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Friday, September 21, 2007 ; 5:27 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

maaaaaan... I really don't like the waiting game. Why oh why? Who came up with this game anyway? What are the rules? Can I like, speed things up? ARGH!

* Waiting for my UK Social Work Registration to go through
* Waiting for my bday pressie from Bill and it's been more than 3mths
* Waiting for people to email/FB me back about events
* Waiting for TL EOI to come out at work
* Waiting for Sheldon and Sharon to have their baby (WHEN Shelley?! WHEN?!?!)
* Waiting for end of session so I don't have to study
* Waiting for a weekend off so I can see Angie and Tina
* Waiting for Xmas and New Year
* Waiting to get on that plane and jet off to England!!!

mmmmmmmm...... shoot me! *ka piang!* (haha.. does that sound like it?)

I think spending too many days at the library has made me crazy... =P

Sunday, September 16, 2007 ; 1:20 PMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

What a weekend.. spent both days @ Castle Hill Library :) turning into a N-E-R-D! haha! And Bill was there with me both days... thanks babe! I will make it up to u when I am free from work and after mid semesters :(

Here's my boy working hard.. meanwhile I was so distracted!

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This is my desk at the Lib... my laptop.. and my coffee :)

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As some of you know, my cousin Elaine (13yo) is currently over from HK to study. She is now doing an English bridging course, and then will be going to Castle Hill High next year to do Yr9 :)

Here is Elaine showing pride in her designer lunch bag (she was so excited!)

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Saturday, September 15, 2007 ; 2:41 PMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

Had a chat with Jean last night about my options. What she said was very true. I mean, a lie is a lie, is it worth getting all worked up about it. Cos I can either pretend nth has happened and keep living life.. or confront, and lose the friendship after a big hoo haa abt it. All along I haven't thought abt confronting.. cos I really don't need that kind of drama in my life. It may be weak.. but I guess sometimes, some things are better left unsaid. However, I can't stop thinking abt it. I am 100% sure one had lied, and I dun wanna guess or know which one it is. It doesn't make a difference. Even if I confronted both, it means that I have to tell the other what the other had said. And that itself will cause some dramas. *sigh*

So anyway, it's been dealt with... I chose the easy way out :)

mmm... currently watching the rugby and it's half time. We're kicking ass! yay!

Spent the whole day at the library today.. got SOME work done... thanks to Bill who has been very tolerant of the limited time I've been spending with him <3

Friday, September 14, 2007 ; 8:53 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

Feel like shit lately.. so tired from wrk, uni and other crap that's been going on.

Two best friends, one is lying to me. God knows why as it does not give them any advantages to anything. Funny things is, which ever one it is, he/she lied to me out right! As in, I didn't ask them something and they decdied to make up a story... they just randomly decided to bring up a topic and lied. It was just plain coincidence that both these people were talking about the same thing on separate occasions and the story conflicted. I don't know which one out of the two it is... but hell, ONE IS AND I AM SURE OF IT! I'm gutted cos either one, I would be cut. Lose-Lose situation here! I will never know which one it is, but it hurts knowing one of them is deceiving. One of the things I value most in friendship is honesty... what a joke~

Have an essay due Monday and another on Friday. Both I have barely started. Kill me now someone.

Politics at work... as like every other work place I guess. But it annoys the hell out of me when all i wanna do is help some children and there are people who don't give a shit and just wanna suck up to the big guns. Fuck that~

aaaaaaah... hopefully tomorrow Sandy will be much more optimistic about the world~*

Tuesday, September 11, 2007 ; 8:22 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

Bomb scare on Pennant Hills Rd today! What was that all about? Near Mount St Bernadict (however u spell it!) was it? oooooh.... very close to home pplz!!!

I'm missing my old life... life before starting my Masters degree :( I'm starting to wonder whether I did the right thing, choosing to study again. I mean, I've never been the academic but for some reason I really wanted to complete another degree. I am like a quarter thru, half way after this session! However, I have found this session a struggle. The thing is, I have a law module and I totally suck at law. I did legal studies in yr12, and a legal issues module during my bachelor degree, and I just passed both. Currently, I am procrastinating in doing my two essays which are due to one weeks time. aaaaah.. need a miracle right now!!!

Played vball last weekend and it was truly satisfying!!! I haven't played for a while and getting back onto the court was awesome! I can't wait till the next one.. which would be in two weeks time with Duong and the boys. YAY! I wonder whether I will meet some vballers in the UK!?

I'm feeling very sorry for a friend at the moment... well, i dunno whether I would call her a friend. More like an acquaintance. But yeh, 3yrs down the track and the boy has said that he is bored of being in a relationship and wants to be single. Like, what the hell? I just dun get that.. -.-" what a spin out! It's hard when u give it ur all and u get whacked with that. You just never know with these men!!!

Missing my little Angelina at the moment... she's gorgeous!!! wonder what mum and her are doing.. she's probably napping right now :p

Thursday, September 06, 2007 ; 12:46 AMY
...Cherish Life's Simple Pleasures...

I got an email from the recruitment agency a few days ago saying my registration has been sent!!! yay! so now it's just the waiting game.. then I do my visa, and off I go to England! :)

Haven't been doing much lately.. just busy with uni and charging on with my shift work :p Uni has taken a lot of my time these few weeks and it SUCKS! I kinda regret doing this Masters course now... -.-"

Anyway, popped by Tina's place last Sunday (Father's Day) so here are some snaps...

This is my boy after lining up with kiddies for a balloon for ME!

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This is my little angel playing with a roll of what looks like cling wrap~

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Now... friggin Angie took my phone after saying please and thank you (yes, the manners melted my heart) and then kept claiming that it's hers. When I continually asked for my phone back Angie would just hold it, hide it behind her back, and say "mine"... :p

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And then Angie started putting stickers on my foot... classy!

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I miss u guys heaps <3


...Leaving Home...


...Port Stephens...

...Stephy's Bday...

...Rock Climbing...

...Bike Riding...

...Social Work & School Frenz...

...Helpline & Captain Cook...

...Australia Day 08...

...Bicentennial Park...

...Wendy's GraduatioN...

...JapaN & HK TriP...

...Sandy's GraduatioN...

...The EntrancE...

...Xmas Shift...



...BunnY Suicides...



...My BillY BabY...

...Lil Bro~LawrencE...

...SmellY LiLy...



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A lot of treasured moments <3