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Monday, November 28, 2005 ; 11:00 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

went to Manly beach on Saturday... such nice weather!!! who would have dreamt that although the morning was pouring and thundering... it cleared and gave us a nice sunny Saturday afternoon to be outdoors =) we took some random pics on the ferries... let me share some with you~^^

just being silly here
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cheesy photo... haha.. i know my baby lurves this one
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my babe lurves it when i go crossed eye and do duckie lips..^^
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thinking... thinking...~~~
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had a verrrrrry nice dinner at Bravo Crows Nest... their Liguni Marinara is delicious!!! and their caesar salad was awesome...!!! thanks baby for taking me there for dinner.. and also buying me gelato afterwards... yay!!! BONUS!^^ haha...

Saw Karen on Sunday.. missed her so much... it was nice seeing u again babes.. can't wait till our dinner date.. >.^

Monday, November 21, 2005 ; 1:43 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

Hey babe... HAPPY 1200 days!!! so happy u remembered hun... well done!!! xoxo

just had a heaps awesome weekend... my boy whisked me away to the Central Coast for two days and one night... celebrated the continuous hardwork of my boy at his demanding job and the completion of my bachelor degree of social work~^^ YAY!!! had so much fun... and my boy got so sunburnt.. keke... photos are uploaded so hav a look!

our first day, watching the pelican feeding show
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my favourite pic.. the water was so clear it reflected the sky^^
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our last lunch at the central coast.. at Hog's Breath! haha
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As soon as we got bk on Saturday arvo I had to get ready to go out again =) Myer Macquarie had a xmas party at Nth Ryde RSL (I know, very classy!) so I had to rush there... turned out to be a really gd night.. lotsa food... lotsa dancing... photos are up too so go look @.@"!!!

me with my luuurvely gurlies =)
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was sooo tired Sunday morning when I rocked up to work... and silly Lily was an hour late cos she slept in.. haha~ trust...-.-" and I had vball last night too, and we kicked ass in the semis!!! hopefully, this season we would take out first place~^^

Thursday, November 17, 2005 ; 4:39 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

the match of the century, I was fortunate enough to watch the match live with a lot of other proud fellow Australians =) well done Socceroos!!! it was awesome~^^

The Place
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The Process
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The Outcome (the penalty shoot out score, 4-2!)
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My boy and I~^^
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Tuesday, November 15, 2005 ; 9:58 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

have uploaded photos from my Friday night out with Lily pooz and her "friends"... haha... so go hav a look! I'm sure some of you already have =)

finally reached the end of my bachelor of social work journey... now it's just wait and see where it takes me!^^ Graduation in April, can't wait!^^" have always looked fwd to that day...

going to the World Cup Qualifier match tmrz.. should be good.. so glad I got tix, i know my boy really wanted to go, even though he said he didn't really mind.. -.-" boys~~~ and we're going up to The Entrance for the weekend!!! yay!!! he's taking me away to reward me for finishing my degree... he spoils me =) xxx

Wednesday, November 09, 2005 ; 10:26 PMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

HAPPY 39 MTHS to my baby....^3^ lurve u heaps... thanks for everything! I know u always have my best interest at heart <3 and treat me like a princess, but I can be pretty nasty sometimes! so thanks for putting up with me... ur the best hun~!

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two more days of prac... very exciting stuff!!! Having a farewell lunch today and ACWA is shouting me.. yippee!!! *bonus* mmm... foooood~~~ and then tmr I'm going out with my girl Miss LiLy along with a bunch of pplz to celebrate... whoopy! weather has bn so nice... I wish it stays like this for the weekend... HA! fat chance~~~

Monday, November 07, 2005 ; 10:55 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

my boy is the best... he bought me these Keds shoes from General Pants @ Chatswood.. fell in lurve with them when i first saw them but they sold out... now they've got a new batch in, my boy bought it for me straight away... thanks babe! ur the best~ *mua*

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Friday was awesome... us 4th year social workers had our last student seminar at uni and we topped it off with a nice BBQ after class. Photos are uploaded so please have a look! here's one of them =)

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afterwards Hau and I went shopping. We came across this very nice bag at Kookai, too bad we're both poor... haha! but it was so pweeety!^^

Last week of prac, very exciting! Lily coming out to city to celebrate with me Friday arvo/night.. thanks babes!!! and then boy taking me out this Saturday, and it looks like we're going away the w/e after... yay!!! First of all, have to do this big ass write up of the report first.. hectic~~~

Wednesday, November 02, 2005 ; 2:17 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

photos with my beloved tatty teddy~^^ my boy bought it for me ages ago out of nowhere.. now it's my most prized possession =)

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had the DoCS interview yesterday morning... guess it went okies... came out feeling pretty neutral =) some say that's a gd sign... haha... i dunno.. won't hear nething till late December... so, more waiting!!! but I'm so glad it's over... it was wise after all to pick an early interview time~^^ Thanks to all the pplz who sent me their best wishes... wendy... tommy... chris... thanQ to all three of you =)

I think I've gained a few kilos after last saturday -.-" my boy and I went to the Fish Markets for lunch... it was SO yummy!!!! mmm... salmon... haha~* and then when we got bk into the city we went straight to Passionflower for waffles and ice cream =p man... the lime sorbet was heaps gd!!! very sour, but once u get past that it tastes awesome! sooooo much food consumed that day... it was gd gd though... lovely weather to top it off too!!! *bonus*

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not long to go till prac comes to an end... we have our last uni seminar this friday... it's gonna be really sad~~~:><:

I miss u guys heaps <3


...Leaving Home...


...Port Stephens...

...Stephy's Bday...

...Rock Climbing...

...Bike Riding...

...Social Work & School Frenz...

...Helpline & Captain Cook...

...Australia Day 08...

...Bicentennial Park...

...Wendy's GraduatioN...

...JapaN & HK TriP...

...Sandy's GraduatioN...

...The EntrancE...

...Xmas Shift...



...BunnY Suicides...



...My BillY BabY...

...Lil Bro~LawrencE...

...SmellY LiLy...



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A lot of treasured moments <3