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Thursday, July 28, 2005 ; 4:36 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

three down, 72 days left to go =) prac has been okies... sooooo much reading.. i think the readings i have done in these couple of days has been more than i do in a year for uni! haha... at least I've got Roy to keep me co.~^^ we're doing a research project together so we've just bn doing literature reviews.. nth too exciting yet.. -.-" i'm out in the ct near chinatown (right next to CBA and St.George)... so if anyone ever wants to meet up for lunch, CALL ME!!!

I miss work... i miss my capt ck crew and the esprit girls... last night we went to the Esprit spring/summer launch at Pyrmont... pretty nice =) we even got a show bag! haha.. looks like it's gonna be a great season! we were told there'll be lotsa bright colours coming in.. and also loose fitted clothing... big earrings would be going out and big ass bangles would be making their way bk into the fashion industry (that i lke!)... there'll be lotsa prints and floaty dresses... so stock up girls cos that's what's gonna be in fashion for the next couple of mths!!! it was nice to see everyone there... Lyndal looks great and Nikki seems happy~^^ we gotta do Ranch soon guys!

i hope all the pplz at uni's behaving and going to classes.. =) i miss uni already... i hope u guys are missing me at unsw too... (i know u all will be >.^)~*

Sunday, July 24, 2005 ; 1:24 PMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

had such a gd gd weekend I kept wishing monday wouldn't come.. I start prac tmr... the beginning of a very long journey.. ><" let's hope I come out alive and with a bachelor degree.. =) fingers crossed!!!

On Friday night I went out to dinner with my bro. Johnson and a gd friend Jackie Chi... they're so funny.. always crack me up.. we went to a Malaysian place at Towers.. pretty gd~^^ fighting for food... haha.. and then we bumped into Steph, Bernie, Kristy and Sisqo.. haven't seen them for ages.. it was gd catching up! had heaps of fun that night...~

Then yesterday I went to Bankstown to visit Tina.. and Hau came along too... it was a nice hang out bumming day wif them.. even though it was kinda hectic as Tina's lil twin sisters were tagging along.. haha.. they're gorgeous though!!! we did some shopping.. had Pho.. mm.. *yum*... and just bummed at Tina's, where she fed us more food.. keke... trust...~ and then at night I met up with my boy and he took me to the Italian Forum where we had yumm-O food and free drinks and free parking... wahahaha~ funny story... =)

As for today.. wrk was kool... very quiet though... but my boy came up to Macq centre to have lunch wif me.. and he bought me Lindt chocolate to snack on afterwards... mmm... my FAVE!!! =p and we had vball just then.. which we lost.. but it was an awesome game...! nearly semis... can't wait!!!

gd luck to everyone starting prac tmrz... and have fun for those that start uni... make sure u go to all ur classes and try EXTRA hard this session!!!! I know.. that's what we always promise ourselves at the beginning of each semester... mmm...~

Thursday, July 21, 2005 ; 11:30 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

nothing really exciting has bn happening... just bn working my ass off.. need $$$! Prac starts this monday! ARGH~! save me.. -.-"

OH! I ended up passing everything, and so did smelly Hau-ie!!! looks like we'll be jetting off to London sooner than expected =) muhahaha~ mmm... English guys... I mean... accents... mm.. yes.. very exotic..~^^ I like.. I like...~!!!

Esprit has bn cool... Sundays are just "hectic"... just go read SMELLY LILY's blog... keke... it's funny...~^0^... we have a fashion show next Wednesday at Pyrmont to launch our Spring & Summer collection.. how kewl is that?! gonna b heaps of big names and media pplz there... mmm.. what should I wear?! Esprit clothes...? mmm... eeew...~

Thursday, July 14, 2005 ; 4:57 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

News~ a stand alone Sass & Bide store is due to open on Oxford St., Paddington!

Congrats to my boy who got a new job! after some gruelling interviews and tests he's finally gained himself a position as a transfer pricing analyst (dun ask me what that is) in Westpac! yay!!! gd wrk babes.. so proud of you~^.^

mmm... meanwhile.. i'm so shit scared... results are meant to come out tmr at 9am.. but as usual, they'll prob pop up tonight..! :><: aiyoo... I hope I passed everything... i dun wanna go thru everything again! and plus, i dun wanna stay an extra session.. I wanna finish my prac and then graduate, find some contract work, save some money, then jet off to the UK with Hau! yay~ great masterplan, i know =) a lot of pplz has asked me what abt Bill.. well, really, what abt him?! i'm confident in him, in me, in US, that things will wrk out.. and it's not like i'm gonna be gone forever! if things wrk out, he'll prob come over and spend a white xmas with me! I'm sure he'll be the last person i see in Syd, and also the first person I see when I get bk~^^ well, that's how i'd like to think newayz... whereas a lot of pplz has tried to convince me not to risk the relationship over a wokring trip... like hello?! if things dun wrk out, then i guess it was never meant to be... -.-" mmm... i dunno! it's only july, will deal wif it when it happens eh? =)

Sunday, July 10, 2005 ; 1:23 PMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

Karen...~ i miss u too!!! my gosh... i'm missing uni life already and prac hasn't even started! i know i will miss u heaps... our lil hot choc coffee cart and talk talk moments..><" *sob*... how sad...~ on a more serious note, U LAZY BUM!!! argh... when u get it done make sure u call me, i will be straight out cos I really wanna know what it is and really wanna see it since it's the "sentimental part"... keke..

today's meant to be a special day... but really it ain't that special... i thought it was special... but obviously someone doesn't think it's special... so being a special day.. nothing special happened... therefore, it ain't that special after all... let's see what happens, when another special day comes along... cos obviously, there are many things that are more special than me... hm...~

on a lighter note... Lawrence.. lil bro... I hope ur okies... I replied ur bday msg to me.. and i sent u a msg a few days ago but u didn't reply.. :><: I hope things are cool... which I'm sure it is since u and Woei worked out ur differences... happy for u sai lo!!! ;)

Friday, July 08, 2005 ; 12:41 PMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

News for the ladies ~ Kookai is having a further 50% OFF reduced stock that starts today! so get in quick and get urself some bargains.. >.^"

poor London.. I feel so sorry for those pplz... gosh i hate those terrorist pplz, what the fuck do they think they're doing? gggrr...~ it was such an exciting time for them, winning the Olympics and everything.. :><: aiyo~ wellz, no matter what, I'm still going there to work next year!^^

so sick of working.. hav bn working 6days/wk and i'm just constantly tired... it takes sooooo much effort to get up in the morning... even more effort than going to uni dammit! the only motivation I have is "if i dun get up now, i will be late, which means Di would kill me and then fire me"... mmm... that thought makes me move quick fast... it's so sad.. Jess resigned from Esprit the other day.. :><: everyone's leaving cos of stupid head Di.. *sob* as for me.. I like to put up a fight.. wahaha~

went to dinner with the girls at the Tavern the other night.. so nice to go out and catch up with them.. =) they always make interesting conversation..^^"

been on holz from dance.. so bad.. suppose to stretch everyday but i never do it.. when we start again Miss Alex is going to slap me.. ><" mmm....

Sunday, July 03, 2005 ; 1:25 PMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

mmm.... we won vball tonight! woohoo~!!! it was a pretty funny game actually... couldn't stop laughing during the hour... haha..~

work at esprit was gd today.. Lily and I full on mucked around =) eating lollies and giving each other the shits.. haha..~ and guess what?! my boy paid me a surprise visit... yay!!! i like it when he visits =) he even brought me lollies to eat... which Lily stole.. and then I had to snatch back.. haha... and being the nice person i am i shared..^^

yesterday we bummed at the city... had a nice lunch and then we went to watch War of the Worlds... mm... it was okies... not my kind of movie but it was pretty cool... dun like Tom Cruise very much but... the movie's special effects were pretty gd I guess...~-.-" and since now I hav watched that with my boy he now has to watch Bewitched wif me when it comes out... haha...~! yay!!!

I miss u guys heaps <3


...Leaving Home...


...Port Stephens...

...Stephy's Bday...

...Rock Climbing...

...Bike Riding...

...Social Work & School Frenz...

...Helpline & Captain Cook...

...Australia Day 08...

...Bicentennial Park...

...Wendy's GraduatioN...

...JapaN & HK TriP...

...Sandy's GraduatioN...

...The EntrancE...

...Xmas Shift...



...BunnY Suicides...



...My BillY BabY...

...Lil Bro~LawrencE...

...SmellY LiLy...



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A lot of treasured moments <3