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Saturday, July 31, 2004 ; 1:48 PMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

woke up early just to do the laundry.. no fair... can't wait till mum comes bk.. *sob*

left home at abt 11:30am and went to pick my boy up and then we went to Chatswood for viet.. so yummy that place.. *yum*... then later on we made a trip up to Warringah Mall... it's so cool there... lotsa shops to walk around and stuff... hehe.. and they have a lolly shop!!! of course not as gd as the one in the Blue Mountains but close enuff... too bad I couldn't find Hershey's Cookies N Cream... *sob* can't get them anywhere now!!!! oh wellz... at least I didn't go home empty handed... bought a bag full of goodies in the lolly shop... =p and we saw Zi~!!! he was so funny... made Bill sit in one of the massage chairs... HAHAHAHA!!!! it was nice seeing him and catching up though... =)

Had dinner at Carlo HK... so many peeps... *scary*.... but had a real yummy dinner... hehe...

work tmrz... better zzzz.... cioa pplz~ xoxo

Thursday, July 29, 2004 ; 12:22 PMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

he finally talked to me..!!! ARGH~~~~!!! am i dreaming? hehe... we talked for 10mins till my train came... he knew which one I caught!!! he's bn noticing me.. =^^=... after 6mths he's finally gotten up his courage to say hi... how kyoooooooooote~ =) I'll never forget today... *sigh*

Tuesday, July 27, 2004 ; 12:39 PMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

great day.. 9am start, 12:0pm finish!!! yay~~ hehe... I think I can survive 14wks of tuesdays... keke... =) sweet~~~~ and Karen finishes the same time too!!! so now we can go out for lunch and go shopping every Tuesday... hehe... woo-hoo!!!

Karen and I went to Capitol for lunch... so yummy~~ we were so hungry... for the first time ever we BOTH finished our lunches... haha!!! and then afterwards we went upstairs to take a photo care, it's so CUTE!!! I'll post it up laters..~^^ then we went shopping... walked all the way up to Pitt St... lovely shopping expedition! It was nice spending time with Karen seeing I never saw her in the 3wks holz.. *sob* :><:

Dad's bk from HK tmrz... yay, pressies!!!! hehe... poor dad has to catch the train bk to penno and get the car cos I have a tute tmr morning... wahahaha~~~~

Monday, July 26, 2004 ; 12:34 PMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

it was so hard getting up this morning... looking bk I dunno how I survived my placement at Penrith and getting up 5:30am every morning for it for 5mths... doesn't make sense now... lucky I passed!!! I had a 9am start today at uni.... yes... poor me... uni starts today for me... unlike the majority of pplz out there who gets an extra week.. :><: Mondays suck.. 9am till 5pm..!!! never done that b4! haha....^^

newayz... the getting up bit was hard but uni was quite gd actually... lots of friends in my classes to keep me company... and the subjects are not that bad.. (yet)... spent the day catching up with pplz.. and caught up with Winnie.... it was nice talking to her... we talked for ages and it was pretty relaxing... =)

Got home and watched a jap soccer cartoon show... man the guys in there are so kyoooooote! too bad they're not real~ bummer! hehe....

9am start tmr... shyte!

Wednesday, July 21, 2004 ; 12:45 PMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

i had a really gd day today... my first smile of the day happened when I was on the train this morning... there was this lil kid, prob abt 4yrs old... he was with his dad.. but they were sitting separately cos he didn't wanna sit with dad... so the kid was sitiing next to me and dad was opposite me... the kid kept giving me his teddy telling me to look after him for a while while he looked out the window... so I did.. and when dad said they were getting off the next station the kid goes "are we feeding the ducks?!" and dad says yes.. then the kid looks at me and smiles and goes "we're going to feed the ducks!!!"... and when they were about to leave the kid runs up to me and goes "u want to feed ducks with me and dad?! pleeeease?!?!?!"... hehe... he was sooooooo kyooooote! of course I didn't go... but that boy made my day.. =) and he stayed at the platform waving me goodbye after they got off... how sweet~~~~ and then for some reason, i was on the train and started thinking abt ducks... haha.. and then I thought of Isla... HAHAHA!!! i have no idea why... -.-"

it's amazing what friends could do... thanks to all those that care and have talked to me throughout all my hard times.. greatly appreciated... even though some I have not known for long, like Zi and Lawrence... u guys have bn so nice to me... and I'm ever so grateful~^^ thanks guys!!! xoxo

Tuesday, July 20, 2004 ; 10:39 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

life's not fair... right? well, probably.... seeing i just got cut off from reasoning with a certain someone last night.. actually, it wasn't reasoning, more like reassuring, comforting... I thought that was pretty RUDE!!!! gggrrr... fark it...
people change... they move on to bigger and better things... but i'm kinda in a conflicting situation atm... what if the change is bad? and that badness makes ur friend treat u like shit and with no respect in return? hm... do u -
A). reason with her and tell it to her face
B). just pretend it didn't happen and move on although u really do feel anger inside
C). fuck it and just give up on the friendship
*sigh*... life does suck sometimes... can be quite dissappointing as well...
can't wait till the weekend... so sick of working everyday... so tiring... it's too cold to be out and about!!!

Monday, July 19, 2004 ; 7:51 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

been a hectic week... got really sick on Thursday night and thought I was going to die.. but of course... it didn't happen... actually, I happily went to work the next morning so it was all sweet =)
Had a heaps gd night on Friday with my boy.. and Saturday was awesome...! My boy and I went to Fagan Park for a picnic!!! hehe... kinda crazy I know but it was fun...~^^ We packed our lunches and snacks and drove all the way there... we played some frisbee (which I sucked at!).. and I was stupid enough at one stage to kick it when it was flying to my knee thinking it was a ball... so now I got this bruise line on my leg.. *sob* but it was fun... and we spent half the day chasing ducks and trying not to fall into the water... keke... it was so nice and relaxing.. just what we needed =) At night we went to Chatswood for dinner with his family cos it was his brother's bday.. had a really gd dinner and we had some funny conversations... hehe...
Yesterday was cool at work... cos Amelia was there! haven't seen her since our x'mas shifts.. hehe... so it was nice to see her and catch up...~^^ and lots of cute lil babies came in so we spent the day blowing up balloons for them.. hehe... they're soooo kyooooote!
We won vball last night too... YAY! not that i did much... *cough*... hehe...

Tuesday, July 13, 2004 ; 9:03 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

so many things to buy, so little money... what shall one do?! *sigh* it's so hard being a girl... keke... all the dilemmas we have to go through... :><: it's all too hard for me...~-.-"

after some long nights of scanning and uploading photos, they are now ready to be viewed (it was rather difficult with my slow ass 56K modem)!!!! as you can see the site has changed a lil bit... there's more to read on your right hand navigation bar! and you can choose what photos to see now instead of going to the stupid index... =) gosh i'm thoughtful..! haha~~~* so yeh... have a peek around, gimme some feedback okies? just go to my GB =) the photos are pretty cool..~^^ The ones from my bday will be uplaoded as soon as I finish my roll of film and have them developed.. keke... so wait up for it!

gotta go, eyes going funny from looking at the monitor too long... mebbe i'll switch to TV now... >.^

Sunday, July 11, 2004 ; 2:09 PMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

hey devoted fans.. site has just gotten better..! (i hope.. haha)

The layout has changed to my beloved TATTY TEDDY and my photo page has been updated with three new collections atm... "Wonderland" , "Esprit" & "Snow 2003"... have a nice peek... I'll be uploading more in the near future, keep ur eyes out!!!

Lawrence baby boy... dun be sad.. *smile*.. true friends give and take... but then we all make mistakes, forgive and forget right? as long as we learn from our mistakes then it's all gd... but sometimes our friends just needs some guidance and for us to spot the problem... =) that's what friends are for... and if after that things do not change, then start questioning why THEY are friends with you... or mebbe look inside urself, mebbe the problem is not just them, but both parties... "we always see the black spot on other people, but we never think if whether that black spot is on our own eyes"...

; 8:39 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

had a really awesome day yesterday =) it was me and my boy's 23mths!!! wohoooo~ keke... we went out to the city in the morning and took a nice stroll from Central to Pyrmont and went to Star City for lunch.. then we went to fish markets to eat sashimi salmon... *yum* then later on we caught the tram bk to Chinatown and had a walk around the markets.. didn't see Karen but Winnie and Chris was there... -.-" Afterwards we went up to Market City for mango milk tea... yay, my favorite... la la la.... so it was all gd... and then we went to Bill's friend's 21st.. which was okies... I met the pplz last time and they always crack me up... keke... and it was surprising how they remembered my name... it's nice when pplz actually remember you... hehe...~^^ the bday boy's gf looks like Jess as well (Law's lil sista).. but with short hair... so pretty! perfect skin... aaaarrrggghhh~~~ *jealous*

Work @ Esprit was pretty hectic seeing it's the last day for Myer at 25% off... crazy shoppers... sales are gd for shoppers but not gd for the workers man... :><:

Thursday, July 08, 2004 ; 12:47 PMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

Harry Potter was pretty cool todayz... even though I'll always be a true fan of books... =) they always express the story better... but yeh, it was nice to get outta the house and see Emmy at Macq~^^ I even visited the gurls at Esprit and bought them chocolate.. how nice am I?! haha... ^O^" talk abt sucking up to managers.. ><"

can't wait till Saturday... it's always the highlight of the week... but i always get dissappointed on the Sunday when I find out that my boy once again hasn't bought me a bday pressie... *doh!* not that I'm materialistic... but it just hurts to see that he's not even making an effort.. even a card would be nice.. =) stupid boys..~~~~ gggrrr.... yes yes... i shouldn't complain, i should accept him for who he is... and if I can't I should move on... la di di la di dah... hehe... i know u gurls love me.. but, u gurls are also the ones that know me best.. =)

Wednesday, July 07, 2004 ; 12:53 PMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

turning into a big fat blob... now i know why I never grow fat over holz like most pplz do, it's cos I was never home, I was always at work! I've bn stuck home the last two days and I've proved to myself how much junk I could consume in those 48hrs... i think i have an eating disorder... it's called... "over consumption"!

can't wait till tmr when I go watch Harry Potter with Emmy at Macq... bn trying to find someone to watch it with me since it came out.. =)

Thanz lil bro for ur GB entry... i always go to ur site too.. just had a look at ur new pics the other day.. it was a shocker! first time i've seen u with barely any hair... haha, but ur still cute =) u know Anthony ur cuz? i see him every now and then at vball and I always call him Lawrence, cos i reckon u guys look so alike... haha... i dun think he likes me calling him Lawrence though... haha!!!!

* Thought I'll share this with all the boys out there... this is an excerpt from Issue 802 9to5 Magazine written by a person called Mike....
"... I've learnt that romance does not have to be tanglible nor expensive. In fact, romance is often most meaningful to your partner when it comes from you and nowhere else. What makes a woman feel loved is the little things we can do for them every single day. Gentlemen, woman want to be told what you're feeling for them more than twice a year on birthdays and anniversaries, and they want you to look them in the eye when u say it. Women want to be hugged tight and caressed after you've made love. Women want to have their views and opinions listened to and respected. Women want you to be faithful in a way that does not earn you a gold medal for gd behaviour but in a way where the same standards apply to both of you equally without exception. Women want you to hold their hand firmly, to towel their hair dry and for you to sometimes kiss them for no reason at all. Basically men often overlook these simple truths bcos they're too bz managing their own insecurities..."

Tuesday, July 06, 2004 ; 7:14 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

such a bum downloading everything again... ggrr... and my 56K is stupid... hehe... luckily Mike is downloading stuff for me then burning it onto CDrom so it'll be faster on my part... yay! thanQ leng jai~~~ =)

bn catching up everyone's blog.. man it was a lot of reading.. and since when did my sai lo Lawrence shave his head? hm.... *no comment*... haha~~^^ nice to know he's having fun at HK though... must be so hot!

i lost all my photos so I'm gonna re-do my photo page... so look out for it!!! will let u guys know when it's up and running... =)

Monday, July 05, 2004 ; 12:50 PMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

finally gotten my comp bk.. but my internet explorer is stuffed.. well, it just doesn't like my internet server apparently... so this is a friend's account.. haha~~~ sth abt a proxy server so I can't connect.. sheesh... talk abt picky!

well, had my first jewellery making class today... and by the end of it, all five of us decided to drop it cos it's so boring and an obvious rip off! haha... so yeh.. there we go.. :><:

had a really nice dinner with Leesha and Jean on Friday night... a late bday dinner with the girls... keke... it was so nice just to eat and chat.. we were so full by the end of the night... haha... and then when me, leesha and Andy left, Andy had a moment with my car... haha!!! that was so funny.. =)

kinda content with life atm... gd friends.. it's holz.. boys alright... can see him making an effort... (although he still owes me a bday pressie!).. so yah... that's my update for the pask weeks... keke...

oh, if anyone knows nething abt proxy servers, gimme a call =)

I miss u guys heaps <3


...Leaving Home...


...Port Stephens...

...Stephy's Bday...

...Rock Climbing...

...Bike Riding...

...Social Work & School Frenz...

...Helpline & Captain Cook...

...Australia Day 08...

...Bicentennial Park...

...Wendy's GraduatioN...

...JapaN & HK TriP...

...Sandy's GraduatioN...

...The EntrancE...

...Xmas Shift...



...BunnY Suicides...



...My BillY BabY...

...Lil Bro~LawrencE...

...SmellY LiLy...



x October 2003
x November 2003
x December 2003
x January 2004
x February 2004
x March 2004
x April 2004
x May 2004
x June 2004
x July 2004
x August 2004
x September 2004
x October 2004
x November 2004
x December 2004
x January 2005
x February 2005
x March 2005
x April 2005
x May 2005
x June 2005
x July 2005
x August 2005
x September 2005
x October 2005
x November 2005
x December 2005
x January 2006
x February 2006
x March 2006
x April 2006
x May 2006
x June 2006
x July 2006
x August 2006
x September 2006
x October 2006
x February 2007
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x September 2007
x October 2007
x November 2007
x December 2007
x January 2008
x February 2008
x March 2008
x April 2008
x May 2008
x June 2008
x July 2008
x September 2008

A lot of treasured moments <3