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Tuesday, April 26, 2005 ; 11:47 PMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

uni's bn hectic.... everyone's dropping outta classes at the last minute.. it's getting very freaky actually...

Saw Jammo yesterday... looking very smart and spunky as usual... I'm happy that things worked out for him... =) cos I know he was really worried abt stuff b4.. but now it's all gd right?! have a great job and earning big bucks~$$$$$!!!

can't wait till i get all this philosophy crap outta my system... essay's due tmr.. hm....

man, Isla... hun... can't believe u got a tongue piercing! that's just.... hm... what's the word... freaky?! haha.... I looked at ur pic and just went "OUCH!".... ><" u brave lil girl... full of surprises... =)

nth much to say but just thought I'd do a post since it's bn a week... hehe... dun want u guys to miss me toooooo much! xxx

Wednesday, April 20, 2005 ; 12:49 PMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

had an awesome class today at "Working Therapeutically with Children and Adolescents"... a couple of weeks ago we studied sand play therapy.. and today we did clay therapy!!! it's so cool... we all got a clump of clay and made stuff...

here is the pet I made for Hau and I... he's called.. SQUIRT!!!!

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and this is the artwork that I did that's suppose to represent me.. I dunno if u can tell what it is... but there's a girl who's moi, a volleyball and the net, and a bowl of ice cream!!! keke...

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meanwhile, this is Hau's... um.... masterpiece... of her and some other person... =) there's a TV, shopping bag and a bowl of noodles too... =)

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isn't this cool... bet ya ur all jealous...!!! keke....

Monday, April 18, 2005 ; 11:40 PMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

Life has bn hectic... pressure's on as the semester progresses for uni... so much work to do... and being the last session of theory for me, I aim to do well and pull up my avg.. not happening!!! gggrrr... i just wanna get this over and done with, do my 5mth full time prac.. and then graduate...~ woohoo~!!!

Went to the docs last Friday... and found out I've got hypotension.. which in simple terms is low blood pressure.. and she said I dun eat right and dun drink enough fluids.. and then she asked me "are you on diet? because all your symptoms show that you are and you can easily become anorexic"... haha.. yeh right.. I like my food too much thank you very much... give me more if you want!!! haha... so I went for a blood test and will be visiting the doc again some time soon... and I haven't been breathing properly... sometimes I have to take deep breaths otherwise I feel very suffocated... the doc said I've bn too stressed and now I'm experienceing little anxiety attacks.. :><: wtf?! hm... I wonder if I could use that excuse to not do my assessments... =) scary....~

Went to Warringah Mall last Saturday to see Jason Smith... keke.. gosh he's cute!!! and u know what?! he recognised my boy!!! they use to go to the same high school... Carlingford High! whereas my boy didn't even know... loser... -.-" and at Warringah Mall, my boy bought me this BIG tatty teddy.. =) the shop was having a 40% off sale and he's always wanted to buy it for me but it's like $500~ and I keep telling him not to cos it's too expensive.. it's like the biggest Tatty Teddy they make... ^^ but he bought it for me and we put him a the back seat of the ca and took him home... now it's taken up half of my bed...~ hehe... it's so kyooote though...~ thanx bb~ xxx

hope everyone is well and happy... damn Macq pplz are on holz.... gggrr... enjoy it while u can!

Monday, April 11, 2005 ; 11:49 PMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

u know how it was the 19million Saturday a couple of day ago? well... me and my boy won!!! of course... not the whole 19mil... haha... but... $26.20!!! keke... better than nth heh? =)

had a great w/e... went to Towers and shopped and we watched The Pacifier.. it was funny! I lurved it... the kids are so cute... this lil girl goes to Van Disel "why are ur boobs so big?... do u have to wear a BRA?!... will my boobs ever get as big as yours?..." haha.... it's funny...~^^

Esprit was so boring yesterday... pplz have dissappeared and have stopped shopping... ><" it's bn mega quiet... mebbe everyone's gone on holz with their kids.. -.-"

i miss my boy... i hope he's missing me too...~*

Friday, April 08, 2005 ; 11:28 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

so many things has happened these days.... bad luck must be contagious as all us social work gurls has bn in the dumps these days... dun worry ladies... it'll all blow over soon... or so I tell myself...~*

I think it's time to restructure my life

Tuesday, April 05, 2005 ; 12:23 PMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

it's amazing what friends can do... thank you to Tina and Hau... many many many many thanx =) i lurved ur letter... it really put a smile on my face...~^^

haven't bn functioning properly these days.. mebbe I should actually sleep early instead of rolling around in bed thinking abt how cold it is and how much I actually DON'T wanna sleep.. and having unwanted thoughts running thru my head... ><"

went to uni this morning and I went to half my lecture.. couldn't hack it so I walked out... very unlike me.. Tina was like "OMG, Sandy not going to class?!".. so Tina, Hau and I went walkies and had a looong talk abt stuff... Hau was really worried and kept asking me if I was ok as she said I looked very tired out... mebbe I'm not ok... I dunno.. but ur hug made me feel much better gurlie...~^^ we went to Pancakes at the Rocks for lunch and it was just what we all needed as we were all dipped in our own sorrows throughout the whole w/e.. gggrrr...~ life...

Sunday, April 03, 2005 ; 12:00 PMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

haven't bn eating properly these few days.. just can't eat much and dun feel like eating.. (aha! unusual heh?!).. on Saturday I had a very yummy lunch.. my favourite "hor fun" noodles... but I didn't even manage to finish half of it.. ><" and today I bought my favourite sushi rolls and didn't even manage to finish them.. =( and now it's way past dinner time so just gonna skip.. just wanna zzz...

had a really easy going day today at work... went on my break date with Karina... she always calls me when she's breaking so we can go together... she's the one that got me addicted to those evil sushi rolls... =p it's nice talking to her... she's the best..~!

no mood for nething tonight... sucked at vball tonight... i'm a no one anywayz... so who cares.. not much influence... mmmm... no tv to watch... no food to eat... may as well zzz since I have work early tmrz...

Friday, April 01, 2005 ; 12:43 PMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

haven't blogged for a while.. guess nth exciting has happened... and as Lawrence said.. the blogging world has gone a bit dead these days...

I hope everyone is well... as I haven't bn catching up with pplz these days as uni has started things have bn a bit hectic... so dun worry.. I haven't forgotten abt u guys! =)

My mum has always said that I trust pplz too easily... and that I shouldn't believe in everything that pplz tell me... I guess she's right... ever since I was lil till now.. I have always made myself believe that this is a wonderful world where everyone is happy.. I have always trusted everyone I came across during life.. and I have been lucky to meet the nicest ppl... but then now... I dunno what to believe... I hate it when you find out someone that you love is lying to you... being dishonest.. it really shatters that perfect picture I've always dreamt of... but I guess... we all learn from the past.. and it makes us a better person.. right? -.-"

I miss u guys heaps <3


...Leaving Home...


...Port Stephens...

...Stephy's Bday...

...Rock Climbing...

...Bike Riding...

...Social Work & School Frenz...

...Helpline & Captain Cook...

...Australia Day 08...

...Bicentennial Park...

...Wendy's GraduatioN...

...JapaN & HK TriP...

...Sandy's GraduatioN...

...The EntrancE...

...Xmas Shift...



...BunnY Suicides...



...My BillY BabY...

...Lil Bro~LawrencE...

...SmellY LiLy...



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A lot of treasured moments <3