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Monday, March 21, 2005 ; 9:32 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

i'm so buggered.. bn at work all day today and it's bn non-stop.. new stock plus it was first day of mid-season sale... so it's bn hectic.. but we had some cuuuuuute bubbas come in =)

have this essay due on Wednesday and I have no idea... done all the readings and stuff but... I dunno... just not motivated I guess... that's always the case though isn't it...? @.@" it's freaky though... this year is my last year and I was really psyched up about doing well and giving it my final last shot.. but now.. I just wanna get by this semester and get to my prac and then go travelling...~^^

I had a really nice day out with my boy on Saturday... took him out to make up for his bday and we had heaps of fun =) had a really nice dinner at Woolloomooloo.. very romantic~* was planning to go to the Easter Show but didn't end up going as the weather was a bit dodgy...><" oh wellz....

Monday, March 14, 2005 ; 1:11 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

HAPPY HAPPY BB DAY =) my baby turns 22 today! hehe... hope you're having a gd one bb.. feel so sorry for u cos u have to go to work... be gd gd... no bday kisses!!! ggggrrr.... ><"

uni has bn so hectic... didn't know my final year would be such a big difference to my previous years.. but I guess I'm glad uni has started as I'm not working everyday and I get to see all my dear uni friends...~^^

work on the other hand has bn gd... I haven't seen my fiesty manager at Esprit for a while so that's a gd sign... and Captain Cook is always gd... the pplz there are cool and always manage to make me laugh.. =)

nth much to write... just thought I'd blog today cos it's my boy's bday... hehe...~

Wednesday, March 09, 2005 ; 10:26 PMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

Easter Show's on again... =) it'll be on the 18th March till 31st! keke... I wanna go and see pigs racing and diving again... they're so cute...~^^ *oink* ^00^"

all my muscles are so sore from last night's dance classes... i'm doing hip hop and jazz now =) it's so funky.. and our teacher's heaps cool... but man, my legs are always abt to fall off after the classes... ><" gotta work tonight as well... gggrrr... i just wanna zzzz...~

I've got tutes soon... and I haven't done any of my readings for it... hehe... busted! I just wanna get outta here when I haven't even started uni yet...

I dunno what's happened to my pink jacket... Castle Hill hasn't called me.. =( mebbe I'll give them a call tmr.. cos if they've got it then I'm gonna go out there Sat. morning and buy it as soon as they open.. muhahaha~^0^"

oh.. yeh.. Happy 31mths bb.... I'm still waiting...

Tuesday, March 08, 2005 ; 9:53 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

Happy Bday to Sarah... =) she's so cute... I met her at work, she works for David Lawrence and she's really pretty!^^ she's a spoilt gurl as well as her bf drove all the way to Macq Centre from Mittagong to give her flowers...! apparently it's like a two hr drive one way... they're so cute.. and she msged me just to let me know cos she was all excited... haha... well, i hope u had a great day today babes~^^ *mua mua*

so sad.. was gonna go to Towers today to get my lovely jacket but they called me and said it wasn't in yet! *sob* so dissappointed.. anything else to go wrong in my life? gggrrr.... now I can't go get it till Saturday cos I'll be bz the next few days.. ><" mmm.... mebbe I should just get mum to buy me both the 6 and 8 and then I'll refund one later when I've tried them on... haha.. wellz.... hopefully it'll still be there on Saturday...~

Gemini's reading for today....

Once again, you'll have to find a happy medium between someone's extreme pessimism and your eagerness to make changes. Fortunately, you're the most cerebral sign out there, so the decision you make will be an intelligent, well-informed one.

hm.... right... well, atm I choose to wait till someone makes a move... >.^

Monday, March 07, 2005 ; 12:03 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

isn't this jacket HOT?! mmm... lurving pink atm...
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it's from Just Jeans! I dun usually buy things there but I fell in love with it when I saw it at Parra last week... so then I went on an expedition to find my size 6... went to Castle Hill and they didn't have it... but they called Liverpool and they've got two!!! so they promised me that if they didn't sell it over the weekend then they'll transfer it to Castle Hill for me.. =) and guess what?! I called them this morning and they haven't sold it yet!!! so the lady told me they should have it instore tmr!!! woohoo~^^ yippy!!! so happy now... but it'll just burn a big whole on my credit card... keke.. oh wellz... well worth it!

uni has been awesome... last week was heaven... with no tutes all us social workers finished heaps early everyday... last Tuesday we went to watch Million Dollar Baby as it was only $5! interesting movie... but I fell asleep for half an hr.. hehe... so did a lot of other pplz... haha... and on Saturday my boy and I watched Hitch... it's heaps funny.. so go watch it!!!

oh, btw, to that certain someone... not talking to u ever again... not until you figure out a way to make up for your behaviour last night... I dun get you at all sometimes... =(

I miss u guys heaps <3


...Leaving Home...


...Port Stephens...

...Stephy's Bday...

...Rock Climbing...

...Bike Riding...

...Social Work & School Frenz...

...Helpline & Captain Cook...

...Australia Day 08...

...Bicentennial Park...

...Wendy's GraduatioN...

...JapaN & HK TriP...

...Sandy's GraduatioN...

...The EntrancE...

...Xmas Shift...



...BunnY Suicides...



...My BillY BabY...

...Lil Bro~LawrencE...

...SmellY LiLy...



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A lot of treasured moments <3