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Sunday, February 27, 2005 ; 6:06 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

Hiya children... me back!!! =) missed me? bet u did!!! come on.. just admit it... >.^

well... Gold Coast was awesome and I was on the verge of accidentally missing my plane.. until I thought abt my fiesty manager who would probably fire me if I didn't get bk to work today... keke... so here I am... back at stormy Syd... =( got back last night... was away for abt 7days, 6 nights... it was so cooooooooool!!! The weather was brilliant! 30 degrees everyday and even the nights are warm... not a drop of rain in the time that we were there... woohoo!!!

so me and my boy went for our lil honeymoon... stayed at a real nice hotel... one that has someone come in everyday to make our bed and change all the towels... suits me just fine! =) the hotel totalled to 22 levels and we were on the 21st!!! had a really nice view too.... so we were lucky..~^^ we visited MovieWorld, DreamWorld and SeaWorld... went to some markets... did A LOT of shopping.. keke.. (WOOHOO!!!).. and ate HEAPS! keke.... Mike and Amy were up there while we we were there so we did some things together.... including eating at the Crowne Plaza revolving restaurant where we had a seafood buffet dinner... mmmm..... *yum* very nice...~ =p

all in all it was a nice break... cos the whole holz I've just been working 6days/wk... so it was nice to spend some time away from work with my bb... =) will be processing my three rolls of film soon... so hopefully I'll upload them before it gets too hectic with uni work...

hope all u guys had an awesome holz... now that uni starts again tmr... I wish everyone much success in ur studies... so then you can get outta there as soon as possible!~^^ keep smiling!!!

Monday, February 14, 2005 ; 3:54 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

HAPPY BDAY to my beloved Emmy... hope u have a great 21st... =)

HAPPY BDAY to sweet lil Wendy... finally 21... hope ur having a great time @ GC.. will see u soon hun...^^

HAPPY BDAY to the lovely Jess... I hope u have an awesome day.. we all miss u at Macq Esprit...><

HAPPY VALENTINE's DAY to everyone... hope u all get pressies.. hehe.. so funny.. was listening to the radio and they were saying how it's Singles Awareness Day... haha... yup, I found it heaps funny.. =) cos I remember those days when I was like that... keke...

so... what is Sandy doing today? Well... boy's at work atm.. and I've got work tonight 5pm-9pm cos Esprit's decided to hold stocktake tonight... whoopy! so... unfortunately.. won't get to see my boy.. *sob* oh wellz..... I never get to see him on the actual special days newayz cos it's always on a weekday.. no fair...~! ggggrrr.... BUT, I got my pressies last night and it's OH so CUUUUTE!!!! I got my faaaaaaaaaaaaaavourite Tatty Teddy stuff toy.. in a heart shape box with pink ribbon!!! it's gorgeous..!!! and I got a Swarovski bracelet... =^.^=.. it's so pretty.. it's got food on it... well, lil pendants hanging of it with crystals on it... there's an apple, a pear, a strawberry, and some cherries... so kewl.. =) apparently I got the bonus bracelet cos it was our 30mths (two and a half yrs!) a couple of days ago... keke.. YAY! I lurve it.. thanks heaps baby~! xxx

I'm so excited... going to the Gold Coast coming Sunday... can't wait!!! 6 more sleeps... mmmm.... hope the weather would be good!!!

Thursday, February 10, 2005 ; 3:13 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

HAPPY 30mths to my boy.. =) love u heaps BB.... xxx

Thursday, February 03, 2005 ; 2:10 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

DELTA GOODREM ~ Nobody Listened

All that you saw was my smile
But its been dark for a while
And the days have gone cold
No more sleep for my soul
Or thats what ive been told

Did you think that things would be ok?
That my life could keep going on this way?

When i cried, when i shouted and i screamed and i yelled
And i was mad and i was angry
How come no one could tell?
Say why didnt you listen to me?
Was it really that hard to see?
Nobody listened...

One day the creature asleep
I had a secret to keep
And now the whole world knows

And if i did now goAnd i know be on show
Unprotected did you know
From it all came the blow

Invader took my breath away
Healer, the angel did i seeIts not too far to go now

Like a train off the rails here
Cuz nobody listened... Nobody listened

Wednesday, February 02, 2005 ; 11:18 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

I'm so buggered... I just finished my report proposal for my stupid GENED summer course...

I've been at work all day and then came to tutor this lil gurl English...

I had to walk to bloody Wynyard station from DH after work in the freakin rain... no wait, actually, it wasn't rain.. it was a storm... it was bloody blowing 100k wind and falling down buckets of rain... and of course I didn't bring an umbrella seeing it was such a sunny day this morning... so I was walking.. no, running, in the storm, up the hill to the trains... for a good 15mins seeing the wind kept pushing me bk... and then I had to sit in a stuffy train in my wet, see thru, white shirt and drenching black pants for the 45mins ride home.. whoopy...

Now i'm currently running a high fever but very low blood pressure (we have this machine that measures blood pressure cos mum has to keep track)... abt to faint... *sigh*... gonna go hug my teddy and zzzz.... just needed to whinge.. it's bn the crappiest day of my life today...~-.-"

I miss u guys heaps <3


...Leaving Home...


...Port Stephens...

...Stephy's Bday...

...Rock Climbing...

...Bike Riding...

...Social Work & School Frenz...

...Helpline & Captain Cook...

...Australia Day 08...

...Bicentennial Park...

...Wendy's GraduatioN...

...JapaN & HK TriP...

...Sandy's GraduatioN...

...The EntrancE...

...Xmas Shift...



...BunnY Suicides...



...My BillY BabY...

...Lil Bro~LawrencE...

...SmellY LiLy...



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A lot of treasured moments <3