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Sunday, August 27, 2006 ; 2:25 PMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

What three words would you use to describe Sandy? I randomly asked Bill this question yesterday and he replied: intelligent, affectionate, compassionate. I questioned him abt the intelligent part as... really... I am so not academically minded! Bill told me that I was emotionally intelligent... ie. I'm able to relate to people... I think that's what us social workers refer to as empathy =) As for affectionate, he said it's a good thing.. but, does he mean I'm a flirt?! and, compassionate... that's nice to hear... I like that one!!! haha... what three words would u guys choose? -.-"

Went to work at 8am this morning to do some overtime at wrk... it's been so hectic in the office... :><: So much extra work to be done... and we're expanding our office... all very exciting!!! For the afternoon Bill and I went to Tina's house as she was having a BBQ for Angelina's 1st Bday... hehe... man time has gone by SO damn quickly!!!! Looking at Angie I'm so proud and happy for Tina...^^

Me with the bday gurl.... 0-0

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Me with the "other aunty"... competition man!!! But I still love yoooo Wendy, no love lost~ <3

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A Social Work photo with the bday gurl and mum...

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Monday, August 21, 2006 ; 9:36 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

Haven't posted for some time and lotsa exciting hings has happened in Sandy's life... (oops.. I got busted for speaking in third person before by Robbie...)

Bill and I had our 4yrs anniversary on 10th August 2006!!! yay~ great little mile stone... hopefully there'll be plenty more to come!!! my boy started the day with an sms at 12am.. and then another sms in the morning telling me to have my phone with me all day... little did I know my boy bought me beautiful flowers thru Roses Only!!! delivered to my work as well.. so embarassing... my Team Leader made such a big deal and got me to read the card aloud... hehe.. it was the sweetest thing tho... ^^

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The roses... they were so long and beautiful... they're still thriving even though it's been a week or so now..

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The little extra goodies!!!

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Also went to the Soceroos VS Kuwait game on the 16th August at Telstra Stadium.. alright game... no one cute... ><

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Tram's leaving Sydney soon and going to the UK to do her social work thing... so jealous... but we farewelled her last Saturday with a dinner at Enmore and then clubbing at Equilibrium... and then Kimmy and I went to GAS... pretty gd night/morning.. didn't get home till 6:30am the next day... oh la la...~~~ here are my girls... Kimmy and Trammy

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Plans of going to the Blue Mountains this weekend.. and Bill and I are off to Melbourne soon... can't wait!!!

Wednesday, August 09, 2006 ; 1:05 PMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

hmmm.. lotsa issues lately...

this much hated Team Leader has been hassling me and the team for the last few days... we're planning a stop work meeting.. haha... that would hit the Helpline BAD!

mmm... what should I do tmr? should I go to..... mebbe yes... but.. ethically.. not really correct... right....? but.... feel so unloved lately.....

speaking of which... is anything happening tmr? I keep wishing... hinting... hoping... but, seems like nothing will happen.... hence, we come back to my dilemma.. should I go to.....? hmmm...

geminis are unpredictable... continuously seeking stimulations in life... and not wanting to live a ho hum kinda life....

been thinking abt a lot of things lately... it's kinda like judgement day... have been slapped in the face and is forced to make a decision... it's all the way ahead... or retract bk... there's no staying where I am nemore...

Kimmy is going to Japan soon... and Trammy is going to the UK.. that leaves me to suffer and battle on... ppppffff.... no one to be silly and talk with at work nemore...

Wednesday, August 02, 2006 ; 1:10 PMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

had a pretty gd weekend... =) our team had a 6am shift on Sunday and we had a nice buffet breaky... =p so much foooood... bacon, eggs, sausages, tomatoes, muchrooms, fruit, yoghurt, bread etc. It was awesome!!! Makes the 6am shift on a weekend more worthwhile...^^

During the weekend I was in the car with Bill... and he suddenly said sth that really touched me... =) I mean.. after being together for so long, there's not many things that he says that can move me... He was suddenly talking about me being a nice person.. and treating people well and always understaninding different sorts of people....and genereally being a nice girl =) i was like... okay.. why the sudden change... haha... but yeh, it really touched my heart cos I haven't received compliments like that from my boy for a long time... keke... newayz... just thought I'd share it wif u guys out there... it means a lot to have compliments like that for a social worker!! haha

life has been travelling okies.... missing my friends as I haven't seen a bulk of them due to time constraints... but, my team at work is excellent and has kept my spirits up at the low times... =)

I hope life has been going well for all my loved ones out there too... xxx

I miss u guys heaps <3


...Leaving Home...


...Port Stephens...

...Stephy's Bday...

...Rock Climbing...

...Bike Riding...

...Social Work & School Frenz...

...Helpline & Captain Cook...

...Australia Day 08...

...Bicentennial Park...

...Wendy's GraduatioN...

...JapaN & HK TriP...

...Sandy's GraduatioN...

...The EntrancE...

...Xmas Shift...



...BunnY Suicides...



...My BillY BabY...

...Lil Bro~LawrencE...

...SmellY LiLy...



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A lot of treasured moments <3