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Tuesday, May 31, 2005 ; 11:33 PMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

it's been so cold.. and it's only the first day of winter... i slept the whole night with my electric blanket on.. that's soooo bad~ i was suppose to switch it off when i slept but i forgot... ppff.. at least I was warm throughout the night =)

I hav a three hr presentation in an hour and a half... so shit scared... feel so not prepared for it... hope I can fudge this one through... I need to pass at least! I dun wanna stay back at uni for another year! pppff...

my boy is so cuuuute... we went to Fairfield last Saturday so I could work on my assignment with my group that morning/arvo... and then he came with Hau and I to Newtown for a Kookai sale.. and then we went to Bankstown to have dinner with tina.. =) hehe... he spent the whole day with me doing my stuff.. feel so guilty~><" and then this Saturday we're finally going to go see the Lion King... woohoo~!!! Very excited... I always look forward to the w/e...

Wednesday, May 18, 2005 ; 2:24 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

i despertely need a new highlighter so i can read all my text for this assignment... and I desperately need to go and find these books in the library that are going like hot cakes cos eveyone else is doing this assignment... so why is Sandy not moving? cos she's got a computer in the lab and if she goes, she won't be able to fnd one again at this time...! so i'm guarding it like hell atm... and what do i do with it? blog and read peoples' blogs... haha... very constructive i know...

man... this whole Kylie cancer thing is really getting to me... i mean... people are diagnosed with cancer everyday, why can't we care abt them?! what puts Kylie's life more valuable than any other persons? what's the fuss?!?!?! there are many issues in this world that everyone turns a blind eye on and when it happens to a celeb, BANG! they get instant sympathy... pppfff... society...~

Sunday, May 15, 2005 ; 8:42 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

had an awesome day @ wrk 2day... made lotsa $$$~^^ had some very nice customers come in...

uni has bn so hectic.. so much to do... and meanwhile I'm trying to organise my 21st... ARGH~! tearing my hair out atm... :><:... *sob*

u know, it's really weird when u see old friends on the streets and they dun recognise you and just walk straight past you... and then u realise that person is ur friend's friend so u kinda still have a connection wif them and u see random photos of them around here and there... and u feel so happy for them cos even though things didn't wrk out between u guys u know they're happy thru the photos... it's very re-assuring..! I know I'm rambling... but, u know what I mean! =p

it's sooo cold these days... I think I'm going to crawl under the blankets now till my boy comes and pick me up for vball... oh, wait, that's right, I'm meant to be doing my essay... bullocks!!!

Monday, May 09, 2005 ; 1:19 PMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

u know how people say a watched clock never ticks? and a watched pot never boils? well, a watched phone never beeps.. or rings for that matter... *sigh* and I've found that constantly refreshing my inbox doesn't necessarily mean that I'll get mail... funny huh? why didn't anyone tell me...? gggrr...

changed the layout... hope you guys like it.. it's bk to my favourite teddy.. TATTY! the me to you bear... =) seeing I couldn't focus to do any uni work and seeing I couldn't sleep as I constantly roll around in bed wide awake.. I decided to change the layout... pretty funky heh? but it's a bit plain i think... oh wellz.. live with it!

Wednesday, May 04, 2005 ; 1:23 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

MG... did u guys watch the OC last night? what an episode... =) I cried like 10 times.. wahahaha~ yes, i know I'm sad... but heh, at least I have emotions! I lurved the last bit when Summer said sorry to Zac and ran off to find Cohen... I lurved it when Zac was all sweet and stuff and said "you just can't fight fate"... my my.. how very true...~^^ and I lurved it even more when Summer found Cohen dangling down in his Spiderman mask and started kissing in the rain... sooooo romantic! how moving was that scene? I never cried so hard in front of the TV b4... *sob*

newayz... just wanted to share that with the world... it was a wise decision to leave my undone essay last night and watch the OC... man.. TV is evil...~

oh, speaking of evil.. my dentist is evil too... he gave me a needle yesterday.. i dun even know why! he just gave it to me without asking or telling me first.. how rude! and half my mouth was numb for the rest of the day... gggrrr...

Tuesday, May 03, 2005 ; 12:21 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

life has bn so stressful... u know... u just get to the point when u want time to stop for a while so u can arrange things the way u like it.. and then make it start ticking again..? things have bn weird and hectic and I'm not liking one bit of it...

the atmosphere around the house has bn weird.. mum has officially socially isolated me from the family.. refusing to wash or iron my clothes... refusing to make me my sandwich which I eat for breaky on the train to uni... and, she's refused to talk to me...~ I dun understand why... she's always the one that goes on abt me chucking tantrums and stuff but man... if I'm not allowed to then why should she?! gggrr...~

people change.. but then again.. some things never change... I'm starting to feel that my most loved ones are distancing from me... tried so hard to make things right... but there's always that honeymoon period when they promise things will change.. but then later down the track.. things will always go bk to the way it was..

I miss u guys heaps <3


...Leaving Home...


...Port Stephens...

...Stephy's Bday...

...Rock Climbing...

...Bike Riding...

...Social Work & School Frenz...

...Helpline & Captain Cook...

...Australia Day 08...

...Bicentennial Park...

...Wendy's GraduatioN...

...JapaN & HK TriP...

...Sandy's GraduatioN...

...The EntrancE...

...Xmas Shift...



...BunnY Suicides...



...My BillY BabY...

...Lil Bro~LawrencE...

...SmellY LiLy...



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A lot of treasured moments <3