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Tuesday, August 30, 2005 ; 1:56 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

vball killed me on sunday.. i'm still aching all over... shyte...-.-"

does not telling someone sth, classify as lying? hm... i've always wondered that... it's the case of, well, u never asked, therefore I never got around to telling you... @.@" If i was on the receiving end i'd feel very deceived.. but if I was at the giving end, it was the easy way out and it seemed alright.. ;p hmmm...

Fathers Day soon... what to buy what to buy?

Babysitting this friday while my boy would be out with his old work ppls from his last job.. no fair!!! I wanna go out and eat too :><: I was... until I got the call... *sigh* things I do for extra cash..~ I'm so poor... so poor that I'm on Centrelink Youth Allowance now!

Friday, August 26, 2005 ; 12:32 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

yay! it's Friday.. woohoo~^^ I lurve the w/e... and we've booked courts for vball on sunday for some social play/training... =) cool bananas! mmm... I wanna take up another sport... badminton? squash? actually, does neone know how squash wrks out there? I really wanna learn.. it seems like such a energy consuming sport.. gd gd..^^" I would try tennis but I have came to the conclusion that I cannot play no matter how hard I try... haha...!

Spermy Bernie organised a bubby shower last night for lil Stephy.. so sweet =) she's abt to pop! yay~ can't wait till the baby comes out... he'll be so kyoooote! dinner was *yum* last night and it was nice spending time wif the girls... =) and I bumped into Mike as well.. hhmm...

Capt Ck x'mas party soon.. yippeee~ free drinks all night! too bad I'm not a heavy drinker.. haha.. but it'll be fun^^

HAPPY BDAY to lil Zi Boy for tmr... sowwie I can't make it to ur BIG bash but I'll be thinking of you... *hugz*

Tuesday, August 23, 2005 ; 2:18 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

I saw my bb this morning as we caught the train together to work =) he looked gorgeous in the Esprit shirt I bought him ages ago.. keke... he always looks nice when he goes to work^^ mmm....

went to the Childrens Court yesterday to observe... very hectic stuff... it's like a totally different world... horrible place to be... I really look up to the pplz that work there everyday... -.-"

last weekend my boy and I went to Rhodes to shop at Ikea for stuff for his new home.. he's moving soon :><: far far away from me... no fair! *sob* i dun even know how to get to his new house... haha... newayz... we also went and had a peek at the new apartments that they're building at Rhodes... they're okies... layout pretty dodge... so, we didn't buy any of them >.^ haha...

vball finals Sunday.. neeer, lets not talk abt that, I'd cry!!! ARGH! why why why?! sooooo damn close dag nam it! pppfff... I still have this mega bruise on my knee.. haha.. it hurts!

better go... I think my supervisor thinks I'm wokring heaps hard as I'm continuously typing away.. haha... YAY!

Thursday, August 18, 2005 ; 5:48 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

prac has bn boring as usual... but it's picking up slowly... I just hate doing research projects... ARGH! why me?! hehe... dammit... can't wait till I finish... and then it's free for all after that.. =)

My boy has bn surviving at Westpac... poor baby... been having heaps of IT probs... hehe... can't believe how disorganised Westpac is! haha.. but yeh... hope things get better for him...^^ it just takes time when you start a new job to get use to it... =) be patient babez! we've bn catching the train together in the mornings...^^ haven't done that since long long time ago uni days when we were both still at unsw.. haha..

having a very exciting w/e coming up.. can't wait! visiting Tina on Saturday and then we've got our vball finals Sunday night... *fingers crossed*...

I'm eating Maltesers atm... mmm.. chocolate.... my boy bought them for me... =^^= sweet heh? he always buys me junk food... haha... he's trying to make me fat ^oo^... *oink*

Monday, August 15, 2005 ; 1:08 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

YAY! My boy starts his new job at Westpac today =) so proud of him... transfer pricing analyst.. mmm... dunno what it is.. sounds gd though! haha.. I hope he's enjoying it, even though he's only bn there for an hour or so... =) we caught the train together this morning and he was looking so neat^^

the weekend has bn awesome.. Friday we had a uni seminar, it was sooooo gd to see all the SW pplz again and to see what everyone has bn doing at prac... man, i miss uni so much! they just had union wk where u get cheap and free stuff during the week.. damn... missed out! I want my free fairy floss... =( afterwards we all went to the ct for lunch... it was nice to sit down and talk to everyone... just like the gd old days..

On Saturday my boy and I went on a lunch cruise for our 3yrs (yes, I took him on Capt Ck!), he loved it and the guys were great at serving us.. =) my boy got a lil tipsy as we were offered free alcohol throughout the whole 3hrs.. hahaha!!! awesome heh? too bad we're not big drinkers... I know pplz like Jim would've taken great advantage of it~>.^ later that night we went to Leo Ku's concert which was totally amazing~ very very gd.. it was funny how the security got heaps of glitter and confetti on them... hahaha!!!!

We won our vball semis last night!!! HOOHAAHAA!!! bring on the finals!!! can't wait...

Lawrence, I know what u mean abt everyone's blog dying.. like urs!!! haha... but dun worry, mine will never die... I get bored at prac too easily.. haha!!!^^ take care lil bro.. *hugs*

Monday, August 08, 2005 ; 1:44 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

my boy chucked a sickie last Friday and came out to have lunch with me and pick me up from wrk.. =) how sweeeet! we went to dinner with his mum and then went back to his place where I was faced a challenge of cleaning his desk... -.-" my gosh... u could not even see the desk when I got there, crap everywhere! and for those that know me would know I'm a neat freak so I worked my magic and tidied everything =) what a great girlfriend I am...^^ there'll be many more tidying missions as the date for them to move gets closer... which I am upset but also very excited for them for... -.-"

it's nearly me and my boy's 3yrs... so we decided to go out on Saturday~^^ we went to Double Bay for lunch at Max Brenner.. did some shopping and then went to Bondi... for more shopping... and then we drove to Bondi Beach and walked around a bit then sat down and talked for a while... it was so romantic~^^ never done that with him before... and the sun was setting as well.. =^^= at one stage he jumped off the edge onto the sand and drew "I love u" on the sand with his foot.. haha... can barely see it but it was cute =) it was soooo nice... and then for dinner we went to my favourite steak place at Bondi, HURRICANES! haha.. yes, I'm hooked... ever since we went there for a social work dinner it's bn an addiction. It's awesome! we decided that for our anniversary every year, we'll go there for dinner.. yay!

BB came and visited me at Esprit yesterday.. and he bought me Hersheys Cookies and Cream! *yum*... mmm... and vball last night was pretty gd.. pretty funny actually.. haha...

looking fwd to this week... going bk to uni two days and my baby's chucking sickes again... haha.. so I get to sped more time with him... he starts at Westpac next Monday! I hope it won't be too much wrk for him... ><

Thursday, August 04, 2005 ; 4:46 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

mmm... at prac atm.. just got bk from lunch wif Jacob... *yum!*... went to ths cafe at World Square... very impressed =) it was gd catching up wif him too as we rarely see each other now that he lives in the ct... ><"

Hau and I went to dinner last night and then went to the BMK working in the uk talk... it was totally awesome! it makes me wanna fly over there right now.. =) it was gd seeing Hau as well... can always guarantee a laugh around her cos she's just so silly.. =p haha... and we went for a drink at Blue Ice.. mmm.. lurve that place.. my boy and I use to always go there and bum after uni.. =) gd ol' days~^^ after the talk I caught a train bk home and on the way I was talking to Bill and he said he'd come pick me up and drive me home...! mmm, that's a first! but it was vey sweet of him to do that as he hasn't even had dinner yet and it was like 9:30pm and he was really tired... so many thanks baby! xxx

talking of my boy, he's moving houses in like a mth.. :><: he would be further away from me than he already is now... it's abt a 15mins drive now, but when he moves it'll be like 30mins+ drive! *sob* so sad... but nth I could do...

Monday, August 01, 2005 ; 1:07 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

Pinch and a punch for the first day of month! =) yes.. i know... vry primay/high schoolish... =p

I value weekends so mcuh more now that I'm working full time... now I see why my baby is always so relieved when the w/e rolls around ^^ I did work yesterday at Esprit... so tiring... and smelly Lily wouldn't let me eat and wanted me to starve to death.. :><: and then I went home and watched the OC on dvd.. hehe... meanwhile my boy thought i was gonna go online so he was waiting for me... wahahaha! yes, i hav my priorities straight! we had vball as well last night.... such a shitty game.. ARGH! but lets not go there... -.-"

As for Saturday... bb and I went to Chats and just shopped and ate... they have a Krispy Kreme shop there now! YAY! mmm... donuts...~~~ and my boy bought me two packs of Lindt chocolate for my drawer at wrk.. *yum!*.. at night we stayed at my place and watched Spanglish.. pretty gd =) not your everyday ordinary Adam Sandler movie though!

Can't wait till Wednesday... Hau and I are going to this forum thing at Mercure Hotel in the ct Wednesday night.. they talk about working in the UK and stuff... very exciting =) the thing is... I dunno if I'm really that determined to do it... i want to.. but I also want to delve right into SW full time work and start saving up and be "stable".. if u guys know what I mean.. -.-" and plus, I'm gonna miss everyone so much... I'll have Hau.. but.. she smells!!! hehe.. j/k.. =p but yeh... i dunno... it's weird though.. cos I get a vibe that everyone wants to get rid of me.. like my parents thinks that it'll be a gd experience for me.. and my boy has not even tried to say "i will miss u, plz dun go"... he's just like.. "yeh, okies, have fun, half a yr's not that long".. @.@" mmm... mebbe I will just go and save everyone some grief..!!! oh wellz... see what i get outta the talk thing on Wednesday...^^"

I miss u guys heaps <3


...Leaving Home...


...Port Stephens...

...Stephy's Bday...

...Rock Climbing...

...Bike Riding...

...Social Work & School Frenz...

...Helpline & Captain Cook...

...Australia Day 08...

...Bicentennial Park...

...Wendy's GraduatioN...

...JapaN & HK TriP...

...Sandy's GraduatioN...

...The EntrancE...

...Xmas Shift...



...BunnY Suicides...



...My BillY BabY...

...Lil Bro~LawrencE...

...SmellY LiLy...



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A lot of treasured moments <3