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Thursday, December 29, 2005 ; 11:14 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

had an awesome x'mas... worked during the day at Capt Ck... Triple pay!!! woohoo...~ have uploaded some photos so go to my photo pg. and have a browse... ^^ here are my gurlies - Lek and Alison... =)

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The new year is quickly creeping up on us.... ARGH!!! what to do...~~~ -.-" spend the last second of the year with my boy... and spend the first second of the new year with my boy..~^^ hehe... sounds like a plan!!! as for new year resolutions.. you know... the ones that no one ever keeps... but for traditions sake.. here goes:

* do sit ups EVERY night before bed to keep a toned tummy
* be more patient with everything and everyone...
* stop PMS-ing more than i should (ie. instead of weekly.. mebbe even daily... should be monthly, yeh?)
* strive to do my best in my new job.. whatever that'll be.. @.@"
* save more money for useful stuff instead of chucking it all on retail therapy

HAPPY NEW YEAR my friends... take care and stay safe during this party season!

Monday, December 19, 2005 ; 7:20 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

Had such a gooooood weekend... with xmas nearing.. have bn out most nights to various dinners and functions..~^^ a reason that xmas is my favourite time of the year! =)

Dinner with uni friends on Friday night was great =) all of us haven't bn together since... session one!! haha... everyone has bn off doing their own thing... so it was great to have everyone at the one place^^ and I'm so glad Tina made it with Angelina!!! thanks for making the effort gurlie.... ^3^ there are some photos below but there's more on my photo page...

After much effort from Karen making my boy smile for a photo.. this is what we achieved =)

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aaaaw.... a lurvely group photo...!!!

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Had to babysit Saturday night so had to cut my date with my baby short.. but I guess that's okies seeing we're gonna see more of each other during this festive season =) here are my two lil babies...^^ Erika, 7yrs and Katya, 3yrs...

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I wish everyone has a great xmas and an awesome new year.... please take good care during these last weeks of 2005... =)

Monday, December 12, 2005 ; 10:58 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

i hav a lil baby... actually, i should say.. WE.. as in me and my boy.. has a new baby to add to the family... =) she's called Giggle~^^ haha... she's from the beanie collection and my boy took her home for our 40mths anniversary.. thanx baby! *3* i really lurve her... she's gorgeous!

i'm sorry abt what happened last night dude... but i hope u understand how i feel and be sensitive towards that....

so many dinners to go to..!!! i luuuuurve xmas! xxx

i wish i could be on holidays with my boy 24/7... i think that's the only time when we're full on enjoying each other's company... -.-" i lurve sleeping in my baby's arms... <3

Wednesday, December 07, 2005 ; 10:10 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

so random... someone told me they had a dream of me last night.. =) hehe... thanks dude... u know I will always be here for you.. and I know you will be too... dun be too depressed abt the break up! cheer up yeh? and go get a shave!!!

feel so weird these days.... u know when u do sth that ur not suppose to.. but thru dat u find out sth? mm... i know... confusing shyte..~~ but yeh... u think not telling is a form of lying? i always thought complete honesty is important in a relationship... but i feel that it's a one way thing in my case~:><: any calls or emails or nething to do with a male species I tell my boy... but in reverse, i know little abt neone in his life... especially the ladies... everytime he goes out i'm not sure who he's with and why he always gets home so late.. sometimes he says friends tell him to go out... but i'm sure sometimes it's him that initiates it... i dun mind that so many of these things happen... but the fact that he doesn't tell me.. or let me be involved worry me sometimes... it makes me think of the time when we first started going out and the numerous tactics he used to keep me away from his friends... weird ass...~-.-" and now.. it's like that again...with his friends... his work colleagues... hai~ sandy always an outcast... always in the background of his life... all his other girls get the better treatment... =(

on a lighter note... interview thingy ma bob yesterday went pretty well.. had a short lunch with my boy afterwards... mebbe i should be happy that he didn't go to soccer...@.@"

Friday, December 02, 2005 ; 10:45 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

feel so privileged... a friend messaged me last night... well, actually, this morning at like 1:30am cos he couldn't sleep and thought of me.. wahaha...~ I hope he wasn't too depressed cos i didn't hear my phone and didn't see the msg till i woke up this morning... -.-" keke...

got some gd news this morning.... arranged another interview for next wk..! yay...~ sounds scary though... will let u guys know how it goes... it's on tuesday 9am till 1pm... it's at an assessment centre and we do stuff individually and as a group... like mock cases and stuff... hectic shyte man!!! wish me luck.. >.^

work has bn tiring... i did 40hrs this week... whew~ can't wait till i get paid..!!! haha... my legs are acheing bad though... need a nice hot bubble bath... mmmm...~ that'd be nice...~*

I miss u guys heaps <3


...Leaving Home...


...Port Stephens...

...Stephy's Bday...

...Rock Climbing...

...Bike Riding...

...Social Work & School Frenz...

...Helpline & Captain Cook...

...Australia Day 08...

...Bicentennial Park...

...Wendy's GraduatioN...

...JapaN & HK TriP...

...Sandy's GraduatioN...

...The EntrancE...

...Xmas Shift...



...BunnY Suicides...



...My BillY BabY...

...Lil Bro~LawrencE...

...SmellY LiLy...



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A lot of treasured moments <3