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Tuesday, August 31, 2004 ; 12:29 PMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

i've bn so tired.. i dunno why... i dunno if i'm sick or just over studying.. (is that possible? hehe)... I'm sleeping everywhere I go! on the train... during lectures... even tutes! and getting up in the morning is getting harder and harder.. aiyaya~ and I still have to do my briefing paper for tmr and the other two essays due next wk.. >< *sob* uni sux~ BTW, notice nething different? hehe.. the layout has changed! I hope u guys like it cos I spent quite a bit of time getting it right... and I lurve the turnout.. it's my favourite layout out of all my past ones.. =) and I finally discovered how to uplaod photos on my blog page.. keke.. so you'll be seeing some random photos every now and then~^^ lucky you! make sure you leave me a msg in my GUESTBOOK and tell me what u think... or even just to say hi~ =p and bloggers plz keep blogging... I lurve reading ur blogs.. =) Isla's gd, she blogs quite frequently so it gives me sth to read... thanx dude! whereas others of you have bn quite lazy~!!! ggggrr... *tsk tsk*

Anywayz, Olympians coming bk tmr morning 7am.. anyone going to the airport? take me! take me!

Sunday, August 29, 2004 ; 11:33 PMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

I have an exam in half an hour... who knows what I'm still doing here in the library blogging..~^^

Had a rather strange morning actually... I was on the train eating two nutella sandwiches.. I was peeling bits off and putting it into my mouth... and repeating the process till I finished it... is it THAT weird that I dun bite into my sandwiches?! cos this lady next to me was staring at me as if I was eating dirt or sth... -.-" geez... wasn't she taught that it's rude to stare?! gggrrr~~~ weirdO~*

I'm aching all over atm as vball last night was pretty active... haven't had so much fun for a loooong time... oh, and I'm still contemplating whether or not I should go to Perth to play AUG (Australia's University Games) end of Sept for UNSW... I haven't trained with them for a while but one of the guys emailed me asking whether I wanted to play for them... hm...~~ decisions decisions...

had a pretty awesome w/e... went out with my boy on Saturday to Chatswood for a yummy lunch and some hardcore shopping expeditions... hehe... so funny... I kept on intimidating him trying to talk him into walking into BNT with me... haha!!! had a nice dinner with my parents and Bill and then afterwards we drove off to a play that Emmy and pplz put together with their church... so kewl, saw so many old friends from HS... like Kathy... Mike... Susanna.. Bobby... Carmen... etc... =)

looking fwd to the w/e already... I dun wanna do the exam! and I got an essay due on Wednesday... aiyayaya~ bite me... =p

Friday, August 27, 2004 ; 1:37 PMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

work as bn hectic as hell at Captain Cook... there's always bn problem for the past few mths with unions coming in and saying the company is not doing their job in terms of HR and interacting with staff... so there's bn lots of meetings and court stuff going on... and guess what?! last friday they found a dead body at Circular Quay floating in the water.. -.-" EEEEEEWWW~~~!!!! apparently this guy was really drunk and he slipped overboard one of the Vagabond boats... no one knew so he was just in the water and eventually drowned and died :><: and it was us that found it floating in the water.. well, not me.. but our Captain Cook staff... how gross~!!! and there were a couple of our staff that saw it... so funny... Witold was telling me abt it today and he was like "yeh, very gd view, he was very happy!"... haha... wtf?! newayz... so now the union demands professional counselling for those ppl that need it after seeing a corpse.. and the company's like "well if they need counselling tell them to see the manager, he can give them counselling!"... haha... geez~ talk abt cutting down costs.. so now this whole thing has caused another rage between the union and the company..... and when I was working today, the captain purposely kept knocking into poles and wharfs when he pulls into CQ and Darling Harbour... like hello?! kill us all while u decide to protest why dun ya?! gggrr...~~~ so yeh, a very informative gossip day... =)

newayz... gotta say a BIG
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Zi~! happy 20th... hope u liked the surprise party tonight... =) all credit goes to Kelly who went around trying to invite all ur friends.. how sweeeeet!^^

Tuesday, August 24, 2004 ; 12:34 PMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

such a boring day today... had to do a court visit for my socio-legal subject for social work... so I met up with Hau, Tina and Karen and we went to the Downing Centre.. the district court out in the city.. spent some time deciding what case to hear and in the end we splitted into pairs and went our own separate ways..^^ Karen and I went to a case abt fraud.. and another about break and enter... so boring, man pplz are slow in the court system... -.-" We got there abt 9am and we left at abt 12:30pm... we just went out to market city for lunch and then went home... =)

Good ol' Raph finally called me bk tonight.. was so worried abt him... nice to know he's still alive and well till this pt in time...~^^

Volleyball was so kewl tonight... China vs Japan... if only i could play like them... even though I'm like half their height.. haha!!! *PHWOAR!*.. *KAPOW!*.. *BOOM!*.... keke... -.-"

Saturday, August 21, 2004 ; 1:43 PMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

Went to Joey's concert Friday night.. it was alright.. nth special... got pretty ripped off though cos it was heaps short.. >< oh wellz~~ and someone was tired so he just sat there and didn't say a word or respond to anything...

Today was heaps gd.. went to Parra to do some shopping and have lunch and afterwards my boy and I went to play some tennis... couldn't stop laughing... haha!!! cos I kicked my boy's ass!!!! keke... well, that's what it seemed like.. but really, mebbe he was just giving me the benefit of the doubt.. -.-" it was nice to run around and do sth active for once...=) i luuuuuurve sport.. even though I suck at everything i play... haha!!!

My boy bought me a ring for our 2yrs! it's so pweeety~^^ it's white gold with two "shooting stars" with diamonds.. =) so kewl~! Thanx baby~

Monday, August 16, 2004 ; 11:51 PMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

THORPE won the 200m!!! woohoo~~~ in ur face man.. la la la... yes, I'm turning into an Olympic freak once again... =) I love the Olympics.. it's very inspiring... esp bein a vballer myself... keke... but u know what? since the swimming is so soon Australia will have no medals to get by the last week of the games... hahaha!!!

I did my exam today that was worth 30%... so reliefed it's over now...~^^ but there are many more to come..! I've got two essays and another class test soon... *sob* this session is just hectic....

I like the weather these couple of days... I dun mind rain... as long as there's no wind then I'm cool... =) as long as I can hold my umbrella and not get blown away... I'm happy happy joy joy! kaka~ and mebbe the damn will fill up and then we'll have no water restrictions anymore... I mean, it's a bit crazy when we still have water restrictions in Winter.. -.-" what's gonna happen in Summer?! aiyayaya~~

Sunday, August 15, 2004 ; 1:27 PMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

had an okies w/e... went out with my boy on Saturday to celebrate our 2yrs... met up for lunch at Carlo and then we went shopping at Bondi~^^ bought some really cool lollies.. *yum* then later on that night we had dinner at Hurricane's... so funny... the staff there knew my baby was a messy eater and offered him a bib... wahahahaha~~~!!! so cute =)

Work was boring today as usual... so quiet... dun ppl like to go shopping on Sundays anymore? luckily my boy gave me a surprise visit in the arvo and kept me company for an hour or so... keke.. yay! and he bought me ice-cream... bonus! =p

Jamson dropped by my house in the arvo to gimme his 21st invitation.. so cute, it had baby fotos on it!^^ keke..

Vball was shyte tonight... just shyte!!! gggrr...~ but Bill gave me a lil tatty teddy plush so it made me smile again.. keke...

Friday, August 13, 2004 ; 12:15 PMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

uni has bn crazy.. it's union wk at UNSW and there's heaps of cheap things around and lotsa things happening.. like jumping castle, boxing ring, speed flirting, sumo... etc. and they're handing out free fairy floss everyday!!! wohooo~~~ the line is heaps loooong though.. :><: I've spent the past wk lining up with frenz for cheap lunches.. and man it's bn a waste of time.. wahahaha~~ but they're selling kebabs with bottled water for $3.50, pizzas for $2.50, chicken and chips and water for $3.50... bargain man!!! but everytime it's taken up half an hr to get any food.. keke... it's crazy at new south...!

Had a heaps gd day on Wednesday... saw Ken W whom I haven't seen since last yr probably..! keke.. and I saw Jamson as well!!! he's so mean... I was eating my noodles and he tickled me from behind... nearly choked on my noodles!!! hehe... =)

so much work to do... got a test that's worth 30% on monday alreadyz... ggggrrr....~~~

Tuesday, August 10, 2004 ; 1:26 PMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

hm... how do pplz know certain things? it's so weird how a person can pay so much attention to ur life... well, not weird, but sometimes u just mention sth in passing once and they remember it! hehe... it's nice how some ppl are actually interested in ur life...

why all this? cos it's me and Bill's 2yr anniversary today!!! woohoooo~~~ and when I was in a tute this morning Hau just scribbled on my bk "happy anniversary!"... and then when I was in a lecture Zi msged me saying congrats and what i'm doing on this big day... like, hello?! stalkers.. how'd they know?! keke... nah, just joking... I feel special that so many pplz care abt me and my ever changing turbulent love life... =)

well, sowwie to dissappoint all but I didn't even SEE Bill today... :><: *sob* sad heh?... -.-" he's at work, I was at uni and he doesn't finish till late and we both have early starts tmr so we didn't meet up... well, i thought he was gonna surprise me at my house tonight but nope, didn't happen... guess I'll have to wait till Saturday to celebrate... ><" how sad... happens once a year and we can't even see each other... *HMPH* not happy~!!!

newayz.. I stayed bk at uni today to do my briefing paper that's due tmr... and I finished it..! yay~ haha... see? I can only work under pressure... procrastination's gd... >.^

Sunday, August 08, 2004 ; 8:52 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

Been cruising along in life... it's bn pretty gd.. except for some mishaps... but that's all just part of life.... I mean, an argument with the cruise director at work isn't that bad... rite? keke...

Bumped into some long lost friends at uni the other day... like Kyle... who seems to be growing taller by the day.. (or mebbe I'm just shrinking.. hahaha!)... it was nice seeing him again... he's like one of my first friends when I got to uni... =) saw my lil cousin Jonathan as well... lucky boy, just came bk from HK... ><"

Yesterday was heaps gd... always look forward to Saturdays... my boy and I went to the ct and the Glebe markets... it's so cool there... even though it's really like a "market market"... with like lots of second hand and old stuff... it was still heaps cool cos there's a lot of handmade jewellery there... man pplz are so creative.. they can make such pretty things with the most ordinary materials that we come across in everyday life... it's amazing... =) wanted to buy so many things..!!! hehe... in the end my boy bought me a pretty bracelet... thanQ lo gong!!!!! *mua*

Went to Bill's friend's 21st last night too @ Chats.... it was pretty cool meeting his high school friends... learning some deep dark secrets of my boy.. keke...~^^ so funny... but dun worry baby, I know most of the stuff that they disclosed is untrue... =) bday gurl looked heaps pretty too... felt so sorry for her cos she didn't get much attention last night due to the rugby union match... speaking of which... Australia won!!! wooohoooo~~~~!

newayz... looking fwd to tmr.. mum's bk from HK and she's got heaps of goodies for me... and I have vball tmr night... yay!!!! >.^

Wednesday, August 04, 2004 ; 1:09 PMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

uni was such a drag today... the day just seemed like it would never end... 10am to 2pm straight is not healthy for my tummy... i always get hungry!!! hehe...~~~

after uni Raph and I waited for Jeff and Winnie while Karen went out to the ct to meet her fren... Raph and I just went to a classroom at Mathews and bummed... talked heaps abt life and love... pretty interesting discussion actually... it was nice talking to him... we haven't ever bn close but things have changed recently... and it's nice to have another gd friend in my life... when everyone finished uni I drove everyone out to the ct and we all went out separate ways as everyone had their own duties to do.. haha...~~ so Winnie and I just shopped around and then eventually sat down to wait for the others at Blue Ice... *yum*.. love that place... keke... and later on Karen, Raph and Jeff joined us again and we went for dinner at this new Jap place.. it was pretty gd!!! so pretty inside... =) had a real cosy dinner... talked and joked around... so nice seeing everyone so happy~^^ After dinner we went straight to Passionflower for desert... keke... yay!!! I was cheering...~!!! hehe... 0.0" then when we all had enuff food everyone walked me to my car seeing it was late at night... so nice.. thanx guys!!! xoxo so funny... Raph and Jeff was having their lil moment in the car park.. and then in my car.. hahaha!!! and when I dropped them off at George St when the light went red everyone filed out except for Jeff.... why?! bcos Raph buckled him in with the seatbelt without him knowing... hahahahaha!!! that was so funny... =)

All in all it was a great night... haven't hung out with those guys outta uni for so long... it's nice to have these outings every now and then... esp when my mum isn't here to say "no!"... keke~~~

Tuesday, August 03, 2004 ; 1:44 PMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

didn't do much todayz at uni... was gonna study and do some work with Karen but that didn't happen... I ended up going home at 3pm and watched anime.... -.-" very productive!!!

bumped into so many pplz today... saw my ge Johnson (who was standing in the middle of nowhere eating)... and saw Kyle... haven't seen him for ages!!! so it was nice catching up with him.. =) met up with Jason as well.... it was nice having a deep talk with him... although he kept bagging me out.. gggggrrr...~~~~

can't wait till tmr night!!!! going out to dinner with uni frenz.. woohoo~~~ and can't wait till Saturday either... I miss my baby... *sob* xoxo

Monday, August 02, 2004 ; 11:52 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

it was such a nice day today... until it decided to rain at like 4:30pm... :><: not gd seeing I finished uni at 5pm today... luckily Raph gave me a lift to Central.. hehe.... thanQ~!

had such an awesome day.... apart from the classes that is... spent a lot of quality time with some friends... just sitting in the sun and chatting for hours.. had a nice big lunch... that's life man! had so many deep talks today... it's nice how all us social workers have grown so close together... and it's so reassuring to know that they're true friends and would always be here for me, and for each other =) if a person was upset we would buy them lollies and take them out and talk to them... we're like one big family~^^ and i truly do feel it... the acceptance, the care, the warmth... i know it all sounds a bit corny but it's true how everyone's grown heaps close... we dun just have classes and go out every now and then... we actually care abt each other's life and well-being... i haven't felt this for so long...

it's funny how things change... i thought i found my real friends before... but after so many things happening it's bn debateable... but after getting to know more pplz and seeing the world more it's changed my train of thought... things change, people change... pplz move on to bigger and better things eventually... well, gd luck to them!!!

i learnt a lot of things today... thanks to all those discussions we all had today during our breaks... but I feel for my friend... I've never felt so upset for someone before... well, at that moment newayz... not now... cos he's a big boy and I know he will work things out eventually... actually, i think he already has.. so good on ya!!!

I miss u guys heaps <3


...Leaving Home...


...Port Stephens...

...Stephy's Bday...

...Rock Climbing...

...Bike Riding...

...Social Work & School Frenz...

...Helpline & Captain Cook...

...Australia Day 08...

...Bicentennial Park...

...Wendy's GraduatioN...

...JapaN & HK TriP...

...Sandy's GraduatioN...

...The EntrancE...

...Xmas Shift...



...BunnY Suicides...



...My BillY BabY...

...Lil Bro~LawrencE...

...SmellY LiLy...



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x January 2004
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A lot of treasured moments <3