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Tuesday, June 28, 2005 ; 12:02 PMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

I'm so HAPPY for you bb!!! so proud of you... I hope u get what u want cos I think u deserve it for all ur hardwork... =p it's a loooong road, but I'm right here if u need me! >.^

had an awesome weekend, the one that just passed... on Saturday we went out to the ct and my bb took me shopping cos I had to buy a wedding gift for a friend =) and then we kinda walked into Freedom for the fun of it and pplz were looking at us funny... keke~^^ we visited Karen at wrk but she was too bz to talk..:><: my bb spent some time with me at the Christian Dior counter as they had a make-up artist there doing a show on makeup and stuff... I knew he was bored though... keke.. and he was like "oh, baby, u look gorgeous as u are u dun need to listen to these things", with that, we walked away.. -.-" mmmm...~ sly.. i know...~ at night he took me to King Street Wharf, Kobe Jones for dinner!!! It was SO nice!!! very romantic and intimate and the food was *YUMMY!* keke... he took me there to celebrate end of studying/exams for my bachelor degree.. woohoo! thanx dude, I really enjoyed it!!! xxx

as for Sunday we had vball that night and I got hit by the ball in the stomache as a guy accidentally spiked it at me.. :><: *ouch* yes it hurt... he hit it so hard that when it hit me I fell backwards onto the floor...-.-" luckily, i wasn't pregnant... or so i thought... haha!!!

went to Lek's wedding last night and it was so beautiful... wishing them all the best!!!

Friday, June 24, 2005 ; 12:06 PMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

My 21st photos are finally up guys... have a look!

u guys hav no idea how gd I feel right now.. keke.. so freeee~* I had my last exam yesterday... my last EVER exam... cos I do full time prac next session and then I graduate next yr! that is if I dun fail, and if i dun come bk and do another degree or my masters.. but yeh, meanwhile, I'd like to think it as my LAST EVER~^^" hopefully it'd still be the same case when results come out on the 15th July (UNSW!)... it was awesome yesterday... when the examiner said stop writing, everyone clapped and cheered! it was so kewl.. and the examiners had no idea why, just standing there telling us to be quiet and to stay in our seats.. haha... so funny~^0^" we finished at 10:30am and all us Social Workers, abt 60 of us, hit the local Pub.. at Regents Hotel.. the staff there didn't know what had hit them as no one was there when we went... it was such a gd feeling =) and then our lil asian group went to Yum Cha @ Market City for lunch... mmm... it was so YUMMY! and then, it gets better... we went shopping!!!! keke.. it was like, instant freedom after exams.. haha! We went to General Pants and Wendy found these skinny leg Wrangler jeans that were my size and told em to try it on.. so i did, and they said it looked nice.. never beeing gd wif peer pressure, I ended up walking out the door with those jeans =) they were CHEAP! from $200 down to $50~ mmm, bargain!!!

so.. since life is so carefree now.. time to meet up with old friends and stch up... and also, to work my ass off for $$$ as I would only b working a day a wk when prac starts... :><:

Wednesday, June 22, 2005 ; 6:41 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

had my first exam today.. dunno how i did... i just got that mixed feeling when i walked out... and the first thing i wanted to do was.... EAT! haha... so Winnie and I went to Anzac Pde and fulfilled our stomaches' desire for food... keke... and it was only 11am~ sweeeeeet~! meanwhile other pplz rushed home to study for tmr's exam... hm... nerds!

was talking abt organ donation to my mum... I was all for it whereas she was going on abt how it would hurt... hello mum, you're dead! and she's like, what if I'm not...? pppfff...~ and then she started going on abt how if she donates and she becomes a ghost, she wouldn't look nice as she'd be missing bits and pieces and other ghosts will laugh at her... =) wahahaha~^0^ very funny indeed...

Monday, June 20, 2005 ; 12:00 PMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

economic rationalism? what the hell is that...?! mmm.... Sandy is screwed inside out, upside down for her first exam.. whoopy!!!

mmm... craving for Hurricane... someone plz take me =) keke.. meanwhile, big THANQ to Lily poo who took me out to lunch yesterday when I had my break... Infernos was very nice and yippy for the free chocolates! ^00^"

boy is stupid... wrote random msgs in my 21st bk yesterday... ggrr... but they were quite funny... =) and thanks baby for picking me up from wrk and driving me home..~^^ saves me sleeping on the streets! boy so cute.. i bought him those cool long socks where u can keep ur toes wrapped.. u know, like a glove except it's for ur feet? bought him a pair of those cos he always complains abt how cold his feet gets when he sleeps... he's bn wearing then everynight.. haha! so cute... he wore them to Canberra too... took a photo... will post it up when i get it developed.. but they look so cute on him...! hehe... u always make me laugh BB~ xxx

Friday, June 17, 2005 ; 12:53 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

I'm so upset...~ this is bullshit!!! I hate it I hate it I hate it...~ gggrrr... Sandy gets the shits when:

* boys stir shit up for no reason at all, but just to have a play wif ur heart
* people do sth to upset another and then sleeps on it, and pretends it's never happened... dude, if u did it, admit it, learn from it, say sorry, and make up for it! it does not fix itself~
* the person closest to u is actually never here for u when u need them
* being in 4th yr uni, one particular tutor always gives her shit marks saying she has shit grammar and write unstructured essays... Sandy believes she is racist!
* she calls someone a million times and no one answers.. and even the next day she does not hear from them... dude, if someone calls you x amount of times, obviously they wanna talk to u abt sth! if she dies the next day, ur the culprit
* her boy never has the time to talk to her... but has time for many other more "important" things~
* boys are always on the boys side!!! (yes... u... Mike, Jim, James... and many others)

On a happier note... thanks to those who called and msged me on my bday... it really did put a smile on my face =) and Thanks to MikeMike who I called in desperation and then appeared at my doorstep in 5mins the other night...~^^ even though u always say things that i dun wanna hear, i know u only want the best for me~*

As for my trip to Canberra... it was cold.. i was sick... the place we stayed was nice.. had a spa... and I got a free Boost Juice on my bday! whoopy~

Tuesday, June 14, 2005 ; 12:45 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

Friday night was so cool! THANK YOU to everyone that came and made it such a memorable night for me.. =) I had heaps of fun but I'm sorry if I didn't get around to sitting down and actually talking to some of you.. ><" the night went by so quickly...! Special THANQ to Jean-ie who did a great job with her MCing and her speech.. so proud of u babe! and of course THANX to Emmy and Wendy and those very drunk Captain Cook boys who all did speeches for me.. greatly appreciate it! everyone looked so gd... all the gals looked so pretty and sexy and the boys just looked plain HOT with their suits.. keke... *drooool*.. =p mmm...~ And of course... thanks for all ur gifts.. I had fun opening them all.. never seen so many pressies in my life! guess i'm just extra special! haha...~^^ Hope u all had fun.. cos I sure did...! =) I just left my films for developing so I should hav pics up very soon...~*

Tuesday, June 07, 2005 ; 11:57 PMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

Forgot to mention I went to the Lion King last Saturday and it was totally awesome! everyone should ge see it.. it's truly amazing...

can't wait till the w/e rolls around.. pt Friday night.. and then for the long w/e my boy's taking me to canberra... yay! very excited.. I just wanna skip uni this wk.. keke...

Thanks to muki who made me laugh today...~

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; 8:32 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

very excited abt my 21st party this Friday... hope all goes well... =)

uni and work has been so draining the last week... since sale has started I've been doing like double my normal hours and it's killing me... and sleep deprivation doesn't help...!!!

it's unbelieveable how lil u can feel in someone's life sometimes.... especialy when that person means a lot to you... my poor bro... going thru yrs of torture... *sigh* I guess I know how he feels.. doesn't feel gd when u feel ur not being loved and missed... esp when it's ur other half... ><" who knows where life will take you heh? mmm...~

I miss u guys heaps <3


...Leaving Home...


...Port Stephens...

...Stephy's Bday...

...Rock Climbing...

...Bike Riding...

...Social Work & School Frenz...

...Helpline & Captain Cook...

...Australia Day 08...

...Bicentennial Park...

...Wendy's GraduatioN...

...JapaN & HK TriP...

...Sandy's GraduatioN...

...The EntrancE...

...Xmas Shift...



...BunnY Suicides...



...My BillY BabY...

...Lil Bro~LawrencE...

...SmellY LiLy...



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A lot of treasured moments <3