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Monday, January 31, 2005 ; 9:40 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

Hewitt screwed it.. but at the end of the day.. the best man wins... and Safin was definitely the better one last night... *sigh*... shame...~><" oh wellz... now my dream is to meet Federer and Roddick and then hopefully they'll realise I'm the one for them and they'll both chase after me hoping to be my hubby.. wahaha~!!! mmm.... not such a bad dream...~* >.^

I miss everyone so much... I miss seeing everyone at uni... and most of my friends are out of Sydney... >< *sob*... Good old Ken W. gave me a call on Thursday night and goes.. "hey, guess what?! I'm at the airport, I'm flying in abt an hour!"... I was like... "what the hell? I thought u weren't going overseas anymore as Jacky pulled out".. and he was like "yeh I know, but today, when I finished work, I really wanted to get outta here, so I am!!!"... okies... well done mate... =) haha! that's one thing abt Kenny, he does what he wants... keke... he promised me he'll buy me a pressie... woohoo!!! Jacob visited me the other night as he was around Cherry... so sweeeet...~^^ it was so funny when we were talking abt Caine's 21st in hindsight.. haha..!!! Rob visited me @ Esprit yesterday... so nice, he always comes visit me on Sundays... =) thanks dude!!! too bad u gotta go bk to Melb. soon... =(

so tired atm... I'm aching all over as I played vball last night and worked all day today... standing up for 9hrs straight is not gd!!!

poor Hau-ie's got the chicken pox... haha...~ sowwie gurlie... I couldn't stop laughing when I read ur email...~^^ and yes, now I'm telling the whole world... keke... dun worry... u can do the same if one day I was so lucky to get them myself... =) I miss u though gurlie... u always make me laugh... wait till uni starts... our last session together... that should be fun...! xoxo

Sunday, January 30, 2005 ; 8:11 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

Go Lleyton!!! keke... I wish he wins tonight against Safin... only cos he's Australian.. haha~^^ too bad Roddick and Federer didn't get into the finals... they're so CUTE!!! hubba bubba!!!^^ haha...

my boy and I played a bit of tennis yesterday arvo... man it was tiring.. haven't moved so much on yonks...><" we watched Closer at Towers as well... man it was an interesting movie... dunno how to explain it... it's very deep... -.-" and my boy came out of the cinemas all confused... haha!!! he's so funny... @.@" at night he took me to Artarmon for a jap dinner... *yum*... had my favourite... SOBA!!! *slurp* =p

last week was Miyuki and Caine's 21st... I've uploaded photos so go have a peek!!! =)

gotta jet now... as my boy's here to take me to our vball game tonight... hope we win!!! xxx

Thursday, January 20, 2005 ; 2:19 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

it's so hot today.. melting atm..~ ><" seeing it's a Thursday today I got to sleep in cos I'm working night shift at Esprit tonight... woohoo~!!!

Last Saturday my boy and I went to Chatswood and did some shopping and went to have hot chocky at Max Brenner...! it was so yummy... cos they use real chocolate.. not the powder stuff.. *yum*... =) and my boy bought me my bday/xmas pressie...! well... he got me sth already but this was like an extended one... keke...~^^ Morissey had a 50% OFF sale so he got me this handbag that I've always wanted but too poor to buy... keke... AND, there was this really pretty dress that I liked that was originally $700.. but went down to $200!!! after walking back and forth that shop for 45mins, I decided to get it.. keke... I'll probably end up wearing it for my 21st in June... haha..~^^ so my baby sweetly paid for everything... keke... happy happy joy joy...~!^^ best pressie ever... =)

mmm.... nth much to say.... just thought I'd write an entry since I haven't for a while... hope my lil bro's having fun in HK... he should now since his lil princess is with him now... >.^... hehe... um.. Muki's 21st on Saturday... that should be gd gd... (I just dun wanna do the speech!!!! hehe... j/k... of course I'll do one for my Muki...)... and it's also Caine's 21st that night too... mmm... that should be an... interesting one... -.-"

Monday, January 10, 2005 ; 10:37 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

life's bn cool.. just cruising along...~^^ working 6days/wk... very tiring... so I always look fwd to Saturdays when I get to see my boy.. =) oh, speaking of which... HAPPY 29mths BB~!!!!! hehe... hope we'll have many many many more anniversaries to celebrate in the future... love yoooooo heaps~^3^

I've uploaded more pics!!! there's the pics from the time when my boy and I went to Terrigal during the x'mas long weekend... so have a look...!!! there's two pages so remember to click "next"... keke...

Last w/e I took my boy on a surprise tour.... to Jervis Bay... to celebrate our 29mths! it was such a nice day.. but we were so dead tired by the time we got bk.. ><" but we got to do and see heaps.. so it worth all the travelling!!! we got to go on a dolphion cruise and saw lots of places of interest down South... like Fitzroy Falls, Kiama, Huskisson, Kangaroo Valley.... =) very nice one day trip..! and my boy loved it too so that was gd...~ have photos uploaded so go have a look... leave any comments on the tag-board if u want.. =)

hope everyone's having a great holz.. stay safe... and keep smiling! xoxo

Friday, January 07, 2005 ; 11:32 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

been such a long day today.. but it was sweet... was working @ Captain Cook and then met up with my boy at Chats and had dinner with his family... =) he's so sweet... I didn't like this desert thing.. cos it was heaps bitter.. and he finished off my bowl for me.. when he disliked it too... =) naaaaaaw.... such a babe (the pig! haha!!!)... keke... Bill's my BB.... he does heaps for me and I really appreciate it..~^^ always eating my scraps.. haha...

afterwards my boy and I went to the Ranch cos Esprit was having a farewell for our manager Jess... who does her last shift tmr... *sob* so sad... ><" so we had drinks with her and she was all tipsy.... keke.. so cute..~^^ but it was a really gd night and it was nice to hang out with my Esprit gurls... (and boys).. hehe..

I've bn feeling very happy lately... like for once everything is going smoothly in my life... it's a really gd feeling!!! and I've grown really close with a high school mate that I never thought possible... and I feel it's truly sth special when a person could open up their deepest feelings to you... =) I feel so honoured~^^ really do...!

Newayz... taking ym boy to a secret location tmr... hopefully things will turn out gd gd... =) it's just a lil sth that I organised for our 29mths anniversary, which is on Monday.. keke... boy does time fly.. =)

Monday, January 03, 2005 ; 11:32 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! wish u guys had a gd one on NYE... =) meanwhile, my boy and I camped at Blues Pt (Nth Syd) from abt 8pm till 12am.... keke... all very interesting as we were playing silly games... my hand is all bruised still from the endless snap games that we played in the dark.. =) haha...~^^ yes.. it was all very romantic...~ especially when it hit new years day and I got trampled on by four very drunk teeny boppers... gggrrr... ><" but I can't complain... cos I know when I was their age, I was also the loud, attention seeking type... keke...@.@"

wellz.. it's 2005... =) lots has happened in 2004 that will not be forgotten... both gd and bad...~^^ and I think a lot of us social workers have grown up and opened our eyes to the world after our prac during first semester... (yes, it was only in 2004 that we did our pracs... doesn't it seem like yonks ago?)... and a lot of us has grown closer together... which I really do feel lucky about =) it's not often that you meet true friends like yourselves... so that is one thing I gained this year~^^ thanx guys! 2004 has also bn a turbulent yr for my boy and I... one minute we're on the verge of breaking up.. the next min we're so in love we're inseparable.. *sigh*... love sux hey? but it's thru these episodes that we've learnt from each other, and have strengthened our relationship =) mmm... what else... oh, made some new friends in 2004 as well... and scraped thru in all my uni subjects.. woohoo! mmm... but there's also some bad things... like loved ones that have passed away unexpectedly... whom we will always remember.. I'm sure..~ =) also lost some friends along the way... which is a shame... but although friends come and go... they will always leave footprints in my life...~*

wellz... new years resolution would be to.... eat healthy... lots of hard work for uni... earn lots of $$$... make an effort to keep in touch with old friends... be reasonable and tolerant... and spend less $$$ on clothes! =) keke...

I wish all of you and your family a very rewarding and happy 2005... a year that would be filled with surprises and lots of laughter~^^ xoxo

I miss u guys heaps <3


...Leaving Home...


...Port Stephens...

...Stephy's Bday...

...Rock Climbing...

...Bike Riding...

...Social Work & School Frenz...

...Helpline & Captain Cook...

...Australia Day 08...

...Bicentennial Park...

...Wendy's GraduatioN...

...JapaN & HK TriP...

...Sandy's GraduatioN...

...The EntrancE...

...Xmas Shift...



...BunnY Suicides...



...My BillY BabY...

...Lil Bro~LawrencE...

...SmellY LiLy...



x October 2003
x November 2003
x December 2003
x January 2004
x February 2004
x March 2004
x April 2004
x May 2004
x June 2004
x July 2004
x August 2004
x September 2004
x October 2004
x November 2004
x December 2004
x January 2005
x February 2005
x March 2005
x April 2005
x May 2005
x June 2005
x July 2005
x August 2005
x September 2005
x October 2005
x November 2005
x December 2005
x January 2006
x February 2006
x March 2006
x April 2006
x May 2006
x June 2006
x July 2006
x August 2006
x September 2006
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x February 2007
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x October 2007
x November 2007
x December 2007
x January 2008
x February 2008
x March 2008
x April 2008
x May 2008
x June 2008
x July 2008
x September 2008

A lot of treasured moments <3