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Monday, November 29, 2004 ; 12:10 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

changed the site a bit.. new photo is up (bored of seeing my scary face yet? wahaha)... and got a new song lyric up too... it's a song that I can closely relate to atm... so have a read...~

Delta concert tix on sale today... really really really wanna go... but.. dun know anyone that would wanna go that could go with me.. and plus, tix must be so expensive... *sob* no fair...~ I guess we all miss out some time in life...

been having some tension with my boy these days... I dunno... it all gets a bit too much at times.. pppff... hopefully things will get better for us... <3

Sth unexpected happened an its happened so close to home... I know it has hit us all bang smack in the face... but there's nth we can do but accept it I guess... have bn spending hrs on the phone with random pplz.. but many thanks to Ken W. who talked to me for the whole night/morning when he was meant to be studying for his supplementary exam and had to work early the next morning... =) greatly appreciate it... you're a very gd comforter~^^

Newayz... it's holz... so party hard peeps... I shall see you all soon... be good... drive safe... drink responsibly...^^ and take gd care for urselves! xoxo

Sunday, November 21, 2004 ; 10:45 PMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

two down, one to go..~ got my last exam in abt 4hrs time... how exciting...~ -.-" last week's exams were horrible... *sob* why do they always set the exams so bloody hard and make our life miserable? gggrrr.... so funny... after our policy exam on Wednesday all the girls got calls and msgs from their boys asking how they went and stuff.. but Sandy didn't get anything and felt like such a loner... so good ol' Tina rang me and asked me how I went when she was like 10m away from me.. keke.. =) thanks gurlie...~! you're my "beeeeeeeeeeeest friend"..~^^

Have bn sooo sick... was suppose to work on Friday but had to call in sick... went to the doctors with mum instead.. I've got some nose infection from some allergic reaction (apparently I've got hayfever or sth-.-")... and some of my nerves has bn damaged inside... so now I'm on some medication (that looks like M&Ms^^) and got some cream thing.... @.@" still not gd though... I've still got a runny nose.. a nose bleed every now and then... a sore throat.. and experiencing endless coughing.. ><" pppfffff....~ aiyaya~*

Saturday was cool... went to Towers to watch Bridget Jone's Diary 2 and it was heaps gd.. I really liked it.. and I needed a gd laugh... =) afterwards my boy and I played air hockey and he lost again.. woohoo~ I think I've won like 20 games in a row... haha~^^ poor baby... but really, I'm so proud of myself... cos I think air hockey is the only thing I'm better than Bill at... so whenever I need a confident boost, I just challenge my boy to air hockey.. wahaha~^^ *evil SandY!*

Went to Kylie's 21st that night and it was heaps gd as everyone from uni was there so it was a gd break from exams..~ =) took heaps of photos... yay! I lurve photos... and yes, I took them with my big ass camera... dun laugh! I love my camera.. I dun like digital cameras at all...~ keke... which reminds me, I have so many photos that I need to upload... shall do that when I get my cable at home... whenever that is..~

right-O... need to cram.. gimme a call after today if anybody wants to meet up... =) I'm ALL yours~!!! xoxo

Wednesday, November 17, 2004 ; 12:54 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

exams has been stupid... had my first one yesterday.. abt to have my second one in an hour and a half's time... ><" someone kill me... =p can't wait till the w/e rolls around again... then I get to see my boy~! and it's Kylie's 21st this Saturday so that should relieve some stress... haha...~^^

newayz... had a pretty cool Saturday... Boy and I went to Parra and we had Sigaporian/Malaysian food at Temasek.. *yum* best restaurant.. and there's this really cute guy that works there... hoho... so it was like a perve fest... keke.. with food!!! haha... then we went shopping and bowling.. which my boy kicked my ass in once again... hate it when he beats me in things.. dun like him being more "skilled" or "smarter" than me... yes.. a lot of pplz has said that I'm a competitive girl.. =) oh wellz... at least I kicked his ass in air hockey again that arvo... wahaha~^^

Sunday was bludgy at work... lotsa pplz working that I haven't seen for a while.. and since I couldn't drive to work that day, mum drove me to Macq centre in the morning and my boy drove me home in the arvo... hehe... gosh I'm spoilt... =^.^= my own chaffeurs...~^^ Played vball that night and twisted my ankle.. and no one cared... *sniff*... how hurtful... was hopping bk home that night.. keke..

newayz... gotta study and eat with my social work buddies before the exam... so ciao~* love u guys... xoxo... gluck with exams...~ *mua*

Thursday, November 11, 2004 ; 10:24 PMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

@ uni atm... just doing some research for exams and doin a bit of studying... nth toooo exciting...~^^" been working heaps since stuvac has been happening.. it was so bz on Wednesday... Captain Cook Cruises had a big charter for 700 pplz... and guess who they were? they were Maccas pplz~! it was like "important" macca's pplz from around the world.... =) they were all here for an annual meeting or sth... so that was a hectic lunch... and then I had to tutor this lil girl the same night so I was dead tired by the end of the day...

bn suffering from bad cases of insomnia lately... all know that I sleep early and hop into bed at like 10:30pm.. but lately I've just bn rolling around the bed, wide awake, listening to my Guy Sebastian album over and over again, and just thinking abt very stupid and random things... things like: who would come to my funeral when I die, what should I do for my 21st (mind you it's more than 6mths away), how I would rate as a mother, what confectionary should I buy tmr... etc.... insane heh? I think exams have bn really getting to me... (even tho I haven't started!) and all the thundering, lightning and rain has just made me more anxious... and it doesn't help when you thought you could relax on the Saturday and go out but find out that your boy had other plans.. (that of course didn't involve you)... so that's that... but thanks to Zi who managed to put a smile on my face when I woke up this morning with his supporting msgs...~^^

I just dun understand guys... or mebbe just Bill in general... it's so obvious that I'm never on top of the priority list... not that I wanna be first but I'd like to be somewhere up there at least... I think I deserve that much... I mean, I do anything to keep my Saturdays free to spend time with him but obviously his DAD'S dentist appointment and family house hunting expedition are more important than me.. well, actually, more important than us... and he's like "well, mebbe we can fit in dinner that night"... well sorry that I didn't make an appointment earlier sir... ggggrr... not happy... and it doesn't help when he always calls me late.. well, actually, he doesn't even call, he just pranks.. obviously not wanting to talk to me as he knows that I'll probably be zzz and since he pranks it shows that he's not all that interested in talking... ppppfff....~ what's a girl to do... ><" *sob*

Monday, November 08, 2004 ; 10:03 PMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

back at uni for another day of finishing off (or mebbe starting.. -.-") an essay that's due later in the arvo... how exciting..~!

nothing much has bn happening... since exams are soon everyone's bn busy studying and stuff.. whereas I have just simply bn working and bludging.. woohoo~^^

since Zi talked abt Red Bull so would I.. =) cos I know this girl that works for promotions at Red Bull and she gets unlimited stock of red bull.. so she always brings it to Esprit and stocks our fridge up.. funny as... =) but those things are evil.. they nearly made me pass out when I first tried it (might I mention that was my last time as well).. and I only had one sip... -.-" haha...~ and I dun like the taste.. it's very ew ew ew eeeeeeeeeew... makes me go ---> @.@"

Watched Notebook on Saturday at Chats with my boy.. and it was soooooo gd =) I really liked it...~^^ very soppy chick flick though... I was surprised my boy actually didn't mind it.. (I wouldn't say he loved it.. cos I dun think he did.. haha)... even though it was a sad ending I still felt happy for them... =) it's like... it doesn't matter what happens before... but as long as in the end they have each other.. it's all that matters...~^^ whether you define the end as death or sth else... it doesn't matter~* I wanna read the book now... apparently it's really gd... =) but I guess I'll leave that till end of exams... -.-"

Bill and I also watched Love Battlefield that Karen lent me.. she said she thought of me when she watched it.. and I guess I get what her mean.. (well, i think i do..)... at uni pplz always ask me how's bill.. and how we're going... and I always just say.. "er, the same.. so so.."... I guess what Karen is trying to tell me is that sometimes when things are simple and normal, that's actually a gift... =) I THINK that's what she meant.. or mebbe she just thought I'd like the movie cos it was very "our" type.... haha~^0^

newayz... dunno when I'll be chatting to u guys again due to the dreading exams... my last exam is 22nd Nov so if u guys wanna go out after let me know.. =) meanwhile... gd luck to you all~ I'll be thinking of u guys.... xoxo

Tuesday, November 02, 2004 ; 10:07 PMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

was sooooo sick when I got home from uni yesterday... i think the ever changing weather is taking its toll on me... =(

Finished uni at 12:30pm yesterday but stayed bk till abt 4:30pm as I had to work on my DV assignment... gggrrr.... it's due next Tuesday..~! aiyaya.. ><" and btw, to all UNSW pplz... has our unimail been cleared? cos I've seemed to lost all my emails!!! argh... stupid uni... must've bn those child porn ads that's bn going thru... they must be cleaning the system and upgrading firewalls or sth... -.-"

OC was gd last night... can't believe the season's nearly finished.. I just started getting into it man..! I was sick as last night but still managed to survive that hour and then hopping into bed... haha~^^

is it just me or is my site stuffed again?! I can't load it on these stooopid uni comps.. *sob* I hope it's working... I dun wanna do it all over again like last time...! or is blogger just playing up over all? hm....... Sandy doesn't get technology...~@.@~

Monday, November 01, 2004 ; 11:35 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

I dun like this season's Australian Idol... all the pplz are weird on there... like Chanel and Casey... they're not really gd talkers heh? I dunno... -.-" but has everyone bought Guy's new album?! it's such a nice album... all the songs are really gd..! much better than the first one... =) and he does this song with Mya as well.. so kewl....~ 0.0"

I only had an hour of uni today.. what a waste of time... travelling time is greater than class time... -.-" I went for a hair cut as well today... I lost half my hair... haha...~^^ well... kinda... =) I got my lovely poster back as well.. which consisted of my 2500 word essay.. and I got a credit...! yay~!

Saw Winnie this arvo as well and she telling me abt her ex and stuff and how much he's changed.... aiyaya... it's amazing how people change... I remember going to a friend's 21st and most of our high school year was there... and boy has ppl changed~! for the better and for the worst I guess... there's a flip side to every situation... but everytime I see a long lost friend or sth they always say I haven't changed much... both looks and personality wise... even my parents say I still look like a 10yr old... haha... mmm....~*

Miss my boy already.. and it's only Monday?!?! hm... that's not goooooood... why does a week consist of 7days? *sob* I'm awaiting for Saturday already... haha... and of course, when it does come it passes by so quickly that it was like a dream...~*

I miss u guys heaps <3


...Leaving Home...


...Port Stephens...

...Stephy's Bday...

...Rock Climbing...

...Bike Riding...

...Social Work & School Frenz...

...Helpline & Captain Cook...

...Australia Day 08...

...Bicentennial Park...

...Wendy's GraduatioN...

...JapaN & HK TriP...

...Sandy's GraduatioN...

...The EntrancE...

...Xmas Shift...



...BunnY Suicides...



...My BillY BabY...

...Lil Bro~LawrencE...

...SmellY LiLy...



x October 2003
x November 2003
x December 2003
x January 2004
x February 2004
x March 2004
x April 2004
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x November 2004
x December 2004
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A lot of treasured moments <3