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Sunday, October 31, 2004 ; 12:27 PMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

HAPPY Halloween.. and of course... HAPPY 21st BDAY to KRYSTLE... =) even though we're not as close as we were in our first years of uni compared to now.. I still remember you..~^^ and I hope everything is going well for you... especially things with Dennis... even tho I really do not like him very much.. *hint hint*... BUT, as long as you're happy happy joy joy.. that's all that counts babe~! xoxo

I'm so tired... have worked four days in a row and played a hectic game of vball tonight... it was good though.. burn off all those nasty calories.. =) keke... Work @ Esprit was so cool today... bludged so much... talked to Kathy for a while.. and then Bill came to Macquarie to keep me company and have lunch with me!!! Since he didn't spend time with me yesterday he made up for it by taking me to Maccas during my lunch break... naaaaaaaaw.. what a sweety... it was a nice lunch as we were talking abt our future and career prospects and our life plan... haha~^0^" and he said he thinks he saw my lil bro Lawrence... mmm... was it you Law?! u were at Macq centre and u didn't come in and say hi?! aiyaya...~ and Bill saw Zi at Chatswood yesterday too.... *sob* why does he always see my friends? and i never bump into anyone...?! no fair~!!!

newayz... my boy had dinner with me as well tonight... wohoo... bonus! hehe... I guess it makes up for our lost Saturday time... =) gotta give him credit for that..~xoxo

Friday, October 29, 2004 ; 1:28 PMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

Happy Happy Happy Bday to Kawen...~^^ HAPPY 21st gurlie... hope u had a gd one and liked our pressie... well, u better, cos I put a lot of effort into it... meanwhile having briefing papers and a presentation on that week... hehe... so u better be grateful!!! haha.. j/k... =) u know i luuuuuurve yoooo... and as u can see by the pressie I'm not an artistic person... but that just brings out the specialty of the present.. haha...

newayz... went out to dinner wif my boy tonight... since he's busy tmr and can't spend the day with me... we went to Towers and ate at GPK... it was so yummy... funny thing is we ordered kids meals... haha!!!! cos we knew we wouldn't be able to finish the standard dishes... keke... and afterwards we went to Timezone to play air hockey... and of course I won both games... haha... woohoo~ still undefeated...! =)

Wednesday, October 27, 2004 ; 12:57 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

yay! my BB signed my tag board.. now I feel special... =) hehe... thanx dude~! *mua*

at uni working on presentation atm.. decided to blog now since I won't have access to a comp till Monday after today... *sob* what am I gonna do throughout the summer holz?! I'll have no net.... gggrr.... we wanna do the broadband thing but dad doesn't wanna pay the installation fee... haha! how dodge... I think we're gonna wait for Optus to have that $o installation fee for broadband and then we'll join.. we missed it last time dammit!!! anyone know any cheap broadband companies? =)

hm... I saw a black cat this morning at uni when I was coming down to the labs... scary man... he was staring at me with those creepy eyes... dun like cats at all... ><" luckily he didn't cross my path... in fact, I cross his... haha!!! so I guess there'll be no bad luck thingy happening today... @.@" yes... i'm a very superstitous gurl...~^^

ooohh... I made chocolate mousse the other day... it's so cool...! I dun like mousse but my dad does... it didn't turn out not too great though... it wasn't as fluffy as I wanted it to be.. and it didn't have enough of a chocolatey taste... =.=" d'oh! oh wellz... mebbe next time... 0.o" I lurve making dessert... *yum*... so then I can eat it too...! haha...

Tuesday, October 26, 2004 ; 1:42 PMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

HAPPY 21st to Kathy and Raph! Hope u guys have a gd one...~^^ Wishing u guys all the best...~*

ATT: UNSW students
The finalised exam timetable is out... so have a look! it's got locations and stuff now... hope u guys have ur exams all spread out and get to finish early..~^^

such a nice day... yay! it's summer again... keke.. was gonna work on presentation with Karen today... but unfortunately, silly Karen hasn't even done her readings... so we scrapped that idea and went out for lunch then dawdled home... =( the presentation is tmr...! eeeeek~ *sigh*... luckily, I've completed all my briefing papers that are also due tmr... otherwise I would be freakin out BIG time... ><"

ARGH! I missed the OC tonight due to overflowing uni work... but it's cool.. I taped it.. =) hehe... *whew*

I need a haircut... my hair is getting too long and I've lost my fringe as it's all grown out... ><" aiyaya... now i look stupid... haha....~-.-"

Monday, October 25, 2004 ; 2:19 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

HAPPY BDAY to my blog.. it's one years old as of today! yay...~ thanx to all u guys who keep comin bk and reading my stuff.. =) hope i dun bore u toooooo much...~^^

ATT: UNSW Social Workers
Selected studies preferences are out... check ur unimail account!
Thanks to Raph who msged me and told me.. otherwise I would have missed out... hehe... thanx buddy! you always remember ur friends.. =)

Just read my boy's blog... got pretty upset... cos the whole of last week he never called me till after 11pm... when he knows I usually zzz at around 10pm... but bcos we rarely see each other I really value our nightly conversations... but I guess he thinks otherwsie... each night.. just to wait for his phone call I just take my time getting ready for bed.. watch pointless tv shows... sit in bed and read mags... just to talk to him for like 15mins cos he always says he's tired and needs to zzz... I always thought it was worth it... but when I take a step bk and look at the situation I see how stupid I am... why should I adjust my life to suit his when he doesn't do the same for me? after reading his blog I found out that he's bn late in calling me cos he's bn talking to other girls on the phone... >< hm... how should a girl feel in this situation? u guys tell me...~!!! yeh... that's right... I feel like shyte atm~!!! and he didn't even tell me... I found out by reading his blog... *sigh*... and HE gets pissed at ME when a guy calls me and I dun tell him.. pppfff....~ so from now on I'm just gonna zzz and turn off my phone.. (cos if i put it on silent I won't hear my alarm for the next day)... why should I wait around when he's talking to someone else or watching tv... HUH!!!

Zi's coming bk from Brisbane from his cousin's wedding.. hope u had fun boy.. have a safe plane trip bk... =)

btw guys... I have no net at home so for some time there'll be some gaps in between Wednesdays and Sundays... but when I get my hands on a comp at the beginning of the week I write blogs for the past days as well... so dun just read the one current post... scroll down and read the others as well okies?!

On a last note... Paris Hilton is a BITCH AND A HALF!!! poor Delta.... *sob*

Saturday, October 23, 2004 ; 2:02 PMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

hm... bn pretty pissed with my boy lately cos he doesn't call me till late everynight... when he knows that I zzz early... ><" mebbe he doesn't wanna talk to me..?! hm.. mebbe it's abt time I took the hint heh? gggrrr....~-.-" Went out today with my boy... the day didn't start off too good cos my boy was late 15mins in meeting me.. and there was no phone call or nething to say he was gonna be late... so when he got here I just gave him the cold shoulder... he didn't even say sorry or nething.. when I mentioned how he was late he went "hey! i woke up at 11am and I got here at 11:45am.. that's already pretty gd alright?!"... geez... sounds like he thinks he didn't do nething worng... =( newayz... we went to Parra for some shopping... tried to make conversation with him and had a smile every now and then.. cos I figured since we only go out once a week why make it miserable between us....? but no.... he wouldn't talk to me.. and he kept walking behind me and refused to walk next to me... geez... why am I the one to make things better when HE was bloody WRONG in the friggin first place?!?! aiyaya...~ who knows what goes thru that brain of his... -.-" so I had enuff and told him to go home if he doesn't wanna be here... and then we argued and blah blah blah... and he said he's thinking of not going out with me tonight... which I got even more upset abt... I mean... I thought no matter what we did it doesn't matter as long as we're together cos that's what we want.. to spend time with each other... but no... my boy decided to be selective in what he wants to be involved in... and he knew I wanted him to come with me tonight but he didn't care... >< he never takes my feelings into consideration... =(

newayz... we ended up making up and everything was fine by the time we got home to get organised for tonight... I took him out to Olympic Park for the movies in the Overflow... basically it's an outdoor cinema and you can bring your own picnic and stuff... I booked the tix a month ago... and I was praying the whole week wishing it won't rain today... luckily my prayers were answered =) I organised dinner and everything the night before so it was ready for tonight... hid everything in the boot... hehe... all in all it was a great night... and Garfield the Movie is such a crack up... much better than I expected =)

Luckily everything smoothed out at the end of the day, otherwise.... I would've bn so shitty!!!!

Thursday, October 21, 2004 ; 1:57 PMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

Such an awesome day today... didn't go to work cos us social workers had a lil excursion this morning... we went to the Parramatta Women's Transitional Centre... it's like a jail for women... such an interesting place.. wouldn't mind working there or doing my placement there next year...

Afterwards, a bunch of us went to lunch @ Temasek... that place is so yummy.. and there's this cute guy that works there too... woohoo~!!! haha...~^^ And then Karen, Jeff, Wendy and I did some shopping at Westfield and then we all went home... such a relaxing day.. =)

Went to vball with some Cherrybrook pplz this arvo... it was so kewl! haven't had so much fun @ vball for so long... it was so gd... was sweating like a piggy.. keke.. *oink*... ^00^... and then afterwards mum and I had pizza for dinner... yummy!!! if only everyday was like this....~*

Tuesday, October 19, 2004 ; 1:23 PMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

I dun like the weather these days... rain is gd.. but too much is just crazy... ><

I watched "normal" tv for the first time in yonks tonight... you see... ever since we got tvbj mum has bn hogging the tv and I've bn addicted to all those soapies.. -.-" But tonight I managed to watch Australian Idol (for the first time this time round!) and Dancing with the Stars by lots of channel flicking between the two as they were on during the same time... mmm... I like dancing with the stars.. it brings back a lot of childhood memories.. =) I lurve Bec.. she's so cool! newayz... and then for the very fisrt time.. I watched the OC!!! (btw.. anyone know what OC stands for?)... pretty gd I guess... very Dawson's Creek... haha... I guess that's the attraction for all pplz...~^^ and since it's a a bunch of teenagers I guess we can all relate...

Can't wait till uni's over for this session... *sigh* this session has bn horrible... ><"

Sunday, October 17, 2004 ; 2:34 PMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

I think my internet server went redundant or sth... when I connect it says that my password is wrong or that I'm not a user... and when I call IT support it says the number doesn't exist!!! -.-" hm.... so now I can only go online @ uni... poo-ie!!!

Had a surprise call on Friday... it was my lil bro Lawrence!!! hehe... I didn't have his number so when he called me I went to him "who's this?".. haha... felt so rude.. ><" and he called me just to tell me that Emmeline is in one of his tutes.. haha~^^ how kyoooote...

Had an alrightzy w/e... bit weird... dunno..~ Just dawdled around the ct on Saturday with my boy... was pissed as when that jap place didn't open cos we went out to the ct for lunch JUST for that... gggrr... but it was all made up for when we went to the markets and I discovered a model shop... I bought a house and a carousel and some aeroplanes and animals... =) I just have to finish all my assignments and then I'll start building them... wish me luck! haha~^^ Later in the arvo I took my baby to CQ and we went on ozjet...! it was so funny.. before we got on my baby was stoned and was shit scared and didn't wanna go on... haha! luckily afterwards he had a gd time... otherwise it wouldn't of bn worth the effort to give him that lil surprise... =)

Today was just one of those shitty days... Esprit was crap as we didn't have enuff staff.. didn't even get a proper lunch break.. dodgy.. ><" but I did get a pleasant surprise as I discovered Kathy is back working at Myer Jurlique! yay... now I have someone to tak to.. =) Newayz... when I got home I discovered Bill was at vball so I stayed home and did my essay... then he comes over 20mins late and keeps to himself and then proceeds to watching tv... hm... right... why dun u just stay at vball..? I shall drive there myself next time... Neways.... vball was crap as... haven't played such a crap game in yonks... we won the first two sets hands down.. and then cos everyone thought we've won the game, everyone started mucking around, little did we know, the other team won us back two sets in 20mins... so in the end it was a draw... =( wtf?!?!?! that's just shit... I dun like my team at all... everyone's too playful.. and we get random pplz every week... and being the only girl on the team I dun get much attention volleyball wise... so yeh... shitty....~~~

Tuesday, October 12, 2004 ; 2:13 PMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

J.Lo has it... Beyonce has it.. Jessica Simpson too... and now.. even Britney Spears has it!!! what is it?! a perfume and cosmetics line in their name... -.-" I was on Ebay and they were auctioning Britney's latest perfume.. "Curious"... hm... 0.O" I think I prefer Jessica Simpson's cosmetics though... cos it's all edible!! wahahaha~^^

So happy.. saw Derek this morning... haven't seen him for ages...! it was nice to see him full of smiles happily dawdling along with his girl Iris.. =) happy 4 him~!

I went to Hornsby today to find these swimmers that I had my eyes on for a while... but they weren't there!!! ggggrrr... loser...~ who bought them?! ARGH~~! it's bn so hot lately... sweating like a pig... dun wanna go to uni cos it's sooooo hot... it's nice on tha train in the morning though cos it's air coned... haha~

can't wait till the weekend... dun like uni... have bn doin so shyte!!! *sob* it's not fair... why am I born stupid?! *sob*... why me?!?! ><" aiyayaya~ need a hug...

Monday, October 11, 2004 ; 2:10 PMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

hm... writing a 2500 word essay isn't easy.. I'm learning that the hard way!!! oh wellz... i just keep telling myself it's due 12pm tmr... so I'll have the morning... haha~^^ I guess I'm too optimistic at times... =)

Vball tonight was heaps gd... there were only 4 of us who showed up! hectic shyte man...~ but it was fun...~ haven't bn doing any sport over the break so i need to work some fat off! but it didn't help when my boy and I headed to KFC after the game for dinner... haha! ^0^ it was so satisfying though.. *yum* =p my boy was being all emotional and serious and saying thanQ to me for random things... -.-" like he was saying how he's changed from when we first met... he was very competitive in sport before and always aimed to win.. and would chuck the biggest skitz of he didn't... but now... after being with me and playing volleyball with me, he told me he's learnt that there's more to sport than winning.. like the valuable friendship you gain through the sport.. =) so glad he finally understands...~^^ it was so hard playing sport with him before cos he'll always be so serious and competitive... kept trying to explain to him why I like playing vball so much.. not cos I'm good (cos I'm not)... it's cos the process of it makes me happy.. I like team sports.. it brings out the togetherness of pplz... and it's also thru vball that I met all my gd friends... and it's also thru vball that I met my boy... so I think everyone should play sport socially!!! keke... so yeh... happy boy has finally understood this and taken vball in a much lighter approach.. at least he now smiles when he's playing (instead of giving opponents death stares... haha!)!

Work today was tiring... but I got a pleasant surprise when I went into our staff room... there was a big notice that said I was the staff of the month cos I made the most "big" sales (more than $350 in one transaction) in September.. woohoo!! and I get a free movie tix for that... yay!so surprised.. cos I beat all the full timers..! I'm only at Esprit Sundays... so that's a pretty gd effort heh?! doo da.. doo da... =) hm... what movie should I watch...~^^"

W/e was alright... didn't do much.. just went to Towers for lunch and some shopping.. and then played some dodgy pool with my boy... but was distracted for a while as I discovered the jukebox.. which had cool songs on it.. and.. it doesn't cost $$$ to play the songs!!! so i was selecting all these songs while my boy was patiently waiting for me at the pool table... haha! went to dinner and then afterwards I got a tummy ache so we went bk to my place and watched the final episode of "Monkey Magic" on tvbj... yay! haha..~^^ but it was so sad... cos that girl died... *sob* and the monkey dude was gonna marry her... aiyaya... sad... ><" I still have to watch Twin of Brothers final episode too...! that should be interesting... =) I'm sure Karen would've bn glued to the tv...! haha...

Haven't bn watching Idol at all this time round... but I like Chanel.. dunno why... I dunno the other pplz... so everyone vote for Chanel... keke... at least she's from nsw =)

Just a last note... my boy and I have bn into air hockey these days.. and I'm kicking his ass big time.. I'm still undefeated.. =) I won 12 games in a row! and he's still yet to win a game... la la la... we decided that when we get married we're going to buy our own air hockey table.. how kool would that be heh?!

Tuesday, October 05, 2004 ; 4:48 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

doing my assignment at uni atm... so bored... I did this quiz, and it told me my mentality is of a 15 yr old!!!! ggggrrr.... wtf?! hm.... it's wrong man it's wrong!!! u guys try it... it's in chinese though.. =) I got 72% for immaturity, 32% for maturity, and 11% for oldie.... haha~ hm....

had a lil excursion today with my fellow social workers... big group! hehe.. went across to the Clearinghouse for a "talk"... ><" only lasted half an hour... -.-" couldn't she of come to us?! sigh~~~ and Tina brought her lil twin sisters along... Emma and Amy... =) they're sooo kyoooote! so funny.. they always bash each other up... and it's so funny when they talk to Hau in viet... cos their viet is better than Hau's so she could barely understand it.. haha~ lostie... ooh! took some photos too.. finally finished my film... gonna go get it developed this arvo and pick it up tmrz... woohoo!!!!

such a lovely day... it's so warm now!!! a bit chilly in the morning though... was trying to zzz on the train this morning but it was freezing!!! they had the air con on full blast... silly pplz...~

better get bk to my research thingy... -.-" I just thought I'd do a post now as I just did that quiz and was mortified by the results... too de loo~!!!

Monday, October 04, 2004 ; 2:54 PMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

dooo da... doo da... happy labour day! was such a nice spring day heh?! too bad I was working.. oh wellz.. at least I was out on the water! and I get paid... double as well!!!! wahaha~! and my boy gave me a surprise this arvo.. he came and picked me up from work... =) naaaaaw... what a sweeeeeeeeeety~^^ and when he saw me the first thing he said was "i'm hungry.. let's go eat"... so we went to Krispy Kremes @ Wynyard... haha! yay!!! *slurp* =p

had a whole bunch of family friends over tonight cos we had some pplz come over from HK so we had a lil get together thing at home... ><" so noisy.... kids screaming... adults playing mahjong... gggrr... we didn't have dinner till like 9pm man... *sob* poor me...

lotsa assignments due next week... got a 2500 word research thing... aiyaya~ screwed! and guess what fellow uni students? we've got exams in about a little more than a months time... whoop-ie!!!

Sunday, October 03, 2004 ; 8:34 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

went to the Miriam concert Friday night... it was alright... =) just a gd night out with my boy... and I met up with Muki and Leesha before hand so that was gd... it's nice when I could catch up with the gurls... =p

Saturday my boy and I went to Chatswood for some shopping and some viet lunch... *yum* and guess what?!?! I got myself a pet!!! well... kinda.. hehe... I bought a robot dinosaur from Toys R us.. it was only $15!!! yay!!! it was on sale so I just had to buy one home... I'll take some photos later and show u guys... it's so kewl!!! it walks and sings and everything...! hehe... funky heh?! newayz.... we watched Wimbledon at the cinemas and it was a pretty gd chick flick~^^ I liked it much better than Suddenly 30... =) even though the main guy wasn't cute at all... haha~ but I lurve Kirsten Dunst!!! then later that night we went out for dinner and my boy drove me home...~*

spent the day at work today and Emmy visited me!! hehe... and my boy came in for like a minute in the morning cos his family was at Macq Centre... pppfff....~ what an effort heh?! last week he said he was gonna come visit and spend some time with me... so much effort for today.. *sob* he only came cos his parents came... >< it wasn't even for me.. to see me... ner... loser~

public holz tmr.... work at Captain Cook.. yay! double pay!!!! la la la...~

I miss u guys heaps <3


...Leaving Home...


...Port Stephens...

...Stephy's Bday...

...Rock Climbing...

...Bike Riding...

...Social Work & School Frenz...

...Helpline & Captain Cook...

...Australia Day 08...

...Bicentennial Park...

...Wendy's GraduatioN...

...JapaN & HK TriP...

...Sandy's GraduatioN...

...The EntrancE...

...Xmas Shift...



...BunnY Suicides...



...My BillY BabY...

...Lil Bro~LawrencE...

...SmellY LiLy...



x October 2003
x November 2003
x December 2003
x January 2004
x February 2004
x March 2004
x April 2004
x May 2004
x June 2004
x July 2004
x August 2004
x September 2004
x October 2004
x November 2004
x December 2004
x January 2005
x February 2005
x March 2005
x April 2005
x May 2005
x June 2005
x July 2005
x August 2005
x September 2005
x October 2005
x November 2005
x December 2005
x January 2006
x February 2006
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x June 2008
x July 2008
x September 2008

A lot of treasured moments <3