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Thursday, September 30, 2004 ; 12:49 PMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

had a heaps fun day at work today... lots of staff to keep me company and keep me company.. hehe... we've got this new French girl and I was talking to her in my incomprehensible (?) French... haha~^^ man.... was so fluent before... but now it's all gone OUT the window.. ><" bugger~*

Met up with Muki after work for a drink and a quick chat... so nice talking to her... just catching up and stuff.. =) and Rob called me tonight!!! he's bk in Sydney for a week and then he goes bk to Melb on Sunday.. *sob*... so we spent an hour on the phone just talking abt shyte... as always... =)

Emmy called me last night as well and we chatted for like 2hrs...~^^ she's so kyooooote... so happy that she still remembers me and calls me every now and then... it's nice to know that she makes an effort... =) that's why I love her to pieces!!! and we had quite a sentimental talk too... had tears in my eyes =p hehe.... can't wait till tomorrow night... going out with my boy... yay!!!

btw.. anyone know this song? it's been stuck in my head for a couple of days but I dunno where it comes from!

"whoopy dee doo da.. whoopy dee day...
my oh my what a wonderful day...
plenty of sun shine.. plenty of rain...
whoopy dee doo da.. whoopy dee day!"

Tuesday, September 28, 2004 ; 7:02 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

uni's finally out.... but only for a week... poo-ie!!! oh wellz... guess it gives me some time to work for some $$$ and to do all my assignments...~><

alright... starting from the w/e.... went out to dinner with Bill and his family on Friday night... it was alright except for the fact that I was heaps tired from work and was abt to fall asleep...zzzz...~* and Saturday was pretty cool.. went out to the ct with my boy and had a heaps nice lunch and then went to sing K for a while.. and then we went to search for those yummy "sticky" lollies that we bought last time at Bondi... =) but the shop at CQ didn't have the jar of mix that I wanted so we went to Bondi...~^^

Saturday night was Bernie and Steph's 21st... it was alright... nice to see everyone I guess... =) thanQ to my boy who came with me although I know it wasn't really his "thing" to go drinking and stuff... so much appreciated!!!

Work on Sunday was heaps gd... had heaps of fun with Lyndall and the girls.. and we made heaps of $$$!!! woohoo~!!^^ and Sunday night we had vball finals... which we WON!!! yay!!! it was a heaps good game... in the end we won 3 sets to 1... =) doo da... doo da...!!!

Monday and today was my day off... so I spent some time with parents and went to the gym!!! I got this one week free pass thing so I thought I may as well use it and hopefully lose some weight.. =) keke... I went to a body combat class yesterday and it was SO good... went to this other dance class today... so tired now.. can barely walk...~

Newayz... things have bn getting better... dunno abt next wk though..! got a 2500 word report due.... *yuk*... and am so unmotivated to do it... aiyayaya~~~ i wish I dun eva have to go bk to uni again... ><" boy doesn't care... all he knows what to do is zzzzzz.....~ *sigh*

Saturday, September 25, 2004 ; 6:31 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

Emily Carr organiseerd verschillende bijeenkomsten voor studenten.
Iedere week is er wel weer een lezing of een exposities.
Afgelopen donderdag kwam "Siggraph", Electronic Theater 2004 naar de Emily Carr.
Dit is een organisatie die verschillende media conferences organiseerd.
Zo hebben ze ook het "Electronic Theater", een Animatie Festival.
  • Electronic Theater 2004
  • Electronic Theater Trailer - Flash 6 Version (8mb)

  • Het hele programma werd vertoond.
    De animatie film "Ryan" gemaak door Cris Landreth, een canadese director, maakte veel indruk op me.
    Dit had ik nog nooit eerder gezien, de combinatie van film en animatie is wel zo goed, je moet er maar eens naar gaan kijken.
  • Animatie movie "Ryan"

  • Toen ik de site van de Siggraph aan het bekijken vond ik een paar interesante links.
    Een international animatie centrum met veel informatie over festival, winnende films, enz.
  • International Animated Film Centre
  • Ook vond ik nog een Nederlandse Animator.
    Ik had er nog nooit van gehoord maar zijn cv ziet er erg goed uit.
  • ROSTO other work

  • Ook vond ik nog een Nederlandse Animator.
    Ik had er nog nooit van gehoord maar zijn cv ziet er erg goed uit.
  • ROSTO other work

  • Wednesday, September 22, 2004 ; 9:44 AMY
    ...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

    it's bn a great but crazy week... had a presentation with Jeff this morning and it went pretty gd I guess... just glad that it's over... another one down!!! *KAPOW!* hehe... Lecture was fun today cos everyone went... I drew some pics for Hau and they make up a word through a secret code.. Tina saw it and worked it out straight away... smart gurl heh?! well.... it took Hau ages... and that's after me giving her some clues... keke... silly Hau-ie!!! she's so kyooooote~^^ and then in the arvo Raph, Karen and I went to Maroubra beach for some sunshine.. and man it was gd~!!! I feel Summer already =)

    I've bn seeing random pplz these days.. freaky~ -.-" saw Angelo at Pitt St. yesterday when I was shopping with Karen... and I saw Chris this morning (Bill's friend) on the train... and all the way to Central he kept talking to me.. but i had nth to say to him.. haha.. *sad*... and then when I was going to my tute this morning I saw Krystle!!! haven't seen her for soooo long... she's like my first ever uni fren~^^ gosh.. she told me some news today that gave me a heart attack... aiyayaya~^^"

    Uni's out and it feels great knowing that I won't be at uni for a while... even though I still have a ton of assignments to do.. -.-" *sob* but yeh... excited cos all us uni pplz are going out next Saturday.. woohoo~ can't wait... =) This Saturday should be gd as well... friend's 21st..~^^ hope all goes well... even though... i'm not quite sure... -.-" so much conflict these days between us gurls... *sigh* I thought pplz learn from their mistakes... I guess I can accept some things and forgive and forget whereas some pplz can't... but sometimes... all it takes is just a sincere sorry... I dunno.... hope it all blows over soon~*

    Tuesday, September 21, 2004 ; 12:57 PMY
    ...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

    tonight we had an Esprit meeting... have a read of what our two Jessicas are like at work..~

    * Jess D. (manager) ~ who are our customers?
    * Jess F. (sales assistant) ~ anyone who walks into our store...
    * Jess D. ~ um... yes.... but...
    * Sandy ~ a lot of mothers, uni students and corporate ladies...
    * Jess D. ~ Thanks Sandy, that was what I was after!
    * Jess F. ~ oh, I thought it was a trick question man!!! gggrrr....

    HAHAHAHA... it was so funny... I rolled off the seat laughing... keke...
    newayz... i went there early and heard Jess F (sales assistant) serving a customer...

    Jess F. ~ did u need any help at all?
    Customer ~ no thank you, i'm just looking...
    Jess F. ~ oh, what r u looking at?
    Customer ~ *confused... slowly walks away...*
    Jess F. ~ *walks towards me* how rude was that lady?!
    Sandy ~ um.. i think u scared her... -.-"
    Jess F. ~ really?! how?!

    HAHAHA~~~ man... u gotta love us gurls at Esprit... we bring u lotsa laughs =)

    Sunday, September 19, 2004 ; 12:05 PMY
    ...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

    just a quick post to say that our team has won semis at vball tonight and we're in the finals next Sunday!!! woohoo~~~ la la la... =) gonna kick ass~*

    oh, and I put the background music back on now... just for YOU ZI~!!!!!!.... hope it makes going thru my blog a better experience for all~^^

    dun wanna go to uni tmr... >< Macq pplz are so lucky... they're on holz already... *sob* no fair!!! newayz... hope the rain stops tmr... then I could just lie on the library lawn all day with my gurls and yaddi yaddi yadda...~^0^"

    Saturday, September 18, 2004 ; 12:43 PMY
    ...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

    cool site that Krystle sent me..! it's a chicken that does anything u want it to...! www.subservientchicken.com... but the chicken is scary~~~ >< it's gonna give me nightmares tonight man...

    had a real shit day today... nth went right... bn having the worst of luck these days... went to Parra for lunch and bowling with Bill today... got to Parra and took ages to find parking... then I found some cutesy shoes but they didn't have my size in the colour that I wanted... and then we went bowling and our lane was screwed.. and then our scoring got screwed... so after two games (where my boy kicked my ass cos I was in the shittiest mood and didn't care where the ball hit) we went to play air hockey... and our money got jammed!!! so the lady came and gave us some tokens.. so we tried again, and it got jammed again!!! so we had to wait for the lady to come again... and then she told us it's stuffed so we have to wait for the other one.. when we finally got to play I kicked my boy's ass and won him in all 4 games... =) so... newayz.... yeh. shit day... in the shittiest mood... and have some unresolved issues.... and it doesn't help when I've got no support...~ aiyayaya~~~* Life sux big time...~

    Friday, September 17, 2004 ; 10:55 AMY
    ...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

    There's a newly scanned comic strip on the left hand side navigation bar!!! it's so cuuuute~^^ All credit goes to Karen... =) have a look!!! but it's copyrighted!!! so dun steal pleeeease~*

    had a great day on Wednesday... =) went to do housing visit with Raph and Karen... pretty interesting... and we had EasyWay... again!!! Karen's working at Easyway now so we get free drinks... keke... so we've bn having it everyday after uni... thanz gurlie...~~~ but i feel bad.. >< hehe... after doing the housing visit us three went to K~! haven't bn to K for so looooong.... =) thanx to Raph for driving us around all day... actually... everyday...~!!! hehe... and thanks to Karen for ur free drinks.. mua mua~!!! xoxo

    Wednesday was funny cos I bumped into lotsa pplz... like Angelo.. who's bn stalking me at uni but never saying hi... he finally popped outta nowhere after my tute and said hi... keke... silly boy~ and I saw Jamo...~! looking gorgeous as always... all the guys have gone so much spunkier after high school...~^^

    Work has bn okies.... actually.. I think going to work has cheered me up.. =) I dunno... I always find talking to customers make me happy... mebbe it's cos they dun know me and I dun know them so we can say nething... and since we prob won't see each other again it's alright to talk shyte... haha~!!! and there were heaps of lil kiddies on these two days... so kyoooote!

    Wanna take a moment to say thanQ to Zi.... Lawrence... and Karen! had a real rough week but all u guys were here for me.. very grateful for that.... =) always being the caring person he is Zi sent me a msg when he knew I was upset.. and the phone call that night put a smile bk on my face too...~^^ Also, when I was upset and cooped myself up in the lab.. great ol' Karen came to the rescue... =) even though u may not know... but just by being there at that moment meant a lot to me... and, who can forget my sai lo Lawrence?! although we're not close close he always has my best interest at heart and always leaves me cutesy msgs on my GB...^.^ thanks dude!

    newayz.... as u all know, my comp just got formatted... BUT... the stupid virus thing that deletes my MP3s is still around!!! everytime I turn on my comp I find some mp3s missing... what a bum!!!! gggrrr....~~~ anyone know what's happening plz tell me... =P

    Tuesday, September 14, 2004 ; 4:29 AMY
    ...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

    life hasn't bn too gd these days.. uni's hectic and there's bn a lot of shyte @ wrk that's bn happening... ><" wanna cry.. *sob*...~ the weather has bn so nice though... was at uni yesterday and spent 2hrs in the sun lying on the library lawn with some pplz and just chatting away... so nice and relaxing.. it was until abt 3pm after lunch that I realised my face is all red and that I got sunburnt from those 2hrs!!! gggrr...~~~ my face is getting better but it's still pinkish in colour.. keke... silly me.. =p gotta exchange the umbrella for some sunscreen now... -.-"

    was heaps pissed last night... I guess uni work has really gotten to me these days.. and it makes it even worse when your hardwork doesn't pay off... and I guess my "best friend" is abt to visit me so my mood is going la di da da... I snapped at my boy last night... he asked me when's the break and I said next wk is the last wk then got one wk holz.. and he said "so just a couple of more days" and I asked what he meant and he said "well, you're only at uni three days!"... saying it as if I'm just cruising along uni and got nothing to do... so I just snapped at him.. cos he always says that... ever since he started work he thinks he's the only one that stresses in this world... he has already forgotten the pressure HE was under when he was doing his last yr of uni last year... *PFFF* I just wish sometimes he was more considerate in that respect... ><"

    Lecture this morning was boring... Ryan came with Kylie to our 9am class.. how kyooooote! they were so bored that they were writing stories to each other... haha... meanwhile Hau was msging Tina non stop... I was doodling on my book.. and of course Wendy and Jeff payed attention and wrote notes... =) I got to the lecture 5mins late... just cos I took a big loop around from the bus stop just so I could go to the coffee cart and buy hot chocolate... it was so satisfying when I accomplished my mission.. =) they make the best coffee and hot choc.!!!

    newayz... feeling bit depressed atm... hate uni... can't wait till this session finishes... I dun even get a holiday mid-semester... I have to do housing visits and stuff in that wk... pppff... so much for a break!

    Saturday, September 11, 2004 ; 12:48 PMY
    ...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

    so much to do.. so lil time.. uh oh! ><" screwed~~~ Went out to Hornsby with my boy and we did some shopping and watched "Suddenly 30"... wasn't as gd as expected... but it was okies.. man, can Jennifer Garner run in those high heels!!!! keke... played some air hockey with my boy as well... kicked his ass BIG time!!!

    Been reading this book.. very interesting.. everytime when I thought it would be a fairytale ending... an unexpected turn always takes place at the crucial moments... all the stories end in tragedy... is that really how life is? do fairytales only exist in our own imagination..? in our own la la land? =) but then the way I see it is that it doesn't matter where u end up, it's the journey that counts.... it's an experience that lets us mature and learn mroe abt the world, and ourselves~^^

    had a funny conversation with some uni pplz the other day... us Cherry Tech pplz must have bad grammar man... (or mebbe it's me?!)... I was asking if Raph "have u ate?" (lunch).. and then was corrected by Raph "have I eaten?"... and then I started going on abt how everyone says it like that in my area... blah blah blah.. then we had a debate of whether "worser" is a word.. -.-" hm... hehe... interesting...~

    Wednesday, September 08, 2004 ; 12:30 PMY
    ...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

    been so busy.... and the week for uni has finally ended... after having two major assignments due this wk us social workers finally get to sleep... -.-" so funny... attendance at lectures has been close to zero this week... and by the last class today, everyone was falling alseep during the tute... so glad it's all over though...!

    went out for lunch with Raph and Lim after class to an Indonesian Restaurant.. sth different I guess... =) and then afterwards Raph so nicely drove me out to Chinatown and made me buy milk tea for him at easyWay for his gd deed... hehe... and then he left to go home to get some rest... as for me I walked all of Chinatown trying to find gd concert tix for Miriam's concert... and then I went home as well... wanted to do some shopping but was just too tired... after working on the stupid court report for 6hrs striaght yesterday I think I need to get some much deserved zzz...~~ ^^"

    Monday, September 06, 2004 ; 12:12 PMY
    ...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

    I made the words bigger, I think it's easier to read now.. u think so? =)

    big day today... didn't go to any lectures today cos I had to finish my essay thing for tmr.. gggrr~~~ silly Sandy.. leaving things to the last minute.. AGAIN! aiyayaya...~ this wk is horrible... ><" after this essay thing I have another one due Wednesday... looks like I'm gonna skip all my lectures this wk.. woohoo~!!! haha...

    I still managed to go out to the city with Raph, Karen and Winnie for lunch tho.. that was a nice and rewarding break~^^ thanks to Raph who drove us out to the ct and then bk to uni... so sowwie for not going to class wif u in the arvo.. hope u weren't THAT nigelated.. keke... -.-" Lunch was nice.. we had Jap @ Chinatown... *yum* since I'm never allowed out late at night it's nice to catch up with everyone during lunch... =) After that Karen and I went bk to lab to do our essay... Karen's so kewl, she can talk on icq, msn, eat, AND do her essay.. whereas me, I wasn't that muti-tasked... haha! I barely typed a sentence this arvo when I got bk from lunch.. keke... but thanx to Kawen who gave me lotsa great references and gonna give me notes tmr for another essay... yay! mua mua... you're the best!!! ^^.. hey Karen, look, this is cute ~ =('00')= ... hehe... u and I know what it is.. =) OH! Kawen drew this really cute comic strip abt me and Bill last wk during our Social Policy tute... I'm gonna scan it and post it up when I have time.. so keep an eye out for it!

    newayz.... gotta get bk to my essay... I'm missing my boy dearly atm.... wish he was here to gimme a hug.. *sob* OH OH! last thing... HAPPY 6mths ANNIVERSARY to Jeff and Wendy... u guys are so cute.. boy does time fly.. it's bn 6mths already?!?!?! when r u gonna have lil social workers...? keke... i think you'll have really cute babies!!!! *wink* ^^

    Sunday, September 05, 2004 ; 8:56 AMY
    ...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

    what's this?! hm.... it's snow!!! well... i dunno really... it's actually all hail... but it hailed so much that all the roads and gardens and everything turned white!!! how funky is that heh?!

    I just finished work at Macquarie and as soon as I got outta the car park at abt 4:15pm the road was filled with hail and all cars were going at like 5km/hr cos it was too slippery and we can't even see the road markings.. -.-" so dangerous...

    pretty funky heh? =) keke... dun get much of that in Sydney...!

    newayz... w/e has bn okies... played lots of vball yesterday as it was some China Cup thing at Ryde... then my boy and I went on Captain Cook for a sunset dinner cruise... it was so cool.. the harbour looks so nice at night...~^^ then we headed to Jamson's 21st at Cohi Bar.. so pretty there!!! can see the harbour and everything.. =) it was so nice seeing everyone again... it was like a high school reunion! keke... everyone's all grown up now... all the guys have gone spunkier and the gurls have gone more sophisticated... *sigh* and I saw Teddy! well.. James... keke... he got so smashed.. started blabbing shyte all night... haha! all in all a great night... and I hope Jamo had a gd one too =)

    I miss u guys heaps <3


    ...Leaving Home...


    ...Port Stephens...

    ...Stephy's Bday...

    ...Rock Climbing...

    ...Bike Riding...

    ...Social Work & School Frenz...

    ...Helpline & Captain Cook...

    ...Australia Day 08...

    ...Bicentennial Park...

    ...Wendy's GraduatioN...

    ...JapaN & HK TriP...

    ...Sandy's GraduatioN...

    ...The EntrancE...

    ...Xmas Shift...



    ...BunnY Suicides...



    ...My BillY BabY...

    ...Lil Bro~LawrencE...

    ...SmellY LiLy...



    x October 2003
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    x December 2003
    x January 2004
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    x September 2004
    x October 2004
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    A lot of treasured moments <3