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Wednesday, October 26, 2005 ; 12:30 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...


had dinner with uni pplz Monday night.. it was really gd and I had a great night, it's always nice to catch up every now and then as we're all scattered around the place now...^^ I hope Raph and Karen had a gd night too as it was meant to be for their bday.. hehe =)

bn pretty stressed out lately.. prac is quickly coming to an end but our project seems like it's never gonna be finished :><: sad~~~ and the interview with DoCS is drawing closer and closer... aiyaya~ scary.... thanks to everyone that took time out to counsel me on msn and on he mbl... lurve u guys~*3* i know i can always count on my frenz~^^

had a weird dream last night... it wasn't a scary or sweet dream.. just.. weird... but it's bothering me now as I really wanna know what it meant! And of all ppl... why did I have that dream?! i wonder if other pplz did... cos i dunno why it happened to me... and, i dun even really remember what happened... ><" this is really giving me the shits.....~~~ did a search on the net.. here's what it says:

"Pay close attention to what the spirit is telling you as it could be very important to you. This is normally a dream of warning, and it tells you that the influences around you at this time does not bode well for your affairs, and you should not enter into any binding contracts or verbal agreements until this phase passes"

okay.... what r u trying to tell me dude? i wish i will see u again tonight... mebbe we can talk then? instead of me freakin out and waking up unexpectedly? i promise.... i miss u heaps... =) we all do....

PS. Sandy has not gone looney~^^ well... not to her knowledge newayz.... =p

Monday, October 24, 2005 ; 1:10 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

have posted the ice-skating photos up.. so hav a look at the photos page... =) it was a pretty gd night... always have fun with smelly lily~^^ haha... we had dinner at Inferno's, then went ice-skating for 2hrs, then went to the Ranch for ice-cream and drinks.. *yum* =p

Bummed at Chats on Saturday... had Pho... mm, that was gd..! and we just shopped around... had a nice dinner... and we went back to my place to atch TV... haha!!! typical Saturday I guess..^^ as for yesterday my boy visited me at work in the arvo and then we went to play vball... and we kicked ass!!! we only had four players though so it was four against six.. haha... was so funny... the other two showed up at 7pm when we've finished the game... -.-" silly~~~

3 more weeks of prac... future still very unsure... kinda scared to finish my bachelor degree as this marks the end of my student career (for now newayz)... and that means growing up and going into the full time working world =) gd or bad? i dunno~*

Friday, October 21, 2005 ; 1:25 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

it's bn an awesome week even though the weather has bn pretty miserable and it doesn't look like it'll lift for the weekend... bugger! but oh wellz...

Wednesday mornning... at the office at 8:45am... ticketek site totally blocked due to the high demand... after refreshing ten million times finally got in and logged in at 9:10am.. YAY!!! yippee...~~~^^ and after some mishaps, I finally bought tix to the World Cup Qulaifier Match, Australia vs. Uruguay... whoppieeee~!!! Can't wait... lurve watching sport live... haven't done that since the 2000 Olympics man -.-" all tix are sold out now... too bad if u missed out!^^"

Thursday arvo... before going to a meeting my phone rang with no caller ID... guess who it was?!?! TA-DA! it was.... *drum roll*.... DoCS (Dept. of Community Services)!!! been waiting for this call since September man... whew~ scored an interview with them at Epping CSC on the 1st November... fingers crossed I will ace it and land a job by the end of the year heh? =) that 2500 word application was worth it afterall.. -.-" I better get it... it's my reason for staying in Sydney and not jetting off to London.. @.@"

so it's bn gd news all week.. happy happy joy joy...~^^ got a new phone too... bn playing with it... it's pretty cool... =) had a nice conver with my lil bro yesterday (hehe, we were both at wrk, so funny)... it was nice talking to him... it's weird cos we haven't seen each other for yonks but when we talk I do feel that brotherly sisterly lurve happening... haha~!!! =p

going out with Lily tonight... let's see how THAT goes heh? hehe...

Tuesday, October 18, 2005 ; 1:15 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

had such an awesome weekend^^ On Saturday my boy and I went to Hornsby to do some shopping as I promised to buy him a hi-fi for our three years but it's taken him yonks to choose -.-" the day didn't start off well as he was an hour and fifteen late in meeting me... so I just sat at Borders and read all their trashy magazines... @.@" by the end of the day we found a stereo for him and we went bk to his place to try it out... it was pretty cool as there's a USB port so he could just plug his MP3 player in... at night we watched the 40yr Old Virgin which was pretty funny =)

Vball on Sunday night was pretty gd as we were playing Grandma Queeny's team... and we kicked their asses >.^ but i was so worried abt my boy I kept asking him every minute if he was ok... haha... cos he hurt his back but he couldn't stop himself from playing so we chucked him in as a setter... but still... so scared he was gonna spike and do BBQ Porks... scary~-.-" cos i know sometimes when u do sport, u pull muscles that u never thought you'd pull by doing that sport... oh wellz... he survived at the end of the night =) stayed up till 12:30am watching TVBJ... haha... yes yes, that's mega late for me~^^ aren't u guys proud of me?! was watching the Ding Ding series... so cool... and plus, i didn't have to go to prac on Monday so i didn't mind staying up late...

Yesterday my boy and I took our time in lieu and went out... saw these shoes i fell in love with at first sight at General Pants and was on an expedition to find them... didn't work out... was so dissappointed.. oh wellz... guess we were just never meant to be =( after a trip to Bondi for shoes we went to Auburn to buy phones and stuff... kinda felt bad for my boy cos he wanted the black Nokia phone but they only had the white one.. ><" I hope he doesn't mind la... but yeh, very excited, got a new phone!!! but no time to play wif it as I have to work tonight and tutor tmr night... -.-" baka~~~ and yesterday my boy caught a bus with me to Penno and then caught the train bk to St Leonards... thanks baby for escorting me!!! I had a very nice zzz on the bus... keke... I can't wait till our time in lieu day off...^^

Thursday, October 13, 2005 ; 2:53 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

prac is quickly coming to an end soon... quite excited but then quite lost as well as I still haven't gotten a job lined up... but apparently I shouldn't freak out just yet cos half the pplz in the course haven't even applied for anything... meanwhile I'm still waiting to hear from DoCS... man they are sloooow... -.-"

time has flown by so quickly these past years... I mean, Shirley is now doing her HSC... mum was telling me how Arthur is now driving (scary)... a couple of us are about to finish our degree and graduate next year.. dad and mum just had their 24yrs wedding anniversary... like I said to Bill, next thing u know lil Angelina will be going to uni (she's only two mths old now =p)~!!! hehe... I can't wait till all my friends get married and hav babies... =) hurry up pplz~^^"

Monday, October 10, 2005 ; 1:37 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

Uni prac seminar thingy ma bob last Friday... pretty cool... boring but interesting at the same time.. freakin out cos after socialising with the nerds in social work at the seminar I learnt that they all applied for jobs that I applied for.. -.-" damn you pplz!!!! I really really really want the DoCS job... mmm... gimme!!! hehe... afterwards me and Hau had a drink at Blue Ice which lasted for 2hrs.. haha! It was nice catching up and stuff cos I rarely see my girls nemore... ><"

Went shopping at Parra on Saturday... that was fun... trying to find a stereo for my boy but it wasn't our day as all the stereos we considered buying were all outta stock... ahaha~ sucked in babe!!! =p but we had a nice shopping spree and we had a yummy dinner.... my dish was so yummy my boy kept picking at it~^^ usually it's me picking on his food... haha... he never picks on mine cos he's always scared I won't have enough to eat...^^

Work was okies yesterday... kinda boring since Esprit moved and we're kinda isloated... so I can't talk to Lily nemore!!! argh~~~ Luckily, I brought my book of Sudokus to keep me entertained =) Lily was telling me how she saw my lil bro Lawrence at a party and they were talking abt me... -.-" losers~ stupid sai lo, telling smelly lily how i was scary and bossy back in high school... haha~^^

newayz... 5 more weeks of prac... yippee!!! and... HAPPY 38 mths to my boy...~^^ thanks for the card... and yes, those were tulips... but they're not pink.. geez~ get it right hun~^^

Tuesday, October 04, 2005 ; 3:23 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

it's bn a long weekend... literally... -.-" worked everyday man~ so tired... was at Capt Ck Saturday and Monday, and Esprit on Sunday (as usual). It was nice to do some random shifts at CC as I haven't seen the pplz there for yonks... Saturday was a great shift as we had really gd crew and top deck was a blitz =) as for yesterday.... it was heaps bz (due to the nice weather!) but there wasn't much staff (public holz = double pay!)... Sunday was pretty gd as I nearly made budget and my boy came up in the arvo and had lunch with Lily and I... well, looked at us while we were having lunch.. haha!!!

Friggin Lily and boy... both fly me aeroplane yesterday... =( not happy guys!!! ><" Boy was meant to fin wrk and find me at CQ when I finished my shift but he had to stay bk at wrk... and then lily organised ice-cream/k/movies/dinner at city with a bunch of pplz and then backed out on all of us due to her laziness as she hasn't finished her assignment... -.-" aiyaaaa~ so what did sandy do? went home and plonked herself in front of the tv for the whole friggin night... whooppee~

boy meant to fin early today but is not now... was gonna hav lunch wif him but he doesn't know when he's gonna eat... ok.. i get ur msg... i shall leave you alone Mr. I'm always so busy and dun hav time for anything else... =p pppfff....~

I miss u guys heaps <3


...Leaving Home...


...Port Stephens...

...Stephy's Bday...

...Rock Climbing...

...Bike Riding...

...Social Work & School Frenz...

...Helpline & Captain Cook...

...Australia Day 08...

...Bicentennial Park...

...Wendy's GraduatioN...

...JapaN & HK TriP...

...Sandy's GraduatioN...

...The EntrancE...

...Xmas Shift...



...BunnY Suicides...



...My BillY BabY...

...Lil Bro~LawrencE...

...SmellY LiLy...



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A lot of treasured moments <3