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Tuesday, December 28, 2004 ; 10:36 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

so tired... my eyes just wouldn't stay open... but I dun wanna zz... it's too early for bed!!!

My boy and I went to Terrigal on Monday morning and just got bk today late arvo.... it was such a nice trip... =) I think we both needed some time out from work... We left Syd at abt 9:15am and went to Macca's for breaky.. *yum*.. my favourite!!! then we setted off to the Central Coast... it didn't take that long to get there and the scenery on the way was awesome...!

when we got there we walked around the city centre and had lunch at Crowne Plaza... pretty dodge but... oh wellz.... then we checked in into our lil resort and it was so pretty there!!! I really liked it... and it was very clean and tidy and we had our own balcony! woohoo~! afterwards we jetted off to the beach and mucked around and played some vball... gosh it's hard work playing vball on the beach.. could barely move and the sand was hot ass... ><" we were so buggered afterwards.. so we went for ice-cream!!! best ice cream ever tasted.. passionfruit was so YUMMY! mmmm.... food orgasm... wahahaha~^^" then we went bk to our resort and had a shower and got ready to go out for dinner... dinner was gd as well... felt so fat afterwards as we were constantly eating wherever we went.... haha... As for today we went to Erina Fair.. which is a huge shopping centre near Terrigal... it was really nice there... and we did lotsa shopping!!!

Overall it was a perfect getaway... =) now I can't wait till Feb. when we'll be going to the Gold Coast... we booked our flight already so it's all very exciting...^^

hope everyone else is having a great holz... stay safe! xoxo

Saturday, December 25, 2004 ; 6:46 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! Lotsa hugs and kisses for u guys...~ xoxo.. hope u all enjoy the day... thanks for everything throughout the year dudes... greatly appreciated =) have a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

wellz.. I just got bk from work... yup, that's right... Sandy had to work on Chrissy day... bright and early too! but work was gd.. lotsa staff working.. and it was only lunch.. then everyone got to go home and enjoy the rest of Christmas... keke.. and they had cool helium balloons and decor on the boat...~^^ so pweeeety...

I hope all u guys are having a gd one.. and not being too lonely.. ><" I'll soon be off to Bill's house for a Chrissy dinner that I'm gonna prepare.. yes.. it's all very exciting.. meanwhile my parents are over at a family friend's place playing mahjong... =.=" just like every other year... crazy asians I'd say...~

wellz... hope all is well for u guys... thanks for all ur msgs... I feel so special...! hehe... dun drink too much.. and drive safe.. double demerit!!! haha...~!

Tuesday, December 21, 2004 ; 10:44 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

I got x'mas bonuses from both Esprit and Captain Cook...! woohoo~* more $$$ = shopping! keke...

newayz.. here are some Qs off Kyle's blog that he's insisting everyone to answer... keke.. so I picked a few... here goes~!

1. In 10 words or less describe 2004 for u...
friends lost and gained, rewarding, happy & lots of laughter!
2. What was your highlight of 2004...
um... Valentine's Day when my boy showed up at my door step (when I was still zzz and was still in my pjs) with a big bunch of flowers~^^ never forget that...!
3. Where do u hope to be by this time next year...
somewhere far away... as if all goes well I would've finished uni for gd!!! woohoo~!
4. Album of the year...
Missy Higgins
5. movie of the year...
um... Bridget Jones 2... or mebbe The Notebook... =)
6. Party of the year...
mmm.... my 20th dinner pt!
7. Book of the year...
Bride Stripped Bare!!! must read...~
8. Person of the year...
um..... all my closest friends as everyone has helped me thru a lot of stuff throughout 2004... thanx guys!
9. Knobhead of the year...
mm.. all those that made me cry..! yes, including my boy.. keke... j/k...
10. What do you want/ what did u get for xmas...
I want lots of Chrissy cards so I know my friends haven't forgotten abt moi...
11. What will be your new years resolution...?
be nicer to those that I love.. and be more tolerant over certain things.. and... cherish everyday that I'm living in this world... =)

Monday, December 20, 2004 ; 10:42 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

so tired.... bn working 6days/wk ever since holz started... only get Saturdays off to go out with my boy every wk and that's abt it... ><" oh wellz.. nething for $$$ heh?! =)

Had our Esprit store x/mas party the other night at the Ranch after a staff meeting... that was pretty gd... for once everyone showed up.. our manager was very pleased~^^ everyone had heaps of fun... drank heaps and went home with a full stomache... keke...

I guess everyone's bn bz these holz... so hard to catch up with pplz these holz... even harder when everyone's jetted off already! @.@" keke... oh wellz.. I hope all you holidayers are having fun overseas... remember to buy me lotsa pressies!!! keke...

By now everyone's got their results now... hope you all went gd =) a BIG congrats to Silai who got a REALLY REALLY REALLY gd UAI~^^ knew you could do it girl.. u deserve it for all that hardwork...!

Can't wait till x'mas... going to Terrigal with my boy on Monday and Tuesday.. overnight holiday... woohoo~! can't wait.. should be gd.. we both need some time to relax I guess... ~^^

btw guys... I finally got some photos uploaded.. it's from my 20th bday, Bernie & Steph's 21st, and Jamson's 21st!! so go have a peek..~!!!

Sunday, December 12, 2004 ; 10:48 PMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

guess what peeps? Sandy's getting broadband this Thursday! woohoo~ doo da.. doo da...

newayz... so many sleepless nights these days... sowwie to those pplz that I've bothered with my late night phone calls.. @.@" I have bn doing my rounds lately... but, thank yoooooo soooo much cos I really needed to talk.. and u guys have always bn there for me... *hugs* and thanx to my bestest buddy who came to my rescue when I most needed it... your shoulder was very comfy~^^ sowwie for wetting your top though! keke... you're the best... (i know u read my blog.. dun pretend u dun!*wink*)... i hope u got to work okies the nest day... -.-"

bn so busy working these days.. can't wait till x'mas actually gets here... since shops have bn extending trading hours I've bn camping out at Esprit Macq.. ><" and of course I'm still at Captain Cook Cruises too... did a huge ass function for Kawasaki the other day... they were all from America! that accent man.. gggrrr.... results have come out for unsw peeps... and my am I relieved! a lot of you would've known that I've bn freakin out over a number of unknown Fs... but luckily I did not see any so thank God for that! I guess my work for the end of year exams really did pay off... =) I vow to be more hardworking next year... I do, I do... I really do!!! gd luck to those that's abt to get theirs... and of course... gd luck to those hsc-ers out there who gets their result via bloddy sms on Friday at 6am..! haha... I found that quite fascinating... =p

*~"I just want a hug... for you to tell me everything is okies... and you will be more careful with a girl's heart... I just want you to say sorry... I want you to surprise me every now and then... even if it's just an sms to say u love me.. I want you to say dun go, cos you'll miss me too much... I want you to take me out and not take me homw while there's still light...
I want you to hold my hand, gimme hugs, kiss me for no reason... I want you to tell me I'm beautiful and how you can't live without me... I just want you.. to be my boyfriend"~*

I miss u guys heaps <3


...Leaving Home...


...Port Stephens...

...Stephy's Bday...

...Rock Climbing...

...Bike Riding...

...Social Work & School Frenz...

...Helpline & Captain Cook...

...Australia Day 08...

...Bicentennial Park...

...Wendy's GraduatioN...

...JapaN & HK TriP...

...Sandy's GraduatioN...

...The EntrancE...

...Xmas Shift...



...BunnY Suicides...



...My BillY BabY...

...Lil Bro~LawrencE...

...SmellY LiLy...



x October 2003
x November 2003
x December 2003
x January 2004
x February 2004
x March 2004
x April 2004
x May 2004
x June 2004
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x August 2004
x September 2004
x October 2004
x November 2004
x December 2004
x January 2005
x February 2005
x March 2005
x April 2005
x May 2005
x June 2005
x July 2005
x August 2005
x September 2005
x October 2005
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x December 2005
x January 2006
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x April 2008
x May 2008
x June 2008
x July 2008
x September 2008

A lot of treasured moments <3