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Tuesday, June 26, 2007 ; 2:18 PMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

Before I get into my Melbourne trip... look what Bill made me for part of my bday pressie... hearts!!!! keke... so cute, thanks babe!!!

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Okay, Bill and I went to Melbourne on Saturday and got back yesterday arvo =) Didn't do much, just had a nice weekend away from Sydney. The first night we went to see Circus Oz... man it was AWESOME!!! I haven't seen a show like that for yonks and I luuuurve those acrobatic shows... it was hilarious too!!! keke Anyway, here's a photo of me near Federation Sqaure...

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We went to Crown and loooook at the cakes there...!!! mmmmm

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We did lunch Sunday arvo at this asian restaurant and the food was so niiiiice... here's a photo of my baby...

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Karen also told me to go to KoKo Black when I'm in Melbourne, so I went!!! It's kinda like our Max Brenner, but I found Max Brenner to be better!!! Maybe it's cos KoKo Black is all to do with dark chocolate, and I don't like it as much as milk or white chocolate... still, the experience was great!!!

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Saturday, June 16, 2007 ; 2:01 PMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

Went to visit Tina at her place today... so I picked up Wendy at abt 11:30am and we bummed at Tina's place with the girls till about 4:30pm and I drove Wendy home and then got myself home =) Ate so much fooooooood at Tina's house... Emma and Amie kept feeding me!! haha.. and Angie's so cute.. you ask her what sound a cow makes and she goes "moo moo" and a bird she goes "chirp chirp"... and she does a Shrek impersonation by pulling her own ears!!! hahahaha^^

Amie and Emma were playing with their two Barbie toys.. so funny, Wendy told them to name them.. and Wendy goes "name her Wendy, no wait, I'm not that skinny", and then one of the twins goes "I name her Sandy, she's skinny!"... haha.. are they hinting that Wendy's fat?! hahaha... funny... and then Amie picks up this candle and walks around saying "I'm at church".. haha.. those two little ones... all day entertainment!!!

Here;s Angie watching TV with a cutesy Tatty bag... I was going to put it on her tummy but she turned around and told me to put it on her back...!

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The twins.. Amie and Emma still in their pjs..

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Angie has her own baby already!!! Here's Wendy helping Angie out giving her some parenting tips...

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here are all the girls.. including Barbie Sandy!!!

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Here's me with Angie and Wendy pooz~

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Me with the twins....

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Haha... this photo is so funny... so totally caught her off guard!

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The twins coloured in and did some drawings for me... they are in my previous post... have a look!!!

Friday, June 15, 2007 ; 1:56 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

Been getting some late birthday wishes =) Thanks for your phone call Tina.. and your email Kylie... and good on Ricky for writing a bday message on my pad of paper at work!!!

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Emma and Amie made me some drawings as well... so cuuute... <3

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Thursday, June 14, 2007 ; 8:04 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

The weather was so nice this morning, now it's cold and miserable again!

I took a little walk to Hickory Park this morning... I don't know why, but when I'm upset or have things to think through I always go there. That park has so many memories... Amanda and I use to go there and muck around so much when we were in Yr7 =) And Jean and I use to always hang out there when we were in high school. When Mike and I were together, he would walk all the way to my house and we'd go to the park too... just going to the park and looking around, so many memories flood back. I've been there with Bill a few times too....

I haven't been to Hickory Park for a few months now... until today. No one was there as everyone was at work and at school... it was so peaceful and quiet~* I was there for about an hour, just listening to my iPod and staring into space. I spend most days dealing with other people's problems and see so many breakdowns of relationship and abuse of children.. today was a good day for me to snap out of it and turn the focus back on myself. Self care is so important in social work... I remember Kylie (my team leader) telling me to look after myself as no one else will.

I've been a bit upset and disappointed lately... I wonder where my own tolerance line is. Just like DV families. The victim always stays as they're so emotionally dependant on their partner, they're always hoping things will change.. but this desensitises them as they do not see that the violence they experience is unacceptable. I feel so desensitised lately... time has changed a lot of things.. including feelings and maturity. My expectations have always been the same...

If a person sees a child drowning, the person will go save that child to the best of their ability. It's a natural reaction as it's the goodness of humans. I believe when you love someone, you naturally will do things to please them and make them happy, without much effort. If the girl decides to end the relationship but the boy still loves her, he will do everything in his ability to fight her back. It's common sense, there's no free meal in this world. A boy can say a million I love you and I miss you... but actions speak louder than words. People take things for granted... and they miss out.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007 ; 3:21 PMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

My birthday yesterday... yay! I'm 23 now.. woah~^^ It was special as I had a lot of people wishing me well. However I didn't get up to anything special, just did some shopping and had some nice food with my parents =)

The day started with a midnight sms and phone call from Bill wishing me Happy Bday <3 Mike also called me in the morning saying he will drop by. He came over and brought me breakfast!!! He brought me a tomato, cheese, bacon and chives roll (sth like that!) that he made that morning (he's a baker^^), and he bought me coffee!!! My beloved Latte.. I felt so special... here he is baring gifts...

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I also got messages throughout the day from Betty, Leslie, Miyuki, Derek, Sisqo, Wendy, Krystle, Johnson and Zi.. plus a phone call from Hau =) Thanks guys for thinking of me yesterday.. love yas!!!! And thanks to Boost Juice for my free large Berry BANG! haha~~~

Bill celebrated with me last Saturday and we went to Kobe Jones for dinner.. *yum* before that Bill took me to the Lindt Cafe... how cute does he look here?

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And here's a photo of some boats that I use to work on... we had brekkie at King St Wharf on Saturday morning and I couldn't resist taking photos...!

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Friday, June 08, 2007 ; 5:34 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

Not ready to make nice... yup, that's right! Time to set things straight and be independant!!!

I luuuurve my photos... here are some shots from a dinner at Parramatta Hogs Breath with Wendy, Tina and baby Ange =)

Our baby girl having some water...
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Mum and baby...
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Aunty Wendy and Angie... Angie has moisturiser all over her face!!!
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Thursday, June 07, 2007 ; 9:03 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

eeeeeeeeeiiii....... so happy today~ Tina called me (with Jeff next to her) and asked me whether I was doing anything for my bday, if not to have dinner Tuesday night =) so glad someone remembers my special day~^^ Too bad I have been bombarded with essays and exams lately... but come end of June I will be celebrating! It really touched me though that Tina and Jeff wanted to do sth for me... thanx guys!

Someone also touched my heart yesterday by remembering my bday and promised me a yummy surprise =p mmm...~ Truly touched as this particular bestie never remembers my bday... but for some reason, sth clicked this year! I know this year... will be a special one <3 I won't let anyone or anything ruin it for me... first in first served, no more waiting around!


編曲:Johnny Yim

就到生日 電話防似斷線 快入眠

難道怕 被忘記 (其實怕 淡忘你)
最刻骨只因你 承諾字句手寫更入戲 (我日記)
浪漫太少 沒緊要
誰人沒說 我太可笑
寂寞太多 受不了
仍然在渴望這刻得到你照料 如今已明瞭

若有一天 準備遠去
讓我考慮 是否敢去面對

浪漫太少 沒緊要
明明誓約令我 這心不再動搖
寂寞太多 亦不錯

I miss u guys heaps <3


...Leaving Home...


...Port Stephens...

...Stephy's Bday...

...Rock Climbing...

...Bike Riding...

...Social Work & School Frenz...

...Helpline & Captain Cook...

...Australia Day 08...

...Bicentennial Park...

...Wendy's GraduatioN...

...JapaN & HK TriP...

...Sandy's GraduatioN...

...The EntrancE...

...Xmas Shift...



...BunnY Suicides...



...My BillY BabY...

...Lil Bro~LawrencE...

...SmellY LiLy...



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A lot of treasured moments <3