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Wednesday, May 23, 2007 ; 11:56 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

Was listening to the Hamish and Andy Show yesterday after work and they were talking about Chivalry and Courtly Love. It was so funny~^^ Basically they were mentioning things like pulling the chair out for ladies before they sit at the dining table, handing and putting on their coats, opening the door for them etc. They were talking about the door opening thing and Hamish was saying how guys should walk in front of the girls in this day and age with all the danger and threats this world possess. However, they came to the conclusion that guys always walk behind them after opening the door for them in order to check out the girl's arse!!! haha... how funny~^^

I'm on two days study leave this week... Thursday and Friday... yay!!! Gotta clear my head and charge on eh? raaaaaah~!

My Love will Get You Home - Christine Glass

If you wander off too far, my love will get you home.
If you follow the wrong star, my love will get you home.
If you ever find yourself, lost and all alone, get back on your feet and think of me,
My love will get you home. Boy, my love will get you home.

If the bright lights blinds your eyes, my love will get you home.
If your troubles break your stride, my love will get you home.
If you ever find yourself, lost and all alone, get back on your feet and think of me,
My love will get you home. Boy, my love will get you home.

If you ever feel ashamed my love will get you home.
When its only you to blame, my love will get you home.
If you ever find yourself, lost and all alone, get back on your feet and think of me,
My love will get you home. Boy, my love will get you home.

Saturday, May 19, 2007 ; 3:06 PMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

What a lovely Saturday...~! Bill and I went DFO shopping and I got new skinny leg jeans.. yippee!!! OH! And we had lunch at Rhodes and look what we saw in the carpark -

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haha... I wonder if it's a girl or boy that drives it.. I reckon it's a boy that drives it but his girlfriend did it up for him.. haha!!!

In the arvo Bill and I went to Meadowbank to watch the boys play soccer... Too bad they lost 0-2 =( Oh well... here are some shots!

The boys running.. and sweating... no hotties though!!!

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Friday, May 18, 2007 ; 7:18 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

Thanks to a best friend who is always there for me.. one who will drive over and show up at my door when a call or sms of rescue is made =) One who has always been able to put a smile on my face and a little sunshine into my life... Thanks for being the one to always understand me, and know what I want, and what I need in life. You're always the first to offer me comfort, a hug, or a strong shoulder to rest on.

You know you're special to me, and have been for many years. We have unresolved issues but if we're happy, it's all good right? I asked you a question today... the one you didn't answer properly. Why you do the things you do... you said cos I want you to. When I asked again... you whispered something, something that I could just barely hear... I dunno if I heard wrong.. hope not. Then when I asked you what did you say... you didn't repeat, but said there's more to it and that I understand. You know I do.. but I just wanted to hear you say your words. I don't know whether you don't have more to say... or just not saying it to piss me off, as you always intentionally do... cheeky little thing.


Wednesday, May 09, 2007 ; 5:53 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

Woke up at 13:00 this arvo as I couldn't sleep last night!!! Bloody night shifts... my body gets confused when I have a day off -.-" was wide awake till 3am this morning... gggrrrr...

Took Kimmy out yesterday before she had to start work =) We went to the city and I took her on a Sunset Cruise on Sydney Harbour! It was nice going back to Capt. Cook again and to see old friends~^^ I hope Kimmy enjoyed it too... too bad they only had one dish of vegetarian! sorry babe...! Here are some happy snaps ---->

The beautiful Opera House~*

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The birthday girl! Kim-Mooooooo~

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Kim and I

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Just jump Kimmy, I won't stop you!!!

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Back on steady ground...

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Tuesday, May 08, 2007 ; 2:59 PMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

It was Wendy's graduation last Thursday... yay!!! Congratulations my dear...~~~ I hope the day was truly memorable and special for you as you deserved it!!! *hugs* Wish you all the best with your social work career now! hehe... I've uploaded all the photos on my page so just click on the link on the left <---------- to see more of Wendy's pretty face =)

Me, Wendy & Hau

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Wendy & me!

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Tuesday, May 01, 2007 ; 3:44 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

haven't blogged for ages and a lot has happened... =) I'm back from holidays as most of you are aware... and it was an excellent trip! now, I'm just getting back into the fast pace of things...

I'm still at DoCS working my shifts away... still going with my masters course... and trying to stay outta trouble!!! A lot has been happening and I'm struggling a bit but I know I will get there... we all somehow pull thru in the end right?!^^ Everything should be good by the end of June...

Until then I may hibernate for a bit...


I miss u guys heaps <3


...Leaving Home...


...Port Stephens...

...Stephy's Bday...

...Rock Climbing...

...Bike Riding...

...Social Work & School Frenz...

...Helpline & Captain Cook...

...Australia Day 08...

...Bicentennial Park...

...Wendy's GraduatioN...

...JapaN & HK TriP...

...Sandy's GraduatioN...

...The EntrancE...

...Xmas Shift...



...BunnY Suicides...



...My BillY BabY...

...Lil Bro~LawrencE...

...SmellY LiLy...



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A lot of treasured moments <3