on Friday.. even though I just tumbled down the stairs and could not walk... and here he is telling me he needs a break... so I was very much upset and spent the night crying my eyes out and not feeling too gd.... didn't sleep well at all that night... but then I figured.. who cares, whatever's gonna happen will happen... it'll be for the best..!

On the Saturday I didn't get outta bed till abt 12pm as I was too upset to move... but I was woken up by a msg from Bill... just saying gd morning and how sorry he was... like.. *confused*! so again, like Friday, I spent all day at home doing jack shtyte... meanwhile that nigh he went to his friend's 21st at Leichardt... so upset... I always wanted to go there to eat... esp after Jean telling me how gd it was.. >< but Bill never took me... how sad...~~~~

Anywayz... as for today... Bill came up to Macq centre and visited me at work (weren't we on a break? *cough* -.-")... we walked around aimlessly... then went home when I got off work... we had vball semis tonigt so he came and picked me up. We went to Maccas to eat and then went to Ellerman... everyone was so psyched... as the team we vsed was a heaps gd team... so we were kinda scared... hehe... and we lost to them in the finals last season... so... scary!!! but we all played a gd game... point for point.. and we won!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! everyone cheered so hard after that... WOOHOO!!! anywayz... afterwards Billd rove me home... on the way I opened his box thing in the car to get my MP3 player and cable.. but instead I took out a Tatty Teddy bear!!! and it had the letter "S" on it.. it was so cute..!!! and I found a letter as well... hehe... how sweeeeeet.... I went home and read the letter and it was all abt saying sorry and talking abt the weekend.. ooohhh.. wanted to cry... *sob*... hehe... so it's all gd now between me and Bill... =) hopefully it'll be happily ever after...~^^

*waves* to my new friend... DONOVAN!!!!

Sandy is... not a slacker!!

You're no slacker. You're just fronting. Lucky for you, you're not too uptight either. You've struck that wonderful balance between slacking off and keeping busy. It's not an easy task, so congratulations. Your efficiency and determination let you work in a timely manner. And that laid-back approach means that you'll never get too stressed out. Sometimes you're pulled in two different directions, but you know how to handle it. You can take control of a situation without strangling it. This healthy style of work will lead to both success and happiness

Thursday, May 20, 2004 ; 12:29 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

i know it's early in the morning and the day hasn't ended as it just started, but I feel the need to whinge so here i am... =)

feeling like crap these days... just not in the bubbliest mood as i always am these few days. i dun feel loved, i dun feel cared for, i dun feel special... whether it's by my family or my boy, i feel like a no one. I'm always the last priority for everyone's list whereas my world always revolves around THEM.

all that know me would know vball is my life, and i always wanna share it with my parents. So it's semis this Sunday and I invited them to watch, but they said they were planning to have dinner with some friends. Then next thing u know, last night they tell me they've booked everything. Well damn you!!! *HMPH* when I told them they haven't even called their friends yet, and now they tell me they've confirmed everything. hai~~~~~~ so upset...

as for my boy... well... who knows.. he never has time for me. I was just thinking bk to uni and one thing i realised is that he NEVER had time for me!!! he could never balance his home life, uni work, and his gf... and now, it's work, home life and gf... i'm always his last priority... even on the phone he always cuts me off cos he has to drive, shower, have dinner, or sleep. He never put time aside for ME. I haven't seen him for the whole week and he asked me to have dinner with him and his family tmr night... well, i did that last wk... and I wanna spend time with HIM! i need personal time with him, not his mum... i dun mind spending time with his mum, but not excessive time... proves how much he wants to see me heh? *sigh*

last night he said he'll try to call me at 9:30pm (cos i zzz early due to placement). he's said that the past few nights but was always late... and last night he didn't call till after 10pm... i waited up for him all this time and guess what he was doing? talking to another girl on the phone! like... HELLO?!?!?! got so pissed... swear, i'm just gonna sleep when i want to switch my phone off.

he doesn't care... seriously... who leaves their gf walking in the dark for an hour? yes, i still haven't gotten over that.. as he dropped the subject like a hot potato and never apologised for it... so... he's not in my gd books atm ><"

he's like a separate world... he doesn't know what's happening in my life... did he know I was upset when my cousin's grandma died? does he know i've bn sick? does he know i was upset cos my parents made plans on Sunday when they knew my vball semis were on? does he know how i feel abt spending time with his mum? does he know he's treating me like shit? does he know I've got some guy chasing me and stalking me on the train? does he know i'm upset that he never returned my emails even though he had the time to? fark man.... NO!!! creep.... loser....

dun think i'm going to go dinner tmr night... just gonna make up some excuse and stay home for dinner instead of seeing him... so take THAT!!!

going babysitting tonight till late.... hopefully the girls will cheer me up..~^^

sorry for such a heavy blog, but i just needed to express my anger in cyberspace... and for those that's gonna ask me if I've talked to him abt it... no... HOW do i do that when he only talks to me for a couple of mins then hangs up cos he's such a busy boy? hopeless..... aiyayayayayayayaya~~~

Is Bill... THE ONE?

There's definite potential here. Maybe it's too early to tell if this is really "Mr. Wonderful," but it sounds like you've found someone great. There's no strict definition of love, but there are some things to think about that might help you to discover if this relationship is meant to last. Do your best qualities seem to shine when he's around? Do you find yourself overlooking pet peeves just because he's the guilty party? Do you feel all warm and fuzzy just thinking about him, even when he's not there? When you think about your future, is he in the picture?

There's no easy recipe for a long-lasting relationship, but you've found some of the main ingredients. Chemistry is definitely a great foundation. Then you add some trust, communication, and respect. Of course, a dollop of humor and a generous amount of romance make it much more satisfying. There are many more things you can add to make it better, but that depends on the needs of the relationship and the individuals. The two of you have clearly mastered some key elements and seem well on your way to building a loving, long-lasting relationship. If, however, you have some doubts about him, or if this relationship isn't truly what you want, listen to your inner voice. "Forever" shouldn't be taken lightly. Try to explore your fears and concerns thoroughly. And, remember, if he's not "the One", that's okay, because you'll find someone who is even better for you. It's a win-win situation!

Wednesday, May 19, 2004 ; 9:27 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

lots to do at Barnardos today... hate Wednesdays... could barely get up this morning... i figure everyone had the same problem as me as it was freezing cold... *bbbrrrrr..~~*

talked to "siu bart" all day... he made me realise a lot of things in life could not be taken for granted. And I take comfort in that someone knows how i feel as they're in the same situation. but... i wish he can cheer up and move on... just like me... although it's harder done than said. But... as Karen always say, the sun always comes out after a storm. =)

talked to my boy today for a few phone calls... he's so funny... he can be sooo immature at times... such a lil kid.. so now I always go "how r u doin lil boy? how can I help you?"... hehe~~~ and he always calls me bubz now... -.-" but for some reason I keep hearing boobs!!! haha... stupid boys...!!!

Sandy is a... PHOEBE character (from Friends)!

Um, ok! You're, like Phoebe. Ok, so you may not have Phoebe's, well, special intuition or, um, musical talent. But, like everyone's favorite friend, you never lie and your friends are the most important thing in your life.

With an utterly free spirit like yours, some people see you as flaky. But creative, perceptive-as-heck, and eerily wise is more like it. You see the good in everyone, which could make your dating life a bit, well, uneven. But you always land on your feet with your humor, kindness, (and who-knows-what-from-beyond) as your guide.

Tuesday, May 18, 2004 ; 1:09 PMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

* Jean, and all those bored plz out there, my quizzes are done on tickle, you need to sign on though...
* Also, thanx to Jeannie and her boy for signing my GB.. and thanx to Little Angel although I dunno who u are.. haha... but belief? I have heaps of belief in all my friends~^^

Bumped into Ricky this morning as per usual... but he had a pressie for me!! he gave me a burnt copy of Edison's mini concert!! YAY!!!! thanQ so much =) and saw my bro Johnson as well.. he's so funny, looked half dead.. keke

Had an awesome tut again.. never knew groupwork can be so fun.. haha. I loved today.. and our lil group was so gd... we were all arguing and stuff abt who was right.. haha... it was so funny... me and Ivana kept arguing with the others and in the end we persuaded them, but in the end we ended up being wrong.. keke, it was so funny!

went to CQ after tut and bought dad a choc sundae... then went to Westpac to do some stuff.. and then went home and watched TV (again!).. gd life heh?

is a... Hopeless Romantic~^^

For richer? For poorer? It doesn't matter to you because you're the Hopeless Romantic. Whether your sweetie is an oil baron or a grease monkey, it's all about until death do us part.

Even if you haven't met "the one," you'll judge your soul mate by the love letters, roses, and foot massages — not the size of their bankroll. And even if their wallet is as fat as their sonnet collection, the toughest part of your relationship will be arguing over which charity to choose, who loves whom more, and who's the bigger Schmoopie. And if that diamond ring turns brass, no biggie — your love is totally not-for-profit.

Monday, May 17, 2004 ; 1:49 PMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

was funny today... usually everyone's very gd and goes to uni on Monday, but SOOOOO many pplz didn't show up... cos they were all still working on their essay.. keke... so it was a pretty quiet day... ><" didn't do much... after uni me, Jeff, Derek and Raph just went for lunch at Randwick. Never went up that way before.. pretty intersting stuff... -.-"

afterwards I went home and planked myself in front of the TV.. for once I got home before my parents did... wahahaha~~~~ so I caught up on all my TV shows that I've bn taping for the past wks due to all the essays =)

Jean and I talked abt going to play pool tonight at the Tavern but she didn't sound that interested and I was tired so I thought mebbe next time.. I didn't know she took my call last wk as a "I'll call you on Monday and we'll go"... *oops* sowwie Jean... dun cry.. I'll give u a BIG hug next time.. how abt a surprise? okies? sowwie... forgive me... plz tell James not to bash me up.. *sniff* keke...

Went to HK for dinner.. but Ivan wasn't there... how sad... I guess I'll have todrop by on a weekend... I miss him... hehe... he's sooooo cute!!!

Sandy's a.... Rationalizer

If you really want something, you will always find a way to rationalize having it. Don't get us wrong, you have great intentions and definitely exercise your self-control when a temptation could have a harmful or hurtful impact on someone else. But, when it's all about you, the pleasure-seeking monster inside rears its head and can provide a justification for just about anything you want. And the funny thing is, it'll always seem to make a lot of sense! Whether it's because you "had a bad day," or you just "haven't done it in so long," you'll manage to convince yourself the temptation is actually a need. We commend you on your power of persuasion.

Sunday, May 16, 2004 ; 1:47 PMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

*HI JAMES!!!* hehe, now that I know I have a new fan who likes reading my life story, I thought I'd say hi.. haha!!! sign my GB okies? dun be shy...~~~~ ^.^

work @ Esprit was okies... nth special... been stressing abt my essay all day, it's due tmr and I haven't started, serves me right for going out all weekend!!!!

so I got home and full on did my essay, and I actually finished it by the end of the night! so that was pretty gd... keke... feel so much more better now =)

had vball tonight, we won our game, although we didn't want to as next wk is semis and we didn't wanna play the gd team at the semis... hai~~~ but oh wellz...

so tired, signing off now... and a note to "siu bart", dun be so sad, I read ur story and I cried... I really did, plz dun be so "grey", okies? *hugz*

Sandy's Candy Heart says... YES!

Whether you're with your soul mate or still trying to find them, you're beyond flitting from date to date. You're ready for it all, the commitment of a lifetime, the white picket fence and the matching "his" and "hers" slippers.

Surprise you with a getaway trip to Paris, Ireland, the Southwest, and your partner can lock you in for good. And if you're still looking, remember this: The best ones are always in the least likely places.

Saturday, May 15, 2004 ; 1:28 PMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

today was so gd... got to zzz in for once.. well, not really, as Muki called me and woke me up 10am, but I guess it was time to get my ass outta bed newayz =)

got up and watched TV for like 2hrs then I went to pick Bill up and we went to Parra to do some shopping. Very gd retail therapy as I went home with a pair of new pants, a huge ass top, some wool, and a sweater (for my mum @ Esprit). YAY!!! but now I'm so broke..-.-" but I had so much fun, I love my boy so much, he always takes me shopping, and actually doesn't mind it! keke...^^

I got home and got changed then went to pick Jean up and we met up with Muki, Leesha and Bernie at the Tavern. Never bn there b4 and I guess it's abt time I went. haha... but it was so nice to see the girls, haven't seen them in yonks! it was so funny, they were playing pool and I go "hey! Tavern's got funny balls" and Jean and Leesha just looks at me and goes "what do u mean?!" and I said "they're read and yellow!!!" and they just laughed and went on abt how they should take me out more often... hm.. (apparently they changed ages ago, no one uses stripe balls nemore). So that was my blonde moment of the day =) it was better than Leesha, when we ordered our dinner she pointed to the menu and goes "what's this?!".. and she was pointing at "Fries and Salad".... wahahahaha!!!! funny as... newayz, we all had a gd time, and yes, I still suck at pool, so what!!! hehe... and Jean wrote me a letter! how nice... feels like high school... hehe

got home at 10pm, watched a bit of tv and then fell dead on the bed.. managed to talk to my boy till 12am though... was reading him my diary entries from when we first met, and when we first started going out... nice bed time story heh? hehe...~~~

Sandy needs a... Zen Friend (?!)

The person who always has their head on straight, who can sound reasonable even in the most unreasonable of times, who makes you calmer just by standing in the same room as you. There's just something about this calming companion that made you realize from the very beginning you wanted them in your life.

This highly evolved, kind, caring, and soothing sidekick has a contagiously peaceful presence. Their grounding influence and nurturing heart give you a spiritual boost you don't easily find with others. The two of you share an appreciation for individual expression that makes the holidays a perfect time to spend together.

Friday, May 14, 2004 ; 1:15 PMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

had a great day a Barnardos today... had out team meeting which went for 4hrs, then it was lunch time... then everyone went home as it was a Friday.. haha!!! but I stayed and did some work then left at 4pm. I went to Artarmon and met up with Bill and his mum, Bill drove and we all went to Eastwood for dinner where we met up with Ken (his bro). Had a heaps nice dinner as I was pretty hungry by that time. Afterwards Bill drove me home and I just dropped dead..~~~

Sandy is a... SUBTLE FLIRT!

You're a master of the flirting game. You know how to attract attention from anyone, any time. A quick come-hither smile, a little game of look-away-and-look-back-again — before long you have the object of your affection wrapped around your little finger. One of the best things about your approach is that it's discreet. You can always act innocent and coy if something gets taken out of context or misunderstood. Just make sure you're not too subtle, or you may end up playing the game all by yourself.

Wednesday, May 12, 2004 ; 1:20 PMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

i feel like that blob on top these days.. just wanna zzz all day.. especially in the cold mornings when I have to get up early for class or placement... hai~~~

5 more wks till placement finishes!!! yay!!!

haven't talked to my boy today... it's bn more than 24hrs and I guess I' missing him... hehe... but hell, I dun wanna pick up his calls!!! And when I finally decided to call him he didn't pick up mine... so I was like, stuff this, whatever!!! :><: and I really needed to talk at that time as well...

My lil cousin called and told me his grandma died a couple of days ago... so sad.. I knew her and she was always so nice to me, and I so regret not seeing her more now... I haven't seen her for abt a year, and now there's no chance. So I called my boy for some comfort but he didn't pick up... gayness!!!

Funny how he always cuts me off or ignore me at the most crucial moments.. whether it'll be a happy moment, or a sad moment, he's never around to shre it with me, and when I wanna tell him he just cuts me off on the phone. Like wtf?!?!?! am I ur gf or what? bugger that.... luckily I got other friends to consult with... =) thanz guys!!! xoxo

PS. Thanks Hau for signing my GB, ur post put a big smile on my face, as u always do =) and for those that dun understand what she's saying, she's calling me a "chi sin, bart chi", which means stupid and dumb... nice friend huh?! kaka~~~

Sandy's subconscious mind is preoccupied with issues around personal growth

On a conscious level, you might already be aware that something is troubling you, or eating up a lot of time when it comes to becoming a better person. But it's also possible that thoughts and feelings about improving your situation in life have been preoccupying your subconscious mind — leaving you with nothing more than a general sense that things just don't feel 100% right in your life though you can't quite figure out why.

You may feel stuck or trapped in your life. Perhaps you wish you had more interests or skills, or that you had more time and energy to devote to that ongoing internal growth.

Tuesday, May 11, 2004 ; 1:09 PMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

lots of surprises today... I thought nothing was happening after class so I was gonna have lunch with mum at HK Cafe (and hoping that Ivan was there!) then go home and start my essay...

But after my tut with Karen... the stupid lifts weren't working so our whole tut walked down the stairs from level 15 at Mathews.. so stupid! so I ended up missing my bus... so I decided to walk down to lower campus to catch a bus. While I was walking Raph called and goes "come back!!! dun go... please dun go... come back!!!" haha.. he's so funny... I thought he was stalking me... keke, but it turned out I walked straight pass him and Derek.. haha! *oops* so I went bk and had a chat with them... they were waiting for Kathy as they were gonna all go and get a haircut =)... so I chatted a while then I was on my way home again... cos I promised mum I'll have lunch with her so I didn't hang around uni... on the bus Miyuki calls me and asks me to meet up with her... after much talking and negotiating we settled on meeting at Penno after I had lunch with mum... haha... so I met her at Patrick's at abt 3:45pm and we were there for abt 2hrs.. just talking and catching up...

Haven't seen Muki for so long it was nice to see her again... and even though we never really talked since we've separated from high school or seen each other much... it was just like old times when we met up today!!! which is nice... =) and I'm so glad she called me... hehe...~^^

Bill called me today and asked me how my day was.. I was in the middle of telling him how happy I was cos so many things happened but he cut me off and said bye then hanged up.. how sad... that just ruined my mood... how RUDE!!! *HMPH* so now I'm refusing to talk to him... not answering his calls...!!!!

Sandy is not... materialistic =)

You work hard for your money, but it just never seems to make you any richer, right? That's because you're just regular folk, baby. And that's A-okay. Really. Maybe you're not the best financial manager ever to walk the earth, but chances are money's not really all that important to you. So what if your job has never made anyone rich? You don't care. If you'd wanted to be rich, you'd have had to make that your number one priority and forget about lots of other things — like having fun and spending lots of time with family and friends. It's better to enjoy yourself while you can than spend your time drooling over a bank balance. Sure, you probably wish life wasn't such hard work and that one of those lottery tickets would finally pay off, but all in all we know you're doing okay. Congrats!

Monday, May 10, 2004 ; 12:52 PMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

had an awesome day today... it's me and Bill's 21 MONTHS!!! yay... hehe... yes, we're pretty sad, we count every month, but Bill counts days as well, so I guess he's sadder... haha, but he's sooo sweet!!! he sent me an E card and it's so pretty, thanx babieeeee~~~

went to lecture this morning and most pplz were there... then we went to Maccas for breaky.. *yum*... then we went to our boring tutorial... at 1pm Raph, Karen, Jeff and I went out to the city for lunch... and then Karen's friend Dianne joined us and Jeff left.. and we went to Reading Cinemas to watch Jiang Hu... it was pretty gd... had to think abt it a while to get it... with everyone killing each other it was a bit confusing.. haha... but it was gd.. and Edison was SO cute!!! keke...

Talked to Kathy on the phone for a while... so happy she's bk from HK, now I can talk to her on Sunday when we work.. woohoo!!! hehe...

Got home and had a heaps nice dinner... talked to my stupid boy for a while... I told him he had to call me before 10pm otherwise I won't answer cos I'm zzz... so he called me right on 10pm.. then goes "hi, i'll call u bk in 5mins!"... like, what the hell?! how stupid can pplz be... keke...

Sandy's type is a.... GOOFBALL!!!

Laughter is the way to your heart. A guy with a great sense of humor is definitely the one for you! You want a Goofball, someone who can laugh at himself and make you laugh, too. There's no bigger turn-off than a guy who takes himself too seriously. You know that if a guy is silly, he's generally self-confident and secure. Your man is a people magnet and everyone's favorite friend. There's never a dull moment with your jokester nearby. You crave excitement and laughter, and your goofball enhances those things in your life. You probably think life is too short to spend it without a smile. Your goofy guy will ensure that that doesn't happen — his lighthearted and silly ways make everything a little bit brighter.

Sunday, May 09, 2004 ; 9:11 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

had a real quiet day @ Esprit today but it was heaps cool cos we went around taking funny photos... u guys can have a look.. I've uploaded the photos already so go to my photo link!!! There's a areally nice photo of me and Alex that we took in the kidswear display window... haha... pplz were walking pass looking at us funny.. =) but it was a heaps fun day... and Alex went out to the window and pretended she was a mannequin and pplz were just standing at the door staring at her... haha!!!! such a crack up that gurl.... then later on in the arvo Bill visited me.. how nice... =^^=

going to vball tonight... hope we win... I hope we win the season!!! want another trophey... hehe.... have to come first this time...!!!

my boy and I went to Parra yesterday and had lunch and did some shopping... there are also some photos from the toy store where we spent a fair amount of time taking silly pics... hehe... so have a look and tell me what u think!!! ^^

Sandy has.. 740 karma points!

You've earned these points by doing good things, therefore allowing good things to circle back to you. There are 6 different ways people earn karma, and we can tell that your noble nature is earning you the most karma.

Doing good deeds seems to be your strong suit and such kind actions are an important way that you've earned your karma up to this point. By giving your time to the people and causes you care about most, you enhance life for your community as a whole. Being willing to lend a hand strengthens your current relationships and may come back to you positively in the future. In your concerted efforts to do what you can for the greater good, you generate positive karma for yourself and the universe.

Thursday, May 06, 2004 ; 12:24 PMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

had a very hectic day at work today... had to do a carer training session in the morning and then I had to go to Penrith DOCS for a review meeting. I got an early mark and went home after that... woohoo~!!! I actually got home at abt 5:15pm.. how gd is that?!?!?! keke... =)

during lunch at Barnardos we had a jewellery demonstration.. it was so cool... one of our staff sells jewwllery and gets commission... it's like those Avon things.. but the stuff is so nice... I bought two necklaces... one for me and one for.... someone's bday comin up... *cough* (i know she'll read this so better not give it away)...~^^ and there's this REALLY nice rhodium ring... it's SO pretty... and it's only $55... but it's stupid if I buy myself a ring... so.. hai~~~ hehe...

talked to my sai lo Lawrence for a bit in the morning... poor boy has an exam on Saturday... man, imagine going to uni on a weekend.. bugger Good Luck anywayz... study hard...~^^

Wendy left a really nice msg for me in my guestbook... I read it and it nearly made me cry... *sob* I was reading it and thinking "she's talking abt me! she's talking abt me!"... keke... thanz gurlie... u're always so nice to moi.. =) that msg was a real motivation booster... love ya!

Sandy is a... MONKEY in her past life~ (?!)

Don't go bananas — in your former life you were a tiny monkey named Oompa. Here's what we know about you: Adorably sweet demeanor and sharp as a tack, you found success working with a street performer named Juan, who worshipped you and treated you like his own child. He bought you a gold satin jumpsuit with royal blue ruffles, a matching top hat, and a sequined bag for donations. He would play your favorite disco tunes on his accordion, prompting you to dance around and flirt with the crowd while you collected spare change and picked pockets. Everybody loved you. And you loved everybody. You and Juan took your gig around the country and raked in the riches. You were one happy little monkey.

Wednesday, May 05, 2004 ; 2:03 PMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

alright day at Barnardos today... wrote a long ass email and lost it when I tried to send it... stupid comp crashed... so was not happy!!! but oh wellz.. mebbe that email was not meant to be sent after all... -.-"

had a team meeting this arvo which went for three hrs... and it finished only cos it was 5pm... haha!!! but yeh... like team meetings, cos after it I have heaps of work to do to keep me busy... =)

Got to Penno at abt 7pm and had to catch the bus home cos our lil car is being serviced and dad's got the big car... so I had to find my way home... I ended up catching a Glenorie that dropped me off at Castle Hill... took me an hr to walk home... poor me.. and it was so dark.. hate the dark... I was so freaked out... :><: talked to Bill on the phone for a while but he had to go shower and have dinner so he left me stranded... (mind you he wasn't abt to come out and rescue me like any bf might've)... and then I called Mike and he kept me company by talking to me on the phone till I got home making sure I didn't get kidnapped or raped... hehe... such a sweetie..~^^ thanQ~ *mua*

I'm never the materialistic type... i dun need my bf to be rich or spoil me with gifts... I never thought it mattered if my boy picked me up from work or not... but I always had the assumption that my boy (whoever it may be) would be able to rescue me in emergencies and would do anything to make sure I'm safe... it wasn't until tonight that I realised how neglected I felt...

Just like Sunday when I didn't have the car I had to catch the train home from Macquarie... Bill came and dropped me off at Epping.. I thought he would've had the decency to drop me off home since he's got the car newayz...!!! but no luck.... it never really upset me that much though cos it's just so him....

But tonight was just stupid... what's even more stupid was I whinged abt him not caring and he goes "what? u want me to come out now and pick u up? I gotta go shower and have dinner soon!"... man, how hurt was I... :><: and then later on he said sth like "u should've gotten off at Eastwood and I could've driven u home".... isn't it funny how they think abt these things after it's happend? I think it's a boy thing... one day I'm going to get raped or abused and then he'll feel guilty and wonder why I get upset when he doesn't care.. *HMPH!* prevention is always better than cure.... who cares what u do after anything it's happened... stuff the "if only I...."...

Is Sandy and Bill's relationship doomed?

Good news — it looks like your relationship is on solid ground. You've probably just moved beyond the "honeymoon" phase and into reality. Most of the time that nervous, excited "heart-beating-faster" feeling matures into a deeper, more stable connection. And that's okay — really! If you're having doubts, though, try spending a little extra time nurturing your relationship and focusing on the intense friendship and romance you've developed. Chances are you'll adjust nicely and enjoy yourself immensely!

Tuesday, May 04, 2004 ; 1:26 PMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

very eventful day today... it made me think, made me laugh, made me cry, and just... made me confused... I guess.... -.-" After last night who knows what to think....~

I'll start form the morning where I bumped into Ricky... I always see him on the Tuesday morning as we catch the same bus and train to uni... he told me abt this book with short love stories out together and each chapter has a different song that goes with it... and Edmond's "Find Me" is one of them... now I REALLT want that book... really wanna read it... anyone know where I can get it? Or what it's called? Ricky told me but I forgot... hehe... we saw Amy at Penno... it was so weird seeing her... I'm liking her more and more now.. mebbe it's that we've known each other for longer so she's starting to open up to me.. poor girl... she thinks she didn't do too well in her exam yesterday so she was heaps upset... I wonder if Mike knows... ?_?" but yeh... just getting weird now.. esp after... *cough*... hai~~

newayz... Ricky has written this short story abt a real life situation that's happened during high school.. and I've bn reading it and finished it this morning on the train... in the end I figured out who all the characters were... hm... very interesting... as it was a story abt betrayal, broken promises, cheating, dishonesty.... so I was very shocked when I figured out the characters... "0.0"...

Went to my groupwork tut this arvo... and it was heaps gd!! Never had so much fun in a tut before... and we're learning at the same time.. haha!!! laughed so much in that class today... we had to do an activity where 5pplz were each given pieces of puzzles and the pplz had to form a square in front of them.. whoever finishes first is the winner and it goes on and on till all 5 has finished. The trick is, someone else might have your piece of the puzzle and you might have someone's piece so pplz had to swap... and the catch is throughout the activity you can't talk or point... so basically you just had to wait till someone was willing to give their piece of puzzle to you... and if you didn't want a piece you could always chuck it to someone... haha... I was one of the pplz that got to play... the rest of the class was observing for cohesion levels.... hehe... it was such a fun activity... it took us five 40mins to finish the 5 squares!!!!! haha... man we're dumb.... afterwards we swapped and the next group had to form a rectangle as a group, they finished in 10mins... keke... gosh we're dumb!!!

Afterwards Karen and I went to city for lunch and then watched Love on the Rocks... the movie with Louis Koo.. so cute!!! the movie was alright... I like the underlying meaning of how even though some relationships breakdown... we still have memories of it and we learn things from it... and sometimes we bring these things with us to our next relationship.... so true heh? =)

got home... had some dinner... took a shower... then I started watching Becker and then Newly Weds.. haven't watched English TV programs for so long.. I can't believe I even missed Big Brother on Sunday!!! man that was stupid... Newly Weds was so stupid... how Blonde is Jessica Simpson? but I must admit... she's gorgeous... so pretty... very stunning woman...~^^

So yeh... today has bn gd... nice talking to Karen as well... it's nice to get an outsider's points of view... and it was nice being able to tell someone my story and they're willing to listen... thanx bubz! =)

Night time wasn't so gd... talked to my boy for a little while and then he hanged up to go zzz... didn't even get to tell him my day... *sigh* oh wellz... it's weird... sometimes I feel like I dun wanna tell him... cos he's not there to experience it with me.. or not there for me to tell him straight away.. so then I dun feel like he deserves to know what I've bn doing that day... especially all the fun and laughter I've had I feel like I wanna keep it to myself and not share it with him... it's damn weird!!!! but I did feel a bit neglected today cos I never heard form him till around 7pm tonight... so.... yeh... u know girls... we like to be thought of... and being told that we are... not just assuming!

Is Bill Marriage Material?

Well, you've kissed the frog, and he seems to be turning into a prince. Just make sure the transformation is complete before you say "I do." Because even though it looks like you love this guy a lot, there's still something holding the two of you back from taking the next step. Whether the hesitation is coming from you or from the one you love, listen to it. It probably means you need to spend a little more time with this fella to figure out if you can live with some of his flaws — and if he can live with a few of yours! Everyone comes wrapped in a package that includes some good things and some bad. You've just got to make sure the good outweighs the bad and that the bad won't break you guys up. Give it some time, and see whether he's changed for the better, or if you should start looking around for a new frog.

Sunday, May 02, 2004 ; 8:35 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

so exciting today at Esprit... nothing much happened... gossed quite a bit with the girls and Brian... then in the arvo Michelle visited!!! haven't seen her for so long... it was so nice talking to her... we blabbed for like an hour... she's working at Esprit head office now... how exciting...! she's so nice... bn missing her so much...~*

apart from that nth exciting... except for the fact that I've got a presentation tmr and I still haven't done the reading on it... shyte!!!

Oh! and guess what...? tmr's Monday pplz.... hai~ shyte again..!!! dun want it to come... why? some pplz will know what I'm dreading on... la la la... -.-"

Sandy is... ready to commit!!! (suicide? hehe...)

You are totally fit to commit! Not only does the idea of sharing your life and your things with someone you care about make you excited, but it's something you're eagerly anticipating. You find comfort in the closeness and intimacy that real sharing brings. Plans? Hopes? Dreams? Those are your favorite topics of conversation. Whether it's a chat about a big vacation six months from now or a playful talk about what you're going to name your future children, you thrive on discussing the future with your significant other.

I miss u guys heaps <3


...Leaving Home...


...Port Stephens...

...Stephy's Bday...

...Rock Climbing...

...Bike Riding...

...Social Work & School Frenz...

...Helpline & Captain Cook...

...Australia Day 08...

...Bicentennial Park...

...Wendy's GraduatioN...

...JapaN & HK TriP...

...Sandy's GraduatioN...

...The EntrancE...

...Xmas Shift...



...BunnY Suicides...



...My BillY BabY...

...Lil Bro~LawrencE...

...SmellY LiLy...



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x January 2004
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A lot of treasured moments <3